Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 756: Urgent task

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   In the vast universe, a circular wormhole emerged out of thin air. A streamer lased from it, and stopped just a light-year away.


   The streamer faded away, and it was a pitch-black spaceship. The two bio-chambers inside slowly opened, and there were two correctional pictures of a man and a woman.


   These two people are Li Luo and Luna.




   The two watches quickly rang.


Luna looked at the information on the watch, turned her head to look at Li Luo, and said: "Urgent mission. Kf19 Battlestar No. 7 Resource Star. There was an attack by the Zerg. There are currently two Tier 8 insect kings being attacked. The nuclear weapons are repelled, and we need to rush to support them as soon as possible!"


   Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the number seven resource star.


   He has heard of the concept of resource stars, which are planets near life planets, where there is no environment for human existence.


   But resource stars are an important source of resources for battle stars. Resources such as water and minerals are consumed in large quantities on the life planet controlled by the Zerg, and they are completely insufficient for human use and exploitation.


   Therefore, in the battle for battle star territory, the positioning of resource stars is very important. Basically the territories that the human race must earn.


  Like domestic water, spacecraft alloys are inseparable from the ice and minerals on the resource star.


   Otherwise, a wild planet like the Kf20 Battle Star with few living resources would not be able to feed billions of people.


It used to be because those planets are high and the emperor is far away, the Zerg can’t support in time, and there are not enough units to compete for resource stars, but the KF19 battle star is different. Not only is the main force of the Zerg guarded here, but also there are enough starry insects to attack. Resource star.


   "Start the speed engine. Target, the seventh resource star." Luna commanded the intelligent operating system.


   "Dididi. When the Alliance spacecraft is found, the other party sends out an invitation signal." Inside the spacecraft, the ethereal voice of the intelligent light brain sounded.


   Luna hesitated and said, "Accept."


   Soon, a light curtain lit up inside the spacecraft.


   "It turned out to be Miss Luna." In the light curtain, more than two dozen figures appeared, all wearing black armor, and the armored warriors headed by them paid a military salute to Luna.


   Li Luo looked carefully, these armors are full of technological sense, and they turned out to be exoskeleton armors similar to previous StarCraft Terran soldiers.


   "Miss Luna. I am Karen, the core disciple of the emperor. Are you also going to support the seventh resource star?" The man claiming to be Karen asked.


   "Yes." Luna nodded and said.


Karen nodded, dragged the two large boxes over, and said: "Then it is necessary to act together. Just now I received the latest order. Several insect kings from the Zerg race have arrived there one after another, and I will drop you the spacecraft. With two exoskeleton armors, the resource star environment is bad. Although you are basically not afraid of your strength, using exoskeleton armor will not only make you adapt to the environment there, but also enhance your strength."


   "I have work." Luna said with a smile.


   "You are polite. With you, I believe that the second brother will come personally soon. Our safety is also guaranteed. Hehe." Karen laughed.


   Luna rolled her eyes and looked helpless.


   Soon, the two exoskeleton armors were sent into the two spaceships, and the two spaceships also accelerated to the seventh resource star and jumped in a fast curve.


   "Li Luo, I will teach you to equip exoskeleton armor. Soon the speed engine will stop, and the number seven resource star is coming!" Luna reminded.


   Li Luo nodded and watched Luna put the box on the armour platform of the spaceship. Soon, several robotic arms operated for a while, the box was opened, and the armor parts were held by the robotic arms.


   "This is men's armor, go up." Luna said.


   Li Luo walked onto the stage, looking at the two shoe-shaped steel plates under his feet, his complexion condensed.


   After stepping on the steel plate, several mechanical arms began to operate quickly. Soon, the human exoskeleton armor similar to StarCraft II was completely installed on Li Luo's body.


   "Didi. The Terran super soldier is finished. Name: Li Luo. Identity: The Great Core Disciple."


   After finishing the armor, the robotic arm symbolically lit a cigar for Li Luo. Then Li Luo felt a flower in front of him, and a transparent tempered glass shield was placed on his head.


   Click click!


   Li Luo slowly walked down the Jiatai.


   "Please choose your weapon. Note: Equipping with exoskeleton armor can make you leapfrog to use weapons." In the room, an ethereal voice of intelligent light brain sounded.


   "ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun." Li Luo looked at the introduction of the light curtain inside the armor and said.


   There was a mechanical sound, the door opened, and a robot walked in and handed a ferocious electromagnetic gun to Li Luo's hand.


   "It's heavy!" Li Luo said unexpectedly after sinking his arm.


   "The ZSS anti-electromagnetic gun is refined from the skeleton of a ninth-order star worm. The emperor himself refines it. Each royal spaceship is equipped with one, which should have been used by a high-density alloy robot."


   Listening to Zhi Nao’s introduction, Li Luo was taken aback.


   "Good fellow."


   Luna was also a little surprised, and said: "You can think about it, the difference between the ninth order and the eighth order is not a little bit different."


   "I got it." Li Luo took a deep breath, and some wanted to try. This was the first time he had lost his temper in this star field.


   Luna came to the main cabin with Li Luo after wearing armor, opened the hatch, and saw 23 of the emperor’s core disciples wearing exoskeleton armor and walking in with their weapons.


   "Big brother? It seems that there is no need for the second brother to come. But your weapon...should we help us hold it?" Looking at the weapon in Li Luo's hand, Karen asked, his eyes condensed.


   Karen alone said that, and the others shook their heads vigorously, but they did not dare to step forward to take Li Luo's weapon. Just kidding, the status of the big brother, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a symbol of strength, how can they use them to help get weapons?


"Big brother, eldest lady. With you, this task is a little more certain." Seeing Li Luo and the others come over, Karen leisurely lit a cigar, held it in her mouth, and took a deep sip. Spit out a big puff of smoke and said with a smile.


   "Go now!" Luna nodded and said, seeing everyone's expressions become more relaxed.


   In fact, with Li Luo there, she feels relieved herself.


   "Although your senior brother is only in the middle of the eighth stage, even the second senior brother in the late eighth stage is probably not his opponent!" Luna seemed a little complacent at this time, boasting.


Karen was speechless for a while. Li Luo, as a new big brother, has seen his methods in the news, but he only has scientific research knowledge in the field of genetic viruses. The real actual combat, the information he knows, is still in Li Luo The record of the seventh stage.


   However, seeing the weapon in Li Luo's hand, none of them dared to recognize Li Luo.


   "Warning, warning, the spaceship is locked by radar, and the spaceship is locked by radar!" Just when the royal spacecraft turned off its speed engine and entered the vicinity of Resource Star 7, everyone heard continuous warning sounds.




   Thank you: dd_king voted 5 recommended votes


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