Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Cooperation

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   The earth began to tremble, as if it was about to start an earthquake, and began to tremble slightly. There were countless rubble and sand on it began to rise, and hurricanes raged on the earth, like the end of the world.

   If you keep raising your gaze, you can see a spectacle from above and below.

   At the boundary between the domain of killing and the domain of blood desire, a pair of scarlet eyes are unfolding, and they are densely packed at first glance, which makes the scalp numb.

   Then, the **** moonlight poured down, mapping out the silhouettes of deformed monsters. For unknown reasons, they swarmed towards the killing realm.

   These monsters are called disaster beasts. They look like wolves, tigers, lions, and leopards, but they either have one extra leg or one missing claw. Their heads are also full of sarcomas, like creatures contaminated by nuclear radiation. They are monsters born and grown in the abyss, because of the erosion of the power of the abyss, they have turned into their present appearance.

   At this time, three months have passed.

   In the distance, a team of Demon Lords came over, seeming to be going through this barren land.

   "It's so strong of calamity, is it possible that all the calamities in this area ran over?!!!"

   He looked at the black mist in front of him, and the demon leader felt the bursts of breath conveyed in it, and his heart couldn't help but shake.

   woo woo! ! !

   An astonishing wolf howl came from the black fog, filling the eyes of the demon in front of him.

   He watched as the huge black monsters quickly ran out of them, his blood-colored eyes with evil and bloodthirsty in them, he rushed towards them directly.

   These black monsters are very large, generally more than two meters tall, and they emit a wave of strange evil energy, which instantly oppresses many demons on top of each other.

"not good!!"

   Looking at these huge deformed monsters, the demon leader's heart jumped, and he was about to intercept it.

   However, at this time, some larger figures began to appear.

   woo woo! ! !

With a loud roar, under the distant sky, a horrible freak with six claws and a ten-meter-tall head, covered with scales, appeared. As soon as Fang appeared, a few blood-colored eyes stared at him. The demon leader in front of him, his eyes are full of killing intent and greed.

   said it was the leader of the demon, but in fact it was just the name responsible for leading the demon army. Compared with the general fourth-order demon leader, this demon has been promoted to the middle of the sixth-order, and the demon king is true.

   "A deformed monster comparable to the seventh order!!"

   just glanced at it, and the demon leader determined the level of this deformity, which was definitely not something he could deal with.

   "Hold these deformed monsters first, and then solve them after the reinforcements from the rear arrive!"

   For an instant, this thought flashed through the heart of the demon leader.

   is comparable to the 7th-order deformed monster, he alone will never be an opponent.

   But at this time, will Fang’s reinforcements really come? Not to mention the powerhouses of Darkblood City, they are the powerhouses of Nether City, and now they can't take care of themselves.

   Li Luo quietly flew in the air, looking at the demon surrounded by the calamity beast, with his face as usual.

   In order to eliminate the vital power of Nether City in one fell swoop, Li Luo can be said to have lost his blood. Not only allowed the few demon leaders to join the coalition army, but also sent all the big demons who were about to advance to the ranks.

   For this reason, Nether City Lord Philakir, who was plotting against Li Luo's army, had no doubt at all, thinking that Li Luo had fallen into his trap.

  Actually, not only the demons of these hostile forces, but also the monarch-level subordinates of Dark Blood City, there is no doubt that Li Luo really cooperated with these demons of Nether City.

   But the devil is cunning after all. When I was besieged by the calamity beast, I knew I was betrayed!

   Li Luo relied on the neon grass picked from the world of fairy tales, this kind of herbal medicine that can make monsters crazy, ground into juice, directly swayed over the demon army, and fell on the bodies of each demon.

   Regarding this, his eyes are full of murderous demons, and he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

   Soon, these deformed monsters, the monsters of the abyss world, swarmed towards the demon army.

   Fighting was staged at this moment, and the broken limbs and arms, as well as the roar of beasts, and the roar of demons, resounded throughout the battlefield.

   "It's really a big scene!"

   Standing quietly in the void, watching the fight in front of him, Li Luo sighed slightly.

  The battle continued for three days and three nights.

   When everything calmed down, the ground turned into a dark green ocean, and the smell of blood filled everything around.

Li Luo slowly landed on the ground and took a shot in his hand. Streams of dark green blood gathered and gradually concentrated, turning into droplets of high-concentration demon blood, which was excited by bursts of purple energy into dark green. Runes were printed on his leather armor.

   After doing all this, Li Luo flew up and shot towards the Dark Blood City.

   One month later.

   Outskirts of Dark Blood City.

   The little demons were cooking something, and a black figure fell down, it was Li Luo. Seven Eight Chinese First Release www.7`m.7`

   He looked at the noodle soup and worms in the pot in front of him. His complexion was slightly surprised.

   "Who taught you cooking food?" Li Luo quietly looked at the little demon who was blowing a flame in front of him~www.readwn.com~ couldn't help but ask.

   "It's a human who claims to be a wizard. Although Kira wants to eat him very much, he is too powerful. I didn't dare." The little demon explained while pounding the dough and worm soup in the pot.

   Li Luo nodded, closed his eyes to perceive, and flew towards his castle.

   stepped into his castle and walked to the room where he felt the wizard, Li Luo's expression began to become more exciting.

   Opened the door of the room, and when Li Luo saw the appearance of the wizard, his expression was even more exciting.

   "Let me see, a Destroying Wizard? Are you here to find the Destroying Scriptures?" Li Luo sat on the sarcoma sofa in the room, looking at the wizard with powerful dark purple energy in front of him, and joked.

   The power radiated by this wizard is dark, but the breath of life radiating from his body is a real human being, and Li Luo can't help but feel some interest.

"of course."

The Destruction Wizard bent over respectfully and smiled: "What should I call you? It should be called the Destruction Wizard, Li Luomian, right? My name is Su Ke. I am a Destruction Wizard. Of course, I am afraid I can become Destruction now. The head of the sect."

   Li Luo smiled and stretched out his hand, and said, "Fortunately, I am still worried that no one will do the experiment with me."

   Saying that, Li Luo walked out of the room, and walked back after a while.

   "This is my experimental data during this period of time. You can check it out. I hope to transform the demons in this killing field as much as possible. After all, what awaits us in the Destroy Palace, you should know nothing more."

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