Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Contest

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On a piece of island floating in the void, a giant sword passed across the sky. Above the giant sword were more than 20 swordsmen in cyan robes, who seemed to be from a fairy gate in the world of fairy tales. .


The void suddenly buzzed in the distance, and a dense black cloud flew over. In the black cloud, there were countless black crows. Amidst the scalp squeaking sound, they flew towards the figure on the giant sword. .


   These immortal disciples were surprised at first, but soon stabilized their figures.


   After all, they are immortal disciples, and they adjusted their state quickly, and immediately flew out the spirit sword in their hands, and the various sword lights shot towards the bat, harvesting the life of the crow like a chicken and a dog.




   Near a certain valley, there was a cloud of white mist all around, and suddenly, the mist rolled violently.


   There was a noisy "click"!


   In the next moment, five golden puppets measuring several meters in size suddenly ran out of the valley with strides, each step can span more than ten meters, and quickly fled towards the distance.




   There was a strange buzzing sound in the white mist, and then a large crowd of huge bats flew out from it, each of which was the size of a human head, and had a fiery red body, emitting an extremely hot aura.


Suddenly, the bat at the front suddenly exhaled a hot breath. Soon, the back of the puppet at the back was touched by the breath, and it became anxious, but the puppet seemed to be of a very high level, and the speed still fleeed unabated. go with.


   And after these bats vomit, their speed is also slowly overtaken by the bats behind.


   After so many times, the speed of the five puppets is still unabated. A figure is sitting on the front puppet, with a slightly worried expression on his face.


   Fortunately, the quality of the humanoid puppets is good enough. Although the surface is anxious, it does not affect the action. After many attacks without results, these bats gradually lose interest.


   After the flame bat chased for a while, seeing the puppet speed getting faster and faster, hovering in the air for a while, then flew towards a few void worms in the distance.


But the next moment, the Void Wormman let out an excited hiss, and turned into afterimages flashing in the void. These bats are like dumplings in a pot, planted from mid-air, and the dark red blood will be scattered all over the place in an instant. The grassy ground was stained with scarlet red.


   These humanoid puppets only stopped in front of a ruined building after escaping dozens of miles.


   Immediately afterwards, the figure-shaped puppets clicked and rattled, and the abdomen of each puppet opened, and there were three or four people hidden in it.


   After a while, there were more than 20 people on the scene, not others, but Anda and others.


   At the same time, the five human-shaped puppets made a creak in their bodies, and they turned into puppet spheres one after another, and they were collected by Anda.


   At this moment, most of the people looked a little embarrassed. Although they didn't suffer any serious injuries, they were still breathing heavily.


"Everyone, the valley is where the ancient wizard laboratory is located, but these bats and the insects and beasts in them are quite high-level. We bring out some of them again and again, and I believe it will not take long to wait to try to get in." Canogan glanced at the crowd. Said loudly.


   "Yes, it's still a long time before the ancient ruins teleportation array is closed, and we still have a lot of time to explore here." It was Zhao Hu who was talking, and he saw the bright light flowing around him, not panting like other people.




   In a mountain range surrounded by ancient trees, flames and ice cones shot in all directions in the void, and elemental energy boiled for a moment.


  The two sides in the battle, one is a giant wind wolf about ten meters in size, and the other is a group of orcs with beast heads. Judging from the dressing, they should come from the same world.


   Behind this giant wind wolf is a huge cave. The red glow in the depths of the cave gleams, as if a treasure loomed out.




   With the passage of time, the powerful creatures of various planes have entered the land of ancient relics and started their respective treasure hunting trips.


  Xianxia World’s Li Luo and his party, after leaving the desolate area at the beginning, intentionally or unintentionally headed towards the green vegetation, and at the same time nervously guarded against a sneak attack by the herd of animals or bats.


   "Wait a minute!" Li Luo flying in the front suddenly stopped with a wave of his sleeves.


Seeing this, the four people behind    stopped to escape.


   "Little friend Li Luo, is another animal herd attacked?" Zhang Yifan, who was at the end of the team, changed his face and flew over, while guarding the surrounding situation, he asked.


   "Don't panic at the head of Zhang, it's not an enemy attack, but a faint light emerges in the far east, and the aura and elements fluctuate quite high." Li Luo turned to face the east and said lightly.


   Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they turned their heads and looked towards the forest to the east, where there was a green color without any abnormality.


   A layer of golden light appeared in Jiekong's eyes, and the golden light flashed suddenly. He glanced forward, and his brows were slightly furrowed after a while.


   "It is very far from here, and there is a faint magical energy emerging, there should be a magical treasure emerging." Jie Kong said in a deep voice, looking at Li Luo: "There are a total of ten magical energy, we still..."


   "It's okay, we'll do what we see." Li Luo lightly smiled and glanced at everyone.


   "Indeed, if those demons have infighting ~www.readwn.com~ or there are third-party forces competing with them, our chances of reaping benefits are still not small!" Everyone present was overwhelmed by the words.


   "The precious light aura is very strong, and it is very likely that it is a pseudo-immortal existence." Li Luo glanced indifferently and said.


   "Pseudo-immortal artifact! It's okay to go and have a look, anyway, we desperately need these demons to provide us with the original Buddha seeds." Jie Kong nodded without hesitation.


  Jie Yun and Jie Fog were even more ecstatic. Naturally, there would be no opinion. There was only one Zhang Yifan who had no choice but to put forward any other opinions. Everyone turned their directions and flew towards the east.


   The speed of everyone's escape gradually accelerated, and it didn't take long before they had flown hundreds of miles away.


   At this point, everyone can more clearly sense the abnormal aura fluctuations ahead, and there seems to be a huge elemental vortex slowly rotating in the sky.


   "Little friend Li Luo's spiritual consciousness is so powerful, admire and admire it!" Zhang Yifan exclaimed sincerely.


   "Head Zhang has passed the award." Li Luo's face was as usual, and his tone of voice turned: "I used the invisibility technique to hide your figures, and we slowly approached."


   The elemental energy in Li Luo's hand surged, and soon everyone felt that under a wave of elemental energy, the surrounding void became dazzling, and people around him could no longer be seen.


   Immediately, everyone slowed down abnormally with joy, and continued to fly towards the east.



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