Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Save people

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Then, a deafening roar came from behind Li Luo.

Accompanied by a tremendous spiritual pressure soaring into the sky, Qiongqi's figure jumped out of the fog.

Li Luo was shocked, while turning around and retreating violently, he held a sword in one hand, and a trace of magic spread all over his body. The whole figure turned into an afterimage and was submerged in the mist, disappearing.

Qungqi suddenly screamed, and one of the tyrannical laws surged out, causing Li Luo's heart to rise with anger, and under a soaring hostility, he instantly exposed his whereabouts.

Qiongqi's face was sullen, and his figure gradually blurred as he lifted a pair of sharp front paws, instantly transformed into several phantoms, and rushed towards him.

Li Luo's complexion changed, a flash of silver light flashed on his body, and the diamond armor condensed again. The sword light of one hand flashed and turned into a purple horse. The thunder sword qi instantly pierced through the void of more than ten meters. On top of the steel wool in front of Qiongqi.


Under the explosion of the void, Qiongqi's steel wool burst instantly, and the skin was instantly blackened, but there was no blood flowing out, obviously he did not suffer much injury.

But at this moment, a huge boulder in the distance was rumbled with a loud noise, and it split into pieces in an instant. The thunder and slurry rolled on it, and purple electric lights flashed endlessly.

Li Luo squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding boulders. The black magic treasure in his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling purple light, his arm suddenly lifted, facing all directions, a wave of thunder sword aura was split, and all the surrounding boulders were chopped into pieces. The stones are scattered all over the ground.

Qiongqi looked at Li Luo, and the beast's face showed an extremely anthropomorphic mockery.

Seeing his figure flashed, he once again rushed towards Li Luo aggressively.

Li Luo's face sank, his left hand suddenly lifted, and he clenched his fist tightly, and suddenly a strong wind surged in all directions. I saw a huge palm phantom unfolding from his fisted left hand, phantom out, and blasted towards the opposite Qiongqi.

The palm of this hand is huge, and there seem to be faint burning sounds chanting, and there are lines of lines coiling on it, which seems to be extremely powerful.

This is also the magical power that Li Luo has comprehended by practicing the magic power of Fensheng Town-----the Demon Hand of Luohan Town!

If he had cultivated the magic power of Fensheng Town to Dzogchen, he would even be able to comprehend the legendary "Tathagata Palm"! Legend has it that the Tathagata **** is in the palm of the hand, not to mention any gods and demons, it is the Fazu Great Immortal, and I don't want to take it easily.

As soon as the giant palm shot out, it was as if Qiongqi had been locked, and the surrounding void suddenly trembled violently. With the sound of breaking through the air, cracks in space emerged.

Qiongqi finally showed a touch of fear. There was a strong color of horror in his eyes, and the figure wanted to make some dodge action.

But this giant palm seemed to be able to solidify space, and Qiongqi stood there, but couldn't move the slightest.


In desperation, he opened his mouth wide, and a dazzling gray light condensed in his mouth. Under the sudden light, it turned into a gray beam of light and shot towards the giant palm.

But seeing the giant palm's power like a broken bamboo instantly crushed the beam of light, and cast it unabatedly on the steel wool of Qiongqi.

Boom! There was a loud noise.

Qiongqi was smashed directly under the ground, and the ground was cracked inch by inch, and bursts of golden Buddha energy rose up.

I saw that the steel wool on Qiongqi's back had disappeared, replaced by a layer of black-gray ashes, and the flesh and blood of the back was stuck on his back like mud, and under a screaming cry, Qiong Qi's face finally showed a look of extreme horror.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, and before he could move, the vine shot out from his hand and plunged into Qiongqi's body instantly. At the same time, Li Luo rode on his neck, clenched his fists with both hands, and slammed down towards Qiongqi's head.



The screams were endless, and after a long period of time, Qiongqi's struggle gradually calmed down.

Li Luo smiled with joy, and instantly flew up from the mummy and landed in the distance to stand still.

I saw a fragrance from the mandala, and the vines shot directly into the sky, and a vermilion fruit the size of a watermelon gradually condensed. 】

Li Luo climbed to the top, plucked the mandala fruit, and started to devour it.

Immediately, Fen Shengzhen's magic power was fully energized, and the magic seed in the body began to further refine, rapidly shrinking.

The vines slowly retracted into Li Luo's embroidered robe, and a pleasant spirit wave passed along.

Li Luo's eyes flashed before returning to the original path.

"Elder Li Luo."

A dozen people in black stood respectfully.

"Let's go."

Li Luo mounted his war horse, without mentioning the news of the death of the black-clothed old man, and rushed towards the way he came.

About a month later.

Li Luo returned to the mountain gate of the Demon Profound Gate.

Looking at the scarred man in front of him, Li Luo frowned and asked, "Where are the Shen Xiaoyao and others who were caught before?"

"Elder Hui, it has been escorted to the Magic Bridge." The scar man replied respectfully.

"Magic Bridge?" Li Luo asked, touching his chin, "Where is that?"

"The elders don't know anything. If you enter the Illusory Demon Bridge, as long as your mind is not strong, you will fall into layers of horrible dreams, gradually lose your mind, and become a total murderous demon or lunatic. The sect master threatens the sky mysterious gate with this. The head of the man has appeared." The scar man explained with a smile.

"Oh." Li Luo nodded, raised his foot and just wanted to leave, as if thinking of something, and asked: "Where is the Magic Bridge?"

"It's in the Valley of Chaos Demon, 300 kilometers away from our mountain gate, to the southeast of our mountain gate." The scar man replied with a smile.

"Okay, there is a prize." Li Luo smiled, took out the space bag of the elder of the transformation stage, and threw it over.

The scarred man was overjoyed, took the space bag, checked it, and suddenly froze here.

"Elder, this day is precious. I can't do it!" The scarred man wanted to refuse something, but when he looked up, Li Luo had disappeared.

Li Luo mounted a wildebeest and ran all the way, one day and one night later, a dark valley appeared before his eyes.

A few people in black came over, looked at Li Luo's familiar black clothes, and the black jade brand on his waist, and suddenly stood aside respectfully: "Elder."

Li Luo gave a hum and asked, "Where are the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect?"

"It's been a month since Illusory Demon Bridge in the depths of Chaos Demon Valley." Several Demon Profound Sect men replied.

"I'll go and see." Li Luo knew that he was about to go in, but was stopped by a few men in black.

"Elder, the lord has ordered that no one can enter the valley of chaos!"

Li Luo glanced at a few people in black ~www.readwn.com~ his eyes narrowed and he stomped to the ground suddenly.

With a bang, the surrounding ground fell apart in an instant, and several black clothes were instantly shocked into the air, like dead fishes, falling heavily on the ground.

Li Luo's face showed a mocking smile, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the depths of the Valley of Chaos.

When he reached the depths of the valley, Li Luo saw the seven figures standing on a pitch-black bridge like sculptures, and a wave of black magic circling around them.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, raised his right foot, and stepped on the ground.

There was a bang, and shock waves surged towards several people.

"Damn it."

Several people were awakened by the shock wave immediately, and hurriedly ran towards Li Luo.

"Brother Li Luo. Sure enough, it's you, let me just say, you can't help a few of us." When Shen Xiaoyao saw Li Luo's back, he was overjoyed and ran over quickly.

But at this moment, there was a thunder in the distance, and the sudden change!

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