Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 767: Hidden demon

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In the palace, the emperor of the Xueying Principality at this time was looking anxiously at his queen.

I don't know when, beside him, there is a handsome man, and it is Li Luo who is not fake.

"Who are you! Guards!" Emperor Isaac exclaimed.

Soon, more than a dozen guards ran into the room, and Li Luo surrounded him in groups.

"Rather than use force against me, let me help your wife. Your Royal Highness." Li Luo chuckled lightly, and the golden light in his hand suddenly lit up.

Immediately, an incomparably pure sacred energy rushed toward the beautiful woman on the bed.

Soon, with a murmur, the patient on the bed woke up.

"Isaac!" The beauty hugged Isaac, shedding two lines of tears.

Isaac lightly patted the queen on the shoulder and turned his head to signal the soldiers to retreat.

After everyone had retreated, Isaac finally walked to Li Luo respectfully and performed an aristocratic salute.

"Master Wizard, thank you so much."

Li Luo waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me, but if you want to, thank you for the spirit of the earth veins sent by Wanbao Auction House yesterday!"

"It turns out that you followed this treasure to see a doctor for my wife...This makes sense." Isaac sighed and handed over a sandalwood box.

"Originally, my wife was no longer saved, so she gave her this drink. Now it seems that there is no need for that." Isaac handed the spirit of the earth veins over with some pain.

Li Luo took a look and confirmed that it was this treasure. After thinking about it, he decided to keep it.

"Since you gave me the treasure, I'll do it to the end and help you find the vampire." Li Luo smiled and continued: "Arrange me to..."

Before Li Luo said anything, Isaac quickly said, "If you want to help me anyway, just live in my bedroom! Thank you so much."

Li Luo raised his brows when he heard this, and asked, "That's right. Where are the wizards of your principality?"

Isaac's face flushed for a while, and he said, "I'm having trouble with them!"

Li Luo was speechless when he heard the words, and said, "You really have you, and have a fight with the wizard!"

Isaac sighed and said: "It's not because of Salina. Salina is a wizard apprentice. She was favored by the young masters of the Tatar Wizarding Academy. She wanted to marry her as a concubine, but I accidentally saved her. , Now you see it too."

Ok. This plot sounds a little bit bloody!

Li Luo shook his head speechlessly. In any case, he had to wait for the Witch Hunter Academy or the people who destroyed the Holy See to arrive before he could leave.

In this way, after sending the news, Li Luo waited quietly.

As a result, on the tenth day, he did not wait for him, but waited for two wizards in white robes.

"It's you who cheated our king's earth vein spirit?!" Two wizards, a man and a woman, came in and asked Li Luo involuntarily.

Li Luo's face became cold, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "I saved the king's wife. I should receive this reward. Why, this little friend, wants to be a hero?"


The male wizard's complexion became cold, and a black light shot out from his hand, rolling towards the Universe Gourd on Li Luo's waist.

Li Luo's face sank, his right hand a little.

A sword gas appeared out of thin air, and then instantly slashed in the air, making a sharp piercing sound.

Just listen to the sound of "chih", the blue glow was easily cut through.

"Be bold, leave things behind!" The male wizard's face flashed angrily, his hands turned into claws, and he grabbed it in the air.

I saw a layer of black crystal light on his five fingers. 228 Literature Network

The black fragmented light immediately recondensed and turned into a half-meter-sized giant claw, grabbing towards Li Luo.

The black giant claws swiftly grasped the Universe Gourd on Li Luo's waist, and issued a sharp sneer.

Li Luo snorted coldly, his right hand clenched into a fist, and the purple light suddenly released from above, only to hear a loud bang, and the male wizard flew out.

It's just that after the male wizard was knocked into the air, he was already seriously injured, but he stood up after a short while.

Soon, a few wizards walked in from outside.

The male wizard had a sullen face, and instead of stopping, he strode forward.

The wizards nearby also stepped forward, faintly surrounded.

"Cheating? I just follow the wizard's rules and exchange them at the same price. Do you want to take advantage of the large number of people and grab the treasures I got?" Li Luo glanced away and sneered.

Although these wizards had a large number of them, they were all about the sixth-order cultivation base, and the male wizards in front of them only reached the initial stage of the seventh-order.

However, it is worth noting that someone in the wizarding world has even advanced to the seventh level.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "I think you have achieved the seventh-order level with difficulty in your cultivation. Don't be obsessed for a while. You have spent hundreds of years of cultivation in vain!"

"Presumptuous! How dare to speak like this in Loada City, do you know what this person's identity is?" a blue-robed wizard said angrily next to the male wizard. .

"Oh, your excellency, this person has a great identity. I can only be beaten and not fight back. I have to offer my treasures obediently, otherwise I won’t be able to get out of here alive, right? If that’s the case, I’m really interested Now, what are your identities?" There was a hint of mockery at the corner of Li Luo's mouth.

"You..." The blue-robed wizard suffocated, and was speechless for a while.

"Huh. Talk more nonsense." A red-robed wizard next to him coldly snorted: "With the strength of our little palm, can it be that this person is not an opponent!"

Although the red robe wizard said so, the male wizard in front of him did not change in the slightest.

Obviously, the blow just now really shocked him.

"Let's go." The male wizard took a deep look at Li Luo, then turned and led the people out.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the breath of a male wizard, suddenly startled.


With a shout of anger, Li Luo appeared in front of the male wizard in an instant, saw the divine energy in his hand suddenly mentioned, and instantly submerged into the male wizard's body.

Immediately afterwards.

A horse-faced young wizard next to the male wizard was distorted, his whole body snorted, turned into a two-meter-tall vampire demon, and appeared in front of everyone.


The complexion of the surrounding wizards changed, and they retreated one after another, and the various lights in their hands condensed in an instant.


The blood-sucking demon had just been disguised by Li Luo and was overwhelmed by dense spells.

"Cough cough cough!"

The smoke dissipated, and several wizards around cautiously walked over.

They were shocked to see ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo stepped on a headless corpse, looking at them with a cold face.

"I have something to say!" a wizard said with his eyes flashing.

"Say!" Li Luo said coldly.

The wizard who spoke was a stubborn young man. He hesitated and said, "I found Charles anomalous. That was two hundred years ago. When he returned from a mission, Charles's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and his personality became more and more tyrannical."

"Tell your words to your palms!" After Li Luo put down these words, he glanced at the young palms indifferently, and said: "I'm here, if it is the king's wife. What's the difference? I will go to your college's dean's office in a moment and have a good talk with your dean!"

And just after Li Luo finished speaking, he inadvertently looked at the devil's arm, and it was a black snake tattoo!

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