Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 755: unexpected surprise

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   "Let's go."


   Li Luo took Luna's forehand and walked out of the casino.


   This time, no one stopped them. Unless the business of this casino is not going to be done, otherwise the "bad reputation" of oppressing gamblers will spread, and their business in the casino will not continue.


  Walking quietly on the street, Li Luo and Luna are talking about recent news.


   "Although there are many cases of missing persons, most of them are homeless people. The daughter of a rich family who disappeared this time, what do you think?" Luna asked when she looked at the news on the watch.


   Li Luo sighed and said, "I know some inside information."


   He recounted the fact that the two vampire demons summoned Diablo in the past few years, and Luna became more frightened as she heard it, and then more shocked.


   "You mean that the evil demon is no less powerful than my father?"


   Luna's face is not very good-looking, obviously things have exceeded her expectations.


   "So. I used Vatican as the medium and used the plan to let a part of Diablo's power fall on Vatican. At the same time, with my wizarding ability, she successfully resisted it."


   "After that, I introduced Diablo's power into this necklace. After three years of destruction and purification, Diablo's soul power was absorbed."


   "This is why I cultivated Vatican."


   Luna nodded suddenly, and took Li Luo's arm.


   "By the way, Luna, would you like to inscribe the mystery totem? Vatican successfully resisted part of Diablo's power with this totem and my source of destruction."


   Li Luo walked calmly down the street, as if thinking of something, asked.


   "Of course. Do you want to go back to your college?"


   Luna smiled and said.


   Li Luo shook his head, and said, "No, just in KTV."


   The two quickly walked into a street in Hige. It is now approaching the evening, but the whole street is full of lights of various colors, and the whole street is dazzlingly illuminated.


   Soon, they chose a KTV with the brightest lights and walked in.


   In the private room, Li Luo started the inscription.


   also uses his own blood, although the light in the room is very dim, but under Li Luo's strong mental power, he perfectly imprinted the mystery totem on Luna's skin.


   "You mobilize your mana and try to activate your totem."


   Li Luo looked at Luna, felt the mana fluctuations in his spiritual sea, and said.


   "How do you know that I have cultivated mana?" Luna asked Li Luo curiously.


   Li Luo smiled and didn't say much.


   "Huh. It's not the clone that forced me to meditate!" Luna snorted and said.


   Immediately, the mana in her body poured into the mystery totem on the surface.


   Immediately afterwards, the purple-red light suddenly shined, Li Luo touched the star soul pendant on his chest, and the pure and destructive power rushed towards Luna's abdomen.


   Soon, Luna's face began to turn red, a wave of tyrannical energy began to appear in the dantian, and her eyes turned into a purple-red color.




   Just then, the door of the room was kicked open.


   Several men in black cloaks broke in, their eyes locked on Li Luo instantly. Bang bang bang!


   Before they could take any action, Li Luo had already appeared behind a few people, five punches smashed them down, and the few people instantly vomited blood and fell to the ground.


   Soon, the five people convulsed and turned into five hideous figures. It was the devil who was not fake.


   Li Luo touched their heads and began a soul search.


   So, half an hour later, Li Luo's expression began to become more exciting.


"Luna. This is an unexpected surprise. These demons came to kill me, take you away, and become a container for Diablo's resurrection." Li Luo said lightly, licking the corner of his mouth, his face His expression was a little excited.


   Li Luo glanced at several demons, squatted down again, and said: "I will change their memory. You can take advantage of my destructive power and this metal ball to take over the power of that demonic king."


   "If you want to be beautiful, this girl will not do such a dangerous thing!" Luna gave Li Luo a blank look and said angrily.


   Li Luo pressed his hand lightly and said, "Okay. Miss. Diablo's power is half of us."


   "It's almost the same. What do I want to do." Luna asked.


   Li Luo began to revise the memories of several demons, and soon he stood up.


   "Put on this leather armor. When they begin to sacrifice you, activate the fel magic circle on the leather armor."


After   , Li Luo handed a dark green leather armor to Luna, then walked out of the room and walked outside.




   In a church, several priests are praying.


   After a while, several men in black cloaks walked in. At the end of the church hall, there was an old man in a white sacrificial robe.


   "Father Ivan. People have been brought." The black cloaked man headed by looked at the old man in front of him and said respectfully.


   On the back of a man behind, Luna lay there quietly.


   "May the gods bless us Huiyue City." Father Yiwen walked towards Luna step by step, red light gradually appeared in his eyes.


   He picked up Luna, turned around and walked towards the backyard of the church. After reaching the entrance to a cellar, Father Ivan stopped.


   The cellar door slowly opened, and Father Ivan walked in.


   Soon, under the cellar, Father Ivan pressed a fist-sized statue, and there was a creak in the stone wall, and a hole appeared.




   The damp and smelly smell passed into Luna's nose, causing her to suffocate a little.


   Soon, Father Ivan carried Luna across the corridor and entered a hall.


   is surrounded by several succubus and demons. When they saw Luna, their expressions were slightly eager, even fanatical.


"let's start."


   The same sacrifice technique, the seven girls were placed on a special sacrifice magic circle, and beams of light flooded towards Luna.


   Not far from Luna, another white statue of a woman began to glow with bursts of red light~www.readwn.com~ A dark magical energy began to flow into Luna's body.


   As time passed, Luna began to activate the leather armor, and the billowing fel energy surged outwards.


   "I feel that the powerful evil energy is better than my demonic energy!" Diablo's low voice came from the statue.


   "Very good. You did a good job." Diablo instantly drilled out of the statue, looked at Luna in front of him, and plunged into her body.




   "This is a trap! Damn, this **** totem again!"


   Diablo's roar came from Luna.


   At this moment, Luna directly activated the metal ball on her chest. After a creak, a simple teleportation witch formation was formed instantly, and Luna disappeared into a white light.


   was replaced by a giant metal bird, flashing with a dazzling red glow, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards several demons.




   ten years later.


   Luna and Li Luo slowly walked out of the laboratory.


   At this time, Li Luo not only absorbed Diablo's soul power, but the source of mixed energy in his body was strengthened a lot, and he had completely stabilized at the middle stage of the eighth stage. The two of them drove Luna's spacecraft, turned into a streamer, and drove toward the KF19 planet.

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