Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 744: Communication Star Soul

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Walking on the dark red barren land, Li Luo quietly looked at the little demons scattered around.

Thirty years ago, this place was still a fertile plain, but now it has turned into a deadly deserted area.

boom! !

Yijian slashed a big demon who was trying to sneak attack, Li Luo was expressionless, and walked forward silently.

"These demons...have polluted the surrounding environment like this..."

Feeling the evil energy and soul fragments around, Li Luo muttered to himself, and then continued to move forward.

Strictly speaking, after reaching the Intermediate Law of Destruction, his goal of coming to planet KF20 at this moment has been initially achieved.

The promotion of the eighth rank to the ninth rank is not only by comprehending the power of the law, but requires some transformation.

This kind of transformation does not have much effect only by relying on accumulation. The key is to rely on the tempering of strange objects and one's own flesh.

The purpose of tempering the flesh is to better receive the power of the law and to absorb the gods or strange things more perfectly. Take the essence of the earth veins as an example. Absorbing the essence of the star soul can greatly increase the vitality and energy in the body; the other is the heavenly blood essence, which is formed by the coagulation of the blood of the dead **** of the gods. Can greatly increase the strength of the body.

Naturally, Li Luo couldn't let go of the former, but the latter, he is confident, relying on the genetic liquid and gravity training, he can completely raise his physical body to the point of absorbing the blood of the gods.

Before that, Li Luo decided to take some more star souls first to enhance the foundation of the wizarding world. At that time, he doesn't need to look for it himself, the Star Soul of the Wizarding World will send the soul of the earth veins to the door.

The reason why he didn't leave at this moment was just that he wanted to hunt down more demons, attract the attention of the star soul of this planet, and create a trace of contact with the star soul of this planet.

"Master, the river in front is really disgusting..."

I don't know how long he has been killed, but beside him, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the sound, Li Luo slightly raised his head and looked in front of him.

I saw in front of my eyes, a long river appeared in front of my eyes.

Unlike other rivers that Li Luo had seen in the past, the river in front of him was dark green, and it exuded a strong fel energy, a strong **** breath spreading, and the bottom of the river could not be seen at a glance.

This is not a real river, but a coalescence of the blood of fel energy.

Standing not far from the river, even tens of meters away, I can feel all kinds of negative emotions constantly flashing in my mind.

Killing, tyranny, fear, jealousy, greed...All kinds of negative emotions kept passing by in his mind, and the soul fragments contained in the air swarmed toward his spiritual sea.

Standing in place, the power of destruction rippling slightly, destroying, crushing, and absorbing these soul fragments into pure soul power, staring silently at this river for a long time before Li Luo came back to his senses, as if thinking of something.

Step on.... step on.....

In the distance, there was a scream of killing, which attracted the attention.

He looked up and saw that in the distance, beside the dark green river of blood, big devil and little devil were fighting each other. The blood flowed down the bank and flowed into the river, extending to an underground entrance.

"this is......"

Next to him, Xiao Jin's voice slowly sounded, with a trace of doubt on his face.

Standing next to Li Luo, he looked at the demon fighting in the distance, and said: "These demons lay eggs, hatch, and fight together. Here they grow into demon lords. The blood of the fallen demons has become a polluted land. The best material."

"The earth is polluted and gradually turned into a barren land overflowing with evil energy."

"The blood of fel has sunk into the depths of the earth, polluting the earth, and some strange objects have been polluted into magic treasures." Good Chinese

"The star soul is also contaminated, and when it reaches a certain level, it will completely turn into the abyss star soul."

"It's a good method..."

Looking at the demon fighting in front of him, Li Luo said softly, and then stepped forward, slowly walking to the front of the blood of evil energy.

As he walked in, the soul fragments came more turbulently, and there was an intensifying trend every moment.

The various negative emotions contained in it impacted Li Luo's destructive shield, as if bewitching Li Luo's soul, enticing him to give up resisting.

Huge spiritual power began to explode, and a little bit of purple-red destruction power began to agitate, destroying all the negative soul fragments and turning them into a warm current that penetrated into Li Luo's soul.

Li Luo couldn't help but let out a clear sigh as a feeling of comfort and warmth surged into his heart.

"Ah. Soul power hasn't been strengthened like this in a long time. It really is..."

Li Luo sighed slightly as he felt the enhancement of soul power in his body.

Walking quietly to the stream, Li Luo stretched out his hand, drew out the Thunder Dragon Sword, and touched the river in front of him.

Behind him, Xiao Jin watched quietly, as if he understood something in his eyes.

The dark-green blood water began to boil, but at this moment, the Sky Xuanyang Thunder in Li Luo's body moved with all its strength, and the power of the billowing thunder spread to the depths of the blood river until the end of the ground.

In his spiritual sea, as the Thunder Dragon sword touched the river water, an image gradually fell into his spiritual sea, and Yang Lei gradually sank into the depths of the earth, purifying all the magic treasures encountered, and exhausting the evil energy of the surrounding earth. Disperse until the end, above a dark green light ball.

At this moment, a huge will instantly connects with Li Luo.

This willpower is huge, with a hint of chaos and disorder, but it is more order and killing. Previously, the star souls of this planet were dominated by the souls of worms. Now with the death of a large number of clones, the star souls have been biased. order.

At the moment of being purified, this huge will, in an instant communication with Li Luo, a pleading sentiment came out.

"Please. Help me eliminate these demons."


"Kill! Kill all these demons!"

"Destroy them!"

The Star Soul begged for a while, and then let out a terrifying and terrifying roar, constantly stirring in Li Luo's spiritual sea.

A bit of tyrannical will came from the Star Soul, bringing up a shock like a sound wave, which would completely awaken Li Luo.

Standing in place, feeling this polluted will of the star soul, Li Luo felt the horror of the abyss for the first time, and could not help but sigh deeply.

"Is there such a terrifying negative will just by being polluted a little? The abyss... really is the world equivalent to the ancient wizarding world." Li Luo stood still and sighed, deepening his consciousness again. In the depths of the earth ~www.readwn.com~ Come to my pendant, I will save your world. "

A little bit of will went deep into the ground, the earth began to shake slightly, and a will fell in Li Luo's spiritual sea.

"But. Once I leave the center of the earth, this world will be corroded faster!"

Li Luo chuckled lightly and stood up, with a will to go deep into the ground.

"You don't believe in my ability? Then, let me show it to you."

at this moment. Li Luofei flees, a dazzling purple-red fireball is condensed in his hands, and he pushes it gently.

The fireball rolled down and rolled in the air in an instant, turning into a magnificent sun, carrying an unimaginable force of destruction, and crashing into the river of blood below.

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