Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Stone of Law

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   is in the ruins of a ruined city that covers an area of ​​several tens of kilometers, a hundred kilometers away from Li Luo and others.


The entire city is built on several mountain peaks. Most of the city is composed of two-story small buildings made of blue stones. After years of hard work, they have been dilapidated. Many places have collapsed. The cities are overgrown with weeds and vines.


   In the center of the city is a square about a hundred meters in size. In the center of the square is a statue of a human monk. Although it is somewhat fragmented, it exudes a breath of dark elements.


   "Brother Wen, we have searched this place carefully, and we haven't found any magic treasures, but the magic energy emitted by the statue in front of you is relatively strong."


Several black shadows flashed in the center of the square. It looked like it should be the ancient demon clan. The demon headed by him looked extremely ugly. Under the sarcoma on his face, scars staggered across, a wave of viciousness. Qi rises.


"You can't go wrong. My uncle used to be in this dilapidated city. He was chased by those **** decent people and fled into it. He escaped from the evil beast and ascended to heaven. Although he ran in a hurry at the time, But I still found a black stone with a strong devilish energy."


   "This black stone is very important to us. It is not only rich in demonic energy, but also has a powerful dark law for us to absorb. With this kind of strange thing, our strength will definitely skyrocket!"


   "Now, we just can't determine the specific location. Let me continue to look for it, even if I dig the entire ruins upright, I must find it!"


   The demon surnamed Wen whispered in an unquestionable tone, and then the black flames all over his body rose up, turning into a black wind, whistling toward the nearest statue.


After    "huhu" a few times, the entire statue turned into black sand in the sky, collapsed and scattered in the air.


When the other demons saw this, they followed their example and separated, urging the magic in the body, condensing into the palms of one by one, moving towards the dilapidated two-story small buildings left in the ruins. Crazy shot.


   For a time, the "boom" bursting and crackling sounded everywhere in the entire ruins.


   One day later, the entire ruins became a rubble under the hands of these demons.


   Now, except for the black square covered with rubble, all the houses are turned into a piece of rubble and scattered on the ground.


"Still not! It's been ten days since I entered this ancient ruins, and I haven't gained anything yet. It's better to find other demons to converge and look for other magic treasures." One of them was a tall and thin man with abscesses on his face. People sighed.


   "Idiot, this black stone is not more precious than other magic treasures? What is the purpose of my waiting for this ruin?" The demon surnamed Wen looked cold and shouted at him.


   "Wen Yan, what are you talking about? Don't think that relying on the cultivation base of the later stage of the incarnation can point us at us!" The tall and thin demon was furious.


   "Hmph, I knew you were very unconvinced with me as the team leader this time. We demon have always respected the strong, you can try it!" Wen Yan replied faintly.


   The tall and thin demon suddenly shrank when he heard the words, and narrowed his eyes to look at Wen Yan. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said:


   "You're right. Before I came here, I advanced to the late stage of transformation, and I wanted to fight with you a long time ago!"


   Just after the voice fell, the tall and thin young man made a pinch with one hand. The black magical energy all over his body suddenly rolled over.


   Wenyan snorted disdainfully, flipped one hand, and condensed a dark green magic flame in his palm, rising up, turning into a dark green palm, and patted the tall and thin young man.


"Extreme evil demon skill? Impossible! This skill should not be practiced by the non-devil race!" The tall and thin demon's face changed suddenly when he heard this. He immediately stepped on his legs, and immediately turned an afterimage back. Violently flashed away.


   Wenyan sneered, his palm seemed to be lightly pushed, and the dark green energy giant palm burst into flames, and suddenly patted it in the void with an accelerated speed.


   The tall and thin demon's heart tightened in fright, as if his heart was pinched fiercely, and the figure retreated violently and inadvertently jumped into the square.




   There was a loud bang, and the floor tiles of the entire square shattered instantly. It turned into a sky full of rubble and spread out, with a scream, and a scream of a figure burning with billowing green flames. It turned into a piece of coke and lost its breath.


   Just as all the demon onlookers were shocked, a fist-sized spar with black light all over, shot out from the rubble, and a powerful dark law swayed away.


   "This is... It's the Black Stone!" A demon who was watching the battle, his face was pleased, and his face was scorching hot.


   Wenyan also showed great joy, and immediately moved his arm to take the black stone.


   At this moment, with a "puff", a black pike broke through the air from nowhere, and in a flash, it rolled away the entire black stone.






   There is a loud noise!


   Wenyan furiously punched out, a dark green fist flashed away, but the black pike was easily avoided in a vague manner.


   Then, there were waves in the void, and dozens of Void Insects, Frost Insects, and various types of Insects appeared.


   Seeing that, it should be from a whole plane of Zerg.


   "Which plane you bugs come from, even dare to grab things from our devil!" Wen Yan shouted in a furious rage.


"Hey, don't you demon people know? Even the Devil King is ruined in the wizarding world~www.readwn.com~ Tsk, how many days can you demon be able to bounce around!" One of the Void Worms, The purple insect pattern all over his body was shining slightly, and he said with a strange smile.


   "The Demon King is dead?" A demon stared at these worms, and immediately muttered.


   Including Wen Yan, the other demons also changed their faces.


   Demon is a human race that was demonized by evil energy in ancient times and turned into a monster. They know how strong the demons are.


   "Hmph, so what? You worms really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, thinking that without the devil, we demon are not your opponents?" Wen Yan snorted coldly, and the black light in his hand suddenly mastered.


   "Hey, it was like this before I got this magic stone, but now...huh." The Void Worm sneered and swallowed the fist-sized black stone.


   "What!" Wen Yan saw this, his eyes were about to split, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the Void Wormman.


   Suddenly, the pitch-black air current rolled out wildly, and a powerful force of the law of darkness surged in all directions.


   There was a ridiculous color on the face of the Void Worm, and the same jet black air current rolled out frantically, mixed with a cyan air current, turned into a light curtain, blocking the front of the many insect people.


   "Hunting time, start now!"


   The compound eyes of the Void Worm Man lit up with purple lights, which instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared.



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