Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 710: Mutant demon

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The Hei Lin Demon fell from the sky with a sullen expression and slammed directly on the ground in front of Li Luo with a bang. A deep pit was blasted out immediately, and a billowing air rushed towards Li Luo.

At this moment, a purple light flashed in Li Luo's hand, and a "bang" thunder suddenly exploded. A thunder sword aura cut through the twenty-meter void, and slammed on the arm of the Black Lin demon.

With a sound of "chicks" on the Demon King's arm, the Lin piece was instantly exploded, and a frightening hole emitted a puff of blue smoke, exuding bursts of stench, and a lot of black blood flowed out.

The demon was originally a dark creature, and was most afraid of the thunder and lightning. He roared wildly, and his blood-colored eyes were full of resentment, but he did not dare to continue attacking. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the other kings.

"Go and inform the king that someone here uses the **** of evil spirits!"

Li Luo was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly urged the fel rune pattern on his leather armor. Suddenly, the thunder sword burst into light again, but it had already turned blue and black.

"Satrian Lord. Did you make a mistake?" The voices of several kings fell, and Li Luo sighed slightly.

Satrian snorted coldly and said: "Humph. How could I perceive it wrong, the body of this deity is comparable to the seventh-order king, how could it be easily injured by lightning. You should inform the king as soon as possible!"

Although Satrian said so, the demons on the wall didn't care, and they jumped down and stood opposite Li Luo.

Several of Li Luo's men rushed over immediately. Fight with these demons together.

Immediately, he took out a few pseudo-immortal artifacts from his arms, and threw them away, turning them into a few scary rainbows and blasted them towards the Hei Lin Demon.

"It turns out that it is by virtue of the power of the pseudo-immortal weapon!" In the distance, several demon kings in Nether City showed their faces in a daze, and quickly backed away.

Satrian's expression changed, and as he backed away, he shouted: "There is definitely something wrong with the king of this dark blood city. You don't have to report to the king!"

Several demons of Satrian heard the words, their eyes flickered, and they said: "This man has a lot of treasures, and he has informed the king, how can we still have our share!?"

"Asshole!" Saterian yelled, ignoring nonsense with some of his men, and quickly crossed his arms against his chest.

A flood of fake fairy weapons rushed in, and one by one the fake fairy tools suddenly became a masterpiece, and the fiery light emitted from it became more and more intense, and suddenly exploded in front of Satrian.

Mushroom clouds rose immediately, and the billowing air wave shot in all directions, while the dazzling light illuminated everything around it.

The light and smoke dissipated, but what caught your eye was a large area of ​​city ruins. Among the ruins, a black Lin figure stood up with difficulty.

Then, with a sneer, a purple thunder sword passed through his chest and heart.

Li Luo slowly walked out from behind Satrian, showing a sneered sneer.

The latter walked a few steps forward, "You..." only uttered the word ‘you’, and fell heavily to the ground without a sound.

Soon, a group of figures stood up in the ruins, and several of Li Luo's subordinates returned to him out of breath. In the distance, there were a group of demons exuding Tier 5 aura, but at this time they, no more Without the feeling of being above-minded before, they all looked at the purple-red horned'devil' in front of them in shock, with unspeakable fear spreading on their faces.

After quietly looking at these demons, Li Luo turned and flew away.

"Let's go. The fear of the deity has been deeply imprinted in their minds, and it shouldn't affect our plans."

A faint voice came, but it revealed boundless domineering.


After returning to Dark Blood City, Li Luo stayed behind closed doors, doing experiments quietly. Until ten years later. He walked out of the room after the little demons in the Dark Blood City and the dozens of small towns nearby were overcrowded.

At this time, he had completed a secret method in the Blood Refining Scriptures, and had absorbed all the blood of the Heavenly Fairy in his body. Although there is no change in appearance, the double horns on the top of the head have disappeared.

Walking quietly on the street, all the demons cast strange gazes, and even the succubus came over and followed Li Luo respectfully.

They were carrying plates one by one, with cups of blood wine on them, exuding a **** and attractive aroma, and they closely followed Li Luo before he came to a market.

"The king." A succubus came over and said softly: "There are fighting incidents here every day. Coming here will just ruin your good mood."

Li Luo nodded and greeted a guard.

"The king." The guard knelt down and bowed his head respectfully.

"Write down the little devil who doesn't like fighting, and send it to my castle." Li Luo patted the guard on the shoulder~www.readwn.com~ and led several succubuses towards a manor outside the city. go with.

As he walked all the way to the manor, seeing the hardworking demon gardener, Li Luo always felt a sense of disharmony, but couldn't tell.

After observing quietly for a while, he simply walked into the villa of the manor, intending to live for a period of time, slowly observing these little demons.

Soon, one by one succubus sat beside Li Luo, holding the blood wine, and tasting them bit by bit. Naturally, Li Luo couldn't drink the blood wine. The red wine he made himself contained a potion that also exuded a **** smell. He took it out and started to clink glasses with a few succubus.

The scene is very glamorous, and the scene of corruption is full of corruption.

However, such a scene is nothing to Li Luo. He has been numb after a long period of abstinence, and even he suspects that if he does not rely on drugs, he will not even be able to attract interest in this area anymore.

Momentarily hypnotizing these succubuses, they had toppled the clouds and rain with Li Luo many times in the illusion before they walked out of the villa again, in the vegetable garden of the manor, quietly watching the little devil's hard work.

Looking at these little demons quietly, Li Luo slowly disappeared.

At this moment, several little demons screamed strangely and rushed towards the villa in an instant.

Soon, amidst the screams of several succubuses, the scene in the villa became very corrupt.

With this kind of scene, Li Luo couldn't help but think of the "Heaven on Earth", an entertainment venue in Kyoto in his previous life...

After all the little demons had finished venting, there was an inexplicable trace of **** air currents on their bodies, and their stature rose continuously, and they were instantly promoted to the level of the great devil!

At this time, several big demons roared and rushed towards the succubus, swallowing them in a few mouthfuls amidst the screams of the succubus.

At this time, Li Luo's expression finally changed greatly.

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