Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 766: track

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Standing quietly in the dean's office, Li Luo looked at the two beautiful ladies in front of him with his usual expressions.

"Yumeng, you are not Yumeng, I can't tell."

Looking at Wu Xueer and the 30-year-old young woman next to her, Li Luo frowned slightly and spoke.

"I am Yumeng. I am Yumeng from the future. I am coming back this time to tell you about the whereabouts of several earth veins."

Future Yumeng sat there quietly and began to tell.

"Tell me the whereabouts of these spirits, what do I need to pay?" Li Luo frowned and asked.

Yumeng smiled and said, "Half the essence of the earth veins, for the safety of sister Wu. I can travel through time and space to protect her at any time."

Li Luo glanced at the corpse of the middle-aged man on the ground, nodded, and said, "Deal."

Taking a deep look at Yumeng, Li Luo turned around and flew out.

Yumeng just told him a few approximate locations. As for whether he can find it, he needs to have the Star Soul Gang.

Soon, Li Luo flew over the Silver Bird Empire, and gradually came to the Xueying Principality, and landed in a remote village in the distance.

Standing on the unfamiliar and familiar ground, Li Luo slightly lowered his head and looked at the three skeletons lying on the village head.

"Did it be eaten by a beast?" he muttered to himself.

"The target died at the hands of Wind Wolf. He died probably seven days ago."

The sound of the mechanical heart sounded in my mind, and it was moving fast, analyzing the death time of these skeletons and the exact cause of death.

After a while, he shook his head, buried the three corpses, and walked towards the village to see if there were any living people, so as to ask for some clues about the essence of the earth veins.

This village is weird.

Around this village, there was a chaotic energy remnant everywhere, and no sound came out.

This situation is very rare.

Under normal circumstances, even if the people in the village are dead, there should be some scattered small lives around, and it is impossible to have no sound at all.

Under the chaotic energy like today, it often represents greater danger.

The greater the danger, the more powerful creatures have come here.

So the question is, what kind of thing is in such a remote country that is attracting these powerful existences? These energies were extremely chaotic, and Li Luo even felt the evil energy from it, and his eyes flickered slightly.

He could think of this, so his footsteps were very quiet, walking on this small village road, there was hardly any sound.

Before he knew it, Li Luo walked to a small two-story rural building.

This can be called a mini villa, and it can be seen that the owner of the house is very careful when constructing it, and there are a few words written on it.

"Wia Clinic."

In front of the villa, there are a large number of remains.

Many human-shaped corpses fell there, and most of the flesh on their bodies was gone, leaving only a scary skeleton.

It can be seen that at a certain time in the past, many people were seeing doctors here, but they died here for some reason.

But judging from the state of these people's deaths, it should be that they were cut out by some kind of monster and died here.

Li Luo's gaze swept away.

With this clinic as the center, there are many corpses around, everywhere along the way.

It seems that some kind of plague broke out in the whole village and they have to come here to see a doctor?

With this question in mind, Li Luo walked on the small road in the village, and gradually felt a few sporadic breaths, rushing towards this side at another entrance of the village.

Li Luo hid in a corner, watching quietly, five or six children walked over in fear, holding a few huge purple potatoes in his hands. Just listen to the book

"You guys. Come here." Li Luo said hello, and instantly appeared not far from a few children.

After seeing Li Luo, a little girl squatted there with a cry of "Ah!"

Li Luo walked over, gently comforted the little girl, and delivered a piece of barbecue to her arms.

"Can you tell me what happened in your village?"

The children looked at Li Luo with a little fear. After the latter took out the barbecue and handed them to them, a boy finally spoke.

"I don't know why, some time ago, it was like the end of the world, and the whole world was plunged into darkness and cold."

"However, it's okay. If there is nothing else to eat on a cloudy day, just pick mushrooms."

"Just a few days ago, the sky suddenly cleared, but soon, almost everyone in our village caught a fever."

"In order to keep the villagers alive, my father went out hunting with a few other villagers. Later, a group of mercenaries came here and said they were performing their tasks."

"But just in the afternoon of the next day, my father and other people came back, and they were going to ask the doctor with the things they came back from hunting... As a result...the mercenaries rushed into the clinic and took my father and all People are killed."

"A few of us ran in time to survive until now. Uuuuu."

Li Luo patted the child on the shoulder, his eyes flashed with silver light, and he read the boy's memory.

"Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps..." Li Luo frowned, thinking of the mercenaries he had cleared under Rand's first, his expression gloomy.

At this time, the little girl said timidly: "They are not ordinary mercenaries. When we killed our parents that day, they all turned into werewolves and ate all the corpses."

Li Luo nodded, thought about it, and taught them the breathing techniques of some ordinary knights before turning around and leaving here.

Just as he was about to step out of the village, a black shadow flashed away in the distance.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, and naturally saw the appearance of the black shadow. He was a werewolf!

Almost at this moment, Li Luo blocked the werewolf's path.

Seeing the tall werewolf in front of him, Li Luo's eyes were cold, and a sword aura shot out, instantly cutting off the werewolf's legs.

"Where are the others?" Li Luo asked indifferently at the werewolf in front of him.

"Hahaha...hahahaha, I knew that someone would come here. Someone would come here!" The werewolf laughed wildly, as if going crazy.

Li Luo frowned, his eyes bursting with dazzling silver light, and soon the memory of the werewolf appeared in his mind.

The werewolf’s name was ‘Dulong’, he was originally a human, but the blood wolf mercenary group grabbed his sister and forced him to transform into a werewolf.

Seeing the werewolf in front of him and the memory of the spirit of the earth veins, Li Luo looked happy.

What these werewolves seized in the village medical hall a few days ago was the essence of the earth veins. Now he is walking towards White Rock City.

After using sacred magic to connect the werewolf's broken leg, Li Luo turned around and flew up, chasing in the direction of the werewolves.

Because it was originally a small village in the border area, it was not far from Baishi City. When Li Luo flew all the way to catch up with these blood wolf mercenaries, he had already reached Baishi Town.

After waving away the werewolves, Li Luo shook his head helplessly.

"Even the essence of the earth veins was handed over to Wanbao Auction House..."

With Li Luo's current strength, it is naturally impossible for this auction house to keep this kind of fetish, but unfortunately, this auction house has just obtained the essence of the earth vein from these blood wolf mercenaries~www.readwn.com~ sit down. With the teleportation array, the spirit was given to the king of Xueying Principality.

In this way, Li Luo had to sit on the teleportation formation and arrived at Luoada, the capital of the Snow Eagle Principality, and continued to track the trace of this god.

When he entered the capital, he found that it was all in the form of martial law. People were wearing masks and walking on the street, with fear in their eyes, as if they were afraid of something suddenly escaping from the alley.

Li Luo stopped an aunt and asked, "What's the matter, is there an outbreak of an epidemic here?"

The aunt gave Li Luo a flustered look and said: ‘The king’s wife has been in a coma after being bitten by a vampire. It is said that she has turned into a monster. ’

Li Luo touched his chin, lost in thought.

After a while, he walked in the direction of the palace.

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