Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 745: Destruction Concerto

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As if an atomic bomb exploded, destruction particles surged in all directions.

The lasing energy particles, like fire snakes, spread to the surroundings under the surging fire waves.

The earth dries up at this moment, and the water is completely evaporated under the jet of energy particles. The dry earth began to crack, and the soil and rocks began to disintegrate.

In just a few minutes, this area turned into a desert.

Unleashing this enhanced version of the fireball of destruction, Li Luo also gasped slightly. Looking at the withered yellow gravel below, he nodded in satisfaction.

This blow completely consumed 70% of his mana and aura.

The power of mixed energy is reflected at this moment. All the creatures in the land with a radius of nearly 500 kilometers were vaporized until the depths of the earth, everything turned into sand and gravel, and turned into an extinct area.

at this moment.

A little brilliance emerged from the depths of the earth, and a ball of light glowing with a little dark green fel flew out, almost without thinking, it sank into the pendant on Li Luo's chest.

Li Luo calmly closed his eyes, stretched out his hands, a little bit of destruction power began to stir, the necklace on his chest bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and a little bit of evil energy began to be dispelled.

It took a full ten hours before Li Luo woke up.

"Sorry, it was a bit rough."

Li Luo sighed lightly and said to the necklace.

The necklace flickered, as if to answer, Li Luo recognized the direction and flew towards the southeast.

His purpose is very simple, find the two eighth-order demons and kill them, leaving the big demon, demon lord and little demon to the army.


On a deserted mountainous area, black winds were raging everywhere.

Because there are a large number of calamity beasts here, it has turned into a barren area. A large area of ​​the land is made of sand and stone, and even demons are willing to patronize here.

Today, two figures have ushered in this deserted area.

"Is it this area?" A milky voice sounded in place.

Standing on a mountain, looking at the barren land in front of him from a distance, Xiao Jin said.

"Yes. Star Soul should not perceive wrongly." Aside, Li Luo's voice sounded softly, and his voice sounded low and powerful.

"Boss. I'm going to fight this time." Xiaojin looked a little bit eager to try, and said, "I have improved a lot since I recovered from a serious illness."

"Then let you try." Li Luo's voice came from the side, smiling and touching Xiaojin's head.

Standing in place, he looked at this deserted land, and then said: "Let's continue walking."

"it is good."

They continued to walk forward, and soon reached a deep canyon.

This canyon looks very hidden, in the center of the barren zone, and it has been a month since the two came here.

During this period, Li Luo and Xiaojin waved their hands to wipe out how many calamity beasts they didn't know, and it took so long.

After coming here, a keen sense of power enveloped the place, and then a revelation in the necklace came to my heart.

"These two breaths..."

Feeling the breath coming from the canyon in front of him, Adil was a little surprised, and then he got up and took Mar down.

Following the enlightenment of the Star Soul, the two quickly walked to the center of the canyon, where the two breaths came from.

A faint **** breath came from the front. Read novels

At a certain moment, Li Luo raised his head, his eyes looked forward.

I saw two extremely huge beasts lying quietly on the ground in front of them. Around, there were constant beasts tearing their bodies apart and sending their blood into two huge beasts. Beast's mouth. The calamity beast is constantly sucking the blood of the surrounding small calamity beasts, and its breath has reached the eighth level.

"Are you a disaster beast that has absorbed the blood of a vampire demon?"

"It resembles the breath of those two demons."

Li Luo pondered for a moment, and then gave up the decision to hunt the two disaster beasts.

"Boss. These two are counterfeit goods." Xiaojin's voice sounded in place.

Li Luo nodded and said, "I know."

"You get away a bit, I'll get some blood from these two demons." Li Luo patted Xiaojin's shoulder lightly, and then walked towards the two disaster beasts.

Slowly pulling out the Thunder Dragon Sword, Li Luo came to the two scourge beasts, stabbed, the two scourge beasts' armors split instantly, and a stream of black and red blood flowed down.

After receiving two cups of blood, Li Luo instead of leaving here, instead greeted Xiaojin, dug a cave next to the canyon, and lived there.

One month later.

In front of a pile of calamity beast corpses, a blood sacrifice circle was set up by Li Luo.

There was a spell in his mouth, and soon the figures of two vampire demons slowly emerged.

With a move in Li Luo's heart, two silver runes immersed in the heads of the two demons, and soon the two demons opened their eyes.

"It's really uncomfortable. I really don't know how those demons live their lives every day." A demon said directly.

Another demon glanced at Li Luo, turned his head and said: "Okay. As clones, let's go find these disaster beasts to improve our strength first."

Just now Li Luo separated two silver runes, which were two soul-dividing runes!

Li Luo lay on the bed with a tired face, and ordered Xiaojin to help the two clones hunt down the evil beasts, and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took before he gradually woke up.

"Master, I slaughtered all the disaster beasts in this area. Of course, except for the strongest two." Xiaojin's voice sounded outside, and soon walked in with two demon clones.

Li Luo nodded, did not say much, glanced at the two clones, and asked, "Why can you be worthy of Tier 6?"

"The law of blood requires a virgin as a sacrifice. I don't think we can advance." The two demon clones said.

"Virgin..." Li Luo muttered to himself, nodding suddenly.

"Is it just that? I don't think so." With that said, he walked out of the canyon and flew up.

Soon, the three of them came to a dark green forest.

Looking at the devil buildings, Li Luo thought calmly.

But seeing the dazzling purple-red light condensed in his hand, the power of destruction surged out at this moment, instantly turning into a blue-purple light group.

Gently pointing towards the demon city in the distance, the blue-purple light ball shot out, bursting at this moment in an instant.

Dense wind blades spread in place. In the blink of an eye, the entire city was enveloped by countless wind blades. The wind blades instantly cut open the sarcoma building, exposing the demons, and then they were blown away by the wind. The blade cuts down.

The howling wind blade was raging, and a figure walked slowly amid the boundless howl.

Li Luo walked in the city on foot, looking at the devil who had not been fatally injured, waved their heads and cut off their heads, and the turbulent blood flowed out.

After all the demons were beheaded, he slowly turned around and looked at the two clones.


The two avatars flew up, the **** light flashed in their hands, and a stream of blood, like Baichuan Nahai, gathered towards the mouths of the two.

A little bit of time passed, and the aura of the two finally rose again.

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