Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 711: surrender

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Civil strife broke out.

Although suppressed with the absolute strength of several demon kings, Li Luo still numbed his scalp and was a little caught off guard.

Standing quietly in the laboratory, watching the somatic genes of several genetically mutated great demons, Li Luo fell into contemplation.

In front of him, there was an unknown virus in the bodies of several big demons. Although it would not have any effect on the powerhouse of Li Luo's level, he injected into the bodies of the little demons, but it attracted The little devil gradually went mad and possessed a strong desire to kill.

"Really...exciting!" Li Luo slowly retracted his gaze, his face instantly cold.

These viruses are just a few different coronaviruses! The source is vampire bats in the wild. As for who released this virus, it may be the vampires in Hades, or it may be the bats in the wild.

But none of this matters anymore.

The first order Li Luo gave was to stay at home.

This time, he personally supervised, and even a few of the monarchs drank the medicine he had prepared and isolated them at home.

The guards on patrol were all injected with his medicine, and were not afraid of these coronaviruses for the time being. Instead, the little demons and succubuses who refused to be isolated were all killed on the spot.

In this way, after two years, Li Luo's territory gradually resumed production.

The little devils began to work hard again and became stronger.


Mingyue City.

A tall and thin vampire bowed down in the hall of the castle.

Senakil sat quietly on a blood-colored chair, indifferently playing with a wine glass full of blood.

"The great vampire king Sennakir, the dark blood city has begun to lift the ban." The tall and thin vampire licked the corner of his mouth, seemingly eager for the wine glass in the vampire's hand.

Senakil nodded and threw the glass over. In an instant, the blood in the glass turned into a column of water and flowed into the mouth of the tall and thin vampire.

"Go. Go and bite those aliens and try to create chaos!" Senakir's mouth twitched slightly and stood up.

Suddenly, several pretty succubuses came over and hugged Sennakir and walked towards a room.

After entering the room, a few succubuses hugged Senakil, the latter was enjoying, turning to bite a succubus's neck, and drinking her blood.

And the moment he sucked blood, his complexion changed drastically.

"who are you!?"

Senakir's face became cold, and he shouted: "Why does your blood smell of orderly creatures!"

Bang bang bang.

There was a crisp applause, the door of the room was slowly opened, and a figure of a handsome young man slowly walked in.

Immediately afterwards, before the vampire had any action, at this moment, a purple spiral ray shot out and instantly sank into Senakil's body.


With a miserable howl, as if from the soul, Sennakir instantly turned into a **** energy particle and dissipated.

Several succubuses walked to Li Luo with blushing faces and bowed down.

"King. Master of Mingyue City. Please allow us to give birth to your heirs." As several succubuses were talking, their chests lowered slightly, and the pair of amazing ravines instantly pressed towards Li Luo.

The scene instantly became incredibly glamorous, but then there was a moment of blurred eyes, one after another fell to the ground and passed out in a coma.

Withdrawing the mental power to create the illusion, Li Luo's face showed a slight fatigue. Hastily flew out of the castle and flew towards the Dark Blood City.

Sennakir's contract clearly stated that he would not betray Li Luo. But there was still a loophole, and that was to lead Li Luo's demon to fall.

This method has to be said to be extremely insidious, even Li Luo was careless for a while, never expected it.

but. Although I don't know if it was the ghost behind this guy, Li Luo always killed him.

Coupled with the few kings in Nether City, Li Luo believed that it would not be long before this Nether Moon City would be captured by the kings of Nether City.

After Li Luo returned to his castle, he fell asleep and woke up after sleeping for three days.

Next, Li Luo kept doing experiments for several demon kings, and the experimental data came from orderly little devil and big devil.

Ten years down.

Several demon kings have lost that kind of hostility, and even started some training to improve their strength.

These few subordinates are all the demon kings who have been carefully mutated by Li Luo. The offspring they gave birth are genetically more stable. Although the order is not as good as the mutant little devil, their tolerance to the abyss and the potential for subsequent mutations are A lot of enhancements.

"Is this the Dark Blood City?"

A powerful demon with a burly figure and a three-meter-tall figure walked into a wheat field outside the city, and was surprised when he looked around.

"I don't know, I thought I came to the world of human race"

In his eyes, the wheat field in front of him seemed a bit contradictory.

The fact is indeed the case. The wheat fields seem to exude an extremely harmonious charm, which seems a bit incompatible with the power of the abyss.

After coming here, the demon felt a while, very upset and quite uncomfortable.

Generally speaking, the strength of the demons is obtained by killing, but the strength of these demons in front of them is slightly improved just by farming?

As a big devil, I don't have a low IQ, so I know the horror of it. Thousands of demons can only be promoted to a big demon or a demon lord after fighting, but the tens of thousands of farming little demons in front of them will all be promoted to become this kind of existence?

Perhaps if the number is small, nothing can be seen, but if all of them are promoted over time, it is simply an army that is looking forward to!

The face of this great devil changed instantly.

He thought, and walked into Li Luo's castle.

I haven't asked Li Luohua~www.readwn.com~ with a bang.

The burly demon knelt in front of Li Luo without saying a word.

The whole process can be called smooth and flowing, without a trace of procrastination.

Li Luo was slightly surprised, and then relieved.

He shook his head, feeling a little speechless inexplicably, then waved his fingers casually.

A burst of power instantly spilled out of him, shrouded the body of the burly demon, and directly lifted him up.

"Let's talk about it. The reason for allegiance to me." Li Luo looked at the burly demon in front of him lightly, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"I saw the Demon Lord Legion ten years later. Please allow me to join you. I know some information about the Nether City. And" At this point, the burly demon's face became distorted.

"Furthermore, the new Demon Lord of Nether City wants to cooperate with you once for an expedition. In fact, he wants to kill all your demon lords in black." The burly demon said hoarsely, and handed over a contract.

Li Luo looked at the contract in front of him, looked at the demon in front of him with a little surprise, and asked, "Do you want to think about the consequences of doing this?"

"It's just a relegation, I can accept it." The burly devil said, his claws suddenly drew towards his lower abdomen, and a dark green core was taken out by him and crushed instantly.

"In this way, that **** king can't control me." The burly demon panted, and as the core was taken out, it gradually shrank, and after a few minutes, it turned into a little demon and lay down.

Li Luo quietly watched all this, his face was calm, and he took out an injection and pierced it.

After transforming this little devil, he thought about the content of the contract just now, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Interesting, dare to hit my idea! It seems that this expedition really needs to participate in this expedition, and give them a good lesson. !"

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