Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 760: 1 enemy 2

Remember in one second【】

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Li Luo rushed towards the weevil, and at the same time, the purple-red glow in his hand suddenly lit up, and a spiral of destruction ray lased away.


The carapace of the weevil has a series of brown insect patterns. When the destruction ray falls on the surface, it emits a dazzling brown light, forming a protective shield!

But the destruction ray was even more powerful. Its carapace cracked apart in less than three seconds after the ray had submerged. At this moment, the weevil's face showed a look of horror that was completely inconsistent with its fierce color.


With a long roar up to the sky, the weevil instantly turned into little particles and floated away.

Everyone was naturally paying attention to Li Luo's side, and they were all taken aback by his thunder strike.

This is an eighth-order weevil, even the light energy particle cannon will not necessarily kill it in seconds. Is it so dead now?

Karen's face changed, and there was more worship in Li Luo's eyes.

"Captain, is this what the emperor said, the power of wizards?" Core disciple Wang Luo asked.

Karen took a deep breath and said, "I think it can't be wrong. According to the information that the emperor got from the big brother, in the case of this kind of elemental energy shortage, you can only use it if you train your mental power to the eighth level. Magical."

"However, this kind of strength has definitely reached the level of turning the tide of the battle!"

Listening to Karen's words, many core disciples stopped talking and focused on shooting.

Soon, Li Luo killed the weevil and returned to the top of the steel fort, continuing to shoot with Shuta.

Da da da!

Dense electromagnetic beams pierced through the heads of each insect demon, and the weevil also broke apart one after another under Li Luo's shooting. Finally, after fifteen minutes of fighting, teams of robots and human soldiers ran from a distance.

"The seventh resource star, soldiers from the 342nd regiment came to support."

Da da da!

The denser artillery blasted towards the surrounding worms, but soon the denser worms rushed over again.

"It's delicious, this king will use your flesh and blood to give birth to the most powerful Zerg warrior!"

But at this moment, the more tyrannical worm demon aura came under pressure from a distance, and Li Luo could perceive it through his mental power, and two figures of a man and a woman walked in the distance.

"Boss, the two of them are Sky Devourers!" Xiao Jin flew to Li Luo's shoulder and shouted.

Li Luo nodded and said, "I'll kill him by surprise attack. You stay here."

After Xiaojin's reply, Li Luo's eyes were also a bit fiery. This sky-eater is already rare, and it is extremely rare to be able to reach this level.

The talents of Sky Devourers are different, and Li Luo immediately issued an order.

"All race soldiers enter the castle and shoot freely, other robots, cover me!"

As soon as Li Luo's voice fell, he rushed out of the fortress, released an invisibility technique and silencer on himself, and sneaked towards the two figures.

"Get the instructions and start executing." In the communication channel, dozens of robots turned into a torrent of steel and rushed towards the two insect kings.

Da da da!

The dense electromagnetic artillery turned into a dazzling stream of light and lased towards the insect demon blocking in front. With a miserable cry, the insect demon immediately split into pieces.


In the process of charging, the insect demon finally approached these robots. The sharp claws instantly cut the robots in half, and with a loud bang, the robots exploded.

Because there are too many insects, these robots just blazed a trail, and they were all scrapped by the insects.

Li Luo quietly appeared behind the two insect kings,

In the distance, the roar of the electromagnetic gun continued to sound, and the insects fell to the ground, but they still steadily advanced towards the steel fortress.

"Silas. I just smelled the smell of the same clan." Sky Devourer King narrowed his eyes and his face showed a touch of joy.

"Crakis. If you want to devour that fellow clan, I will order the troops to rush in without remembering the loss." Silas said with an indifferent look at the castle.

"That's great. It's hard work." Krakis said with a smile of joy.

Soon, the surrounding worms rushed towards the castle.

Li Luo's eyes froze, and the zss electromagnetic gun in his hand aimed instantly, and at a distance of about 500 meters, he instantly locked the Sky Devourer King in front of him.


There was a loud bang.

Krakis immediately burst into a bowl-sized blood hole in his chest. At this moment, the phantom stepped on Li Luo's feet, and Shenluo's big shift instantly started, appearing in front of the Sky Devourer King.

But seeing the purple light of the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, the Sky Xuanyang Thunder instantly turned into a dazzling thunder and lightning sword garment and slashed towards Krakis's neck.

"Chi!" With a weird howl, the Sky Devouring Insect King snorted all over his body, instantly transforming into a giant insect over twenty meters tall, and stepped on Li Luo.

Li Luo squinted his eyes and quickly retreated. After his body recovered, he instantly grasped the zss blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand. Looking back, a shot blasted past.


The ninth-level electromagnetic cannon exploded in the head of the Sky Devouring Insect King instantly, but it only made him shake for a while, spilling some insect blood in his mouth.

At this moment, the zerg queen in the distance disappeared in an instant. The next moment, a ghostly figure appeared.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Li Luo is now beside him.

Li Luo suddenly stepped on his feet, his figure was like a shadow, and he instantly avoided Silas' sneak attack.

The phantoms under his feet flashed continuously, and his body shape was erratic. While fighting for speed, the bonus that Shenluo Great Move brought him, instantly crushed the two eighth-tier powerhouses.

Although this Krakiss body is extremely tough, but under the bombardment of a Tier 9 electromagnetic gun, more and more blood is gradually overflowing, and the complex eyes are even more blurred. Li Luo shot a few more. After the gun, the Sky Devouring Insect King finally lost sight of all his compound eyes, like a fly, and began to scurry around.

Suddenly, there were humming insects all around, mixed with a weird cry.

Silas's complexion changed, and the dark green light in his hand was brilliant, and he pointed at Li Luo far away.

Suddenly, Li Luo felt that the void around him instantly solidified, and he couldn't move at all.

next moment.

The two released two rays almost at the same time ~www.readwn.com~ lasing towards each other.

Destroying rays shot out from Li Luo's hand, instantly hitting a black ray.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful law of death surging, and in his eyes he saw a phantom of death attached to the queen's back.

Li Luo's destruction ray seemed to be stronger, and the inverted tendency forced the death ray back, slowly advancing towards the Zerg queen.

But at this moment, Silas's mouth twitched, revealing a weird smile.

next moment.

Seeing the death ghost behind her raised the sickle in his hand high, Li Luo felt an indescribable malice and instantly locked him down.


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