Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 761: Little Golden Power

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The sickle of the Death God Phantom slashed down, and Li Luo felt a terrible malice rushing towards him immediately afterwards.

"Didi Didi. Under attack by unknown curse energy."

Listening to the report of the Mechanical Heart, Li Luo's expression changed, and the destruction energy surging throughout his body.

"Didi Didi. The curse energy exceeds the threshold, and the destruction energy is weakening."

With the alarm of Mechanical Heart, Li Luo felt weaker and weaker, and his whole body seemed to be collapsed. But his physical strength was too strong, and he had undergone gravity training. The figure did not retreat but moved forward, rushing towards the Zerg queen.

I saw the thunder dragon sword in his hand burst into a dazzling purple light, and he slashed away at Silas.

Silas showed a look of fear, and his figure exploded backwards, but Li Luo's sword never came against her. He saw a sword aura from him, and the silver light flashed from it, and his soul was poured into it. The silver-purple sword aura instantly smashed on the phantom of death.


There was a piercing scream, and the sound pierced people's eardrums.

The exoskeleton armor will automatically shield the sound frequency that exceeds the limit of the human body, so this sound does not affect Li Luo.

However, the battle did not continue, Silas quickly backed away, and Li Luo took advantage of the curse to disappear, quickly absorbing the energy in the necklace.

After a while.

The previous Krakis seemed to recover and fell to the ground.

Li Luo's face condensed, and the zss blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand aimed instantly, with a bang, a huge electromagnetic shock wave suddenly arrived.

The earth shook violently, and the ninth-order blocking electromagnetic gun instantly shattered the surrounding void.

A trace of space cracks appeared, and slowly recovered.

This time, Krakis's entire worm body was lying on the ground, and his breath began to weaken quickly.

Li Luo looked happy, his figure continued to rush towards Silas, the Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand flashed, and the sword fiercely slashed out.

Silas felt the thunder on the sword, and he also palpitated, and quickly pulled away to one side.

Li Luo glanced at Silas, holding the zss blocking electromagnetic gun again in his hand, and shot another shot at Krakis.


This time, the Krakis finally broke his brain and fell to the ground, silent.

Silas' complexion changed, and he was about to go to recover Krakis's body, but then he was preempted by a thin golden thread and landed on Krakis's body.

The golden light dissipated, and it was a fist-sized golden beetle, and it was Xiao Jin who was not fake.

I saw his golden light work all over his body, instantly turning into a size of more than 20 meters. He sucked into Krakis's body. Krakis rolled around, quickly shrunk, and entered his mouth.

Silas' complexion changed, and he was about to move, but Li Luo appeared in front of her in an instant, and saw a single-horned phantom on his forehead emerge, and the purple-red light in his hand suddenly brightened.

Immediately, a purple-red ray instantly enveloped Silas.

Immediately afterwards, Silas' complexion changed, and his whole body was silvery, and a huge silver silkworm chrysalis-like method emerged. Surrounded by a series of dark spiritual patterns, it even firmly blocked the destruction rays.

Now Li Luo was a little moved.

But he leapfrogged and released a high-order destruction ray, this Silas actually blocked it by virtue of the law?

Looking at its physiognomy, the number of dark spiritual patterns keeps increasing, giving people a sense of illusion that can swallow everything.

Li Luo's complexion changed, and the Buddha's light in his hand was a masterpiece, and he slapped his head with the palm of the Tathagata.

With a snap.

The giant silkworm chrysalis shook for a while, but it still blocked it.

Li Luo's expression changed, and he quickly stepped back. Xiao Jin returned to the size of his fist, turning into a stream of light and falling on his shoulder.

Immediately, Silas, who was not far away, opened his mouth and sucked at Li Luo. Suddenly, Li Luo felt that his destruction energy began to agitate, and a trace of destruction energy had escaped from his body and flew towards Silas.

"Boss. Look at me!" Xiao Jin said, flying high into the sky, his body swelled rapidly, turning into a size of more than 20 meters, and his aura was also rising steadily.

At this moment, the corner of Li Luo's eyes suddenly jumped, and he felt Xiaojin's breath, broke the limit in an instant, and reached the level of the eighth step.

"Hey. Our Sky Devouring Worm originally came from the same origin. After being swallowed, the power of this Worm King does not need to be refined, it can be directly integrated into my body!"

Xiao Jin's compound eyes lit up suddenly, and he opened his mouth and took a strong breath at the silkworm chrysalis in front of him.

Suddenly, billowing black light gushed out from its mouth, instantly turning into a huge funnel, which continued to spin.

Immediately afterwards, Li Luo felt the power of swallowing the sky in the funnel, and the spiritual energy and energy in the surrounding void instantly poured into Xiao Jin's mouth.

Silas's face also changed, and his whole body felt a loss of strength, his body was disintegrated, and he poured into Xiao Jin's mouth.

Li Luo smiled and took advantage of this effort to quickly absorb the energy in the necklace.

After a while, Silas finally changed his complexion, and recovered the energy of the silkworm chrysalis, and his figure fled into the distance in a flash.

"Want to run?" Li Luo's eyes were cold, and Shenluo's movement under his feet instantly started, and a few flashes blocked Silas's escape.

I saw the Buddha's light flashed in his hand, and the Xiaocheng version of the Tathagata palm was immediately photographed.

This palm did not mention destroying the enemy, and Li Luo, who had recovered 20% of his energy, could only perform this attack, and the purpose was only to hold Silas for a moment.

Soon, Xiaojin turned into a golden light and rushed over.

At this moment, Xiao Jin's figure flashed and emerged from behind Silas, a golden palm wind swept across his neck in an instant.


The moment Silas was still resisting the palm of the Tathagata, the next moment, he felt a warmth in his neck, and when he looked down, Silas felt a whirl of the sky and saw his headless corpse fall from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Silas' consciousness plunged into darkness.

Li Luo collected Silas' body and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the steel fortress.

At this time, there were also insects around who discovered the deaths of the two kings, screaming and fleeing away, leaving only a few low-level insects still surrounding the steel castle ~www.readwn.com~ constantly slamming into the gate.

Li Luo retracted the two weapons, took out the kss to block the electromagnetic gun, and the turbulent electromagnetic torrent flooded the insects one after another.

When the surroundings calmed down, the core disciples fell to the ground exhaustedly and gasped violently.

"Report. The 342nd Regiment supported 98 soldiers and 52 died."

Karen took a deep breath and said, "Three core disciples were killed in battle."

Luna's expression was slightly ugly, and she said: "The core disciples are all father's flesh and blood, and the three dead are probably indispensable for my father's scolding.

Li Luo didn't say much, just looked at the corpses of the worm demon around him, thought for a moment, and ordered the people to accumulate it.

Soon, a blood sacrifice array was produced.

After Li Luo poured a test-tube insect demon gene virus into the corpse, he began to mutter, and the surrounding insect demon corpses began to emit a slight red glow, which gradually melted away.

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