Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 786: Destiny Steal

[Renren Novel Network]

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Li Luo thought deeply and thought of some other things.

First of all, Seaman knew that he had made biological weapons to deal with the Rotas, but he did not expose them. He was obviously very disgusted with Rotas. Even a little disgusted.

Secondly, the Rotas are doing biological experiments everywhere, which has aroused the outrage of the intelligent creatures in several nearby galaxies. This time, Seaman promotes himself, I am afraid he still wants to use himself to check and balance the Rotas, and even teach them some lessons when necessary.

Finally, after killing the giant gourd baby, Seaman took the gourd seeds. He seemed to be interested in this biological weapon.

But here is the problem. Why did he let Li Luo kill the gourd baby?

Thinking from another angle, what would happen if the gourd baby was really flooded and attacked the main star of the Rota in a spaceship?

Li Luo's thoughts flew, and after a while, he showed a daze.

The gourd people are in disaster, let them taste the taste of the next apocalypse, and then the space patrol brazenly attacked to eliminate the gourd people disaster. In this way, the Rota tribe will not only be grateful to the space patrol, but under this kind of lesson, I am afraid they will never dare anymore. Randomly doing genetic experiments on other races.

However, as the captain of the Space Patrol Squadron, Li Luo might be held accountable.

But so what?

The gourd baby is in disaster. He only needs to collect enough power of destruction and the origin of the star soul to advance to the ninth level. Besides the Great Emperor Ziyuan, who else can be his opponent?

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Luo's mouth, causing Yang Shang to fall into contemplation.

Immediately, the ace spy also figured this out.

The two smiled at each other, did not say anything, each went back to the house and fell asleep.

Ten years later.

Rota's planet ksb93, there are stumps and broken arms everywhere, as well as the corpses of Rotas and gourd children.

Li Luo was suspended high in the air, beside him was Yang Shang, looking at Li Luo in surprise.

The latter was muttering a word, and a thick soul fragment floated towards him, and soon submerged in his pendant.

"It's almost there." Li Luo took a deep breath, his eyes gradually opened, and said calmly: "The Rota on this planet is already one-third dead. It's time for us to take action."

Soon, Li Luo dialed a number, the sky buzzed, and the dark warships flew over.

Inside the battleship, a group of figures came out. They were clones of Li Luo and Yang Shang. Their strength had reached Tier 5, and nearly one-fifth of the female medical soldiers appeared to have been cloned recently. It looks like his strength can reach the second order.

A team of hundreds of thousands of people began to sweep the entire area. One by one, the gourd baby was killed by the blocking electromagnetic gun, and contributed the gourd seeds overhead, making the strength of the hundreds of thousands more powerful.


Seven days later.

Li Luo and Yang Shang sat in the research institute, looking at the reports handed over by several clones in front of them.

"General. This is an artificial intelligence robot factory in several cities. As long as we occupy here, we can create robots to eliminate the gourd disaster." A copy of Yang Shang reported.

"Got it."

Li Luo and Yang Shang glanced at each other, looking at the detailed report in front of them, their brows slightly furrowed.

"Two generals. In fact, for some reason, these gourd children have been fighting and devouring each other some time ago, and many Tier 8 gourd giants have been born." Li Luo's clone said.

"I see. I will take a trip to these factories myself." Li Luo nodded, put the report down, and walked outside.

call out.

A stunned rainbow flashed across the sky, and gradually landed in front of a huge factory.


In the distance, there was a low roar, and a huge figure of a small five-story building rushed over.


While the giant gourd baby was running, the earth began to vibrate, a dazzling golden light burst out of her body, and a sharp aura suddenly spread at this moment.

Li Luo's face was as usual, and the zss blocking electromagnetic gun in his hand flipped over, and with a bang, the giant gourd baby fell down.

Scarlet blood stained the ground, and the giant gourd fell on the ground constantly twitching, the gourd above his head split instantly, and several round gourd seeds fell.

Li Luo picked up the hundreds of gourd seeds one by one, and was about to move, but his arm numb, vines shot out, and instantly inserted into the body of the gourd giant.

Gudong Gudong.

With the sound of flowing water, the corpse of the gourd giant began to quickly dry up, and the mandala's breath also quickly increased, gradually reaching a limit.

Afterwards, Li Luo's imperial beast bag also buzzed, and Xiao Jin's figure emerged instantly, looking longingly at a space bag of Li Luo.

Li Luo took out all the gourd seeds in the space bag, Xiao Jin opened his mouth, and the gourd seeds flew into his mouth instantly. There was a crackling jelly bean-like chewing sound, Xiao Jin's eyes gradually blurred, and he plunged into Yu Beast. In the bag, he fell asleep. Li Luo's complexion changed slightly as he felt the breath of the two demons.

In the past few years, under the supply of this plane, the aura of the two has reached the peak of the eighth rank, I believe it will not take long to advance to the 9th rank!

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Luo looked at the factory in front of him and walked over quickly.

The automatic production switch was activated, and robots were manufactured one after another. After Li Luo gave them the order to mine, he helped them clear the gourd baby along the way.

Just as he walked into the mine, his complexion suddenly changed, and a strong smell of sweat was blowing on his face. Obviously, there were many people gathered here.

Li Luo walked slowly inside, and gradually walked into a side hole. This cave seems to be thousands of square meters in size, and there are rows of Rota people in it.

The moment he entered here, the Rota people suddenly became alert.

Li Luo looked at the Rotas around him, didn't want to pay attention to them, but immediately, a tall figure caught his attention.

This is a Rota at the top of the seventh rank, but this is not the point. Above this Rota, golden threads are intertwined, and finally they converge into a single point, which is submerged in the Rota.

"Son of the plane..." Li Luo nodded, revealing an unexpected look, and chuckled: "I finally found you..."

"Do you know me?" The tall Rotaman looked at Li Luo in front of him and asked.

"Oh." Li Luo raised his brows and smiled: "No, I just heard that there is a group of survivors here. My name is Li Luo and I am a galaxy patrol."

While talking, Li Luo clicked on his watch to prove his identity.

"Finally here. Finally. Uuuuu." The surrounding Rota cried bitterly.

The tall Rota man smiled and asked, "Have you finally come to help us eradicate the evil? My name is Zhuo Fan, the leader here."

Li Luo smiled and said, "Of course~www.readwn.com~Please come with me, I have something to ask you."

Zhuo Fan nodded and followed Li Luo to the outside. ,

When he reached an open space, Li Luo began to inscribe something on the ground, while chatting with Zhuo Fan about some interesting anecdotes about other planes.

After about an hour, a silver magic circle slowly emitted a dazzling brilliance.

"Stand inside." Li Luo smiled, his expression extremely kind.

Zhuo Fan didn't understand, so he had to stand up.

Immediately afterwards, his body stiffened, and his whole body collapsed tightly, unable to move at all.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." Li Luo's mouth made a strange arc, and his hand turned towards Zhuo Fan for a shot.

Suddenly, the golden line of fate above his head disintegrated every inch and began to surge towards Li Luo's hands.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling light spread, and as the line of fate above Zhuo Fan's head was removed, he began to become weak, and the strength in his body began to disappear.

Li Luo stared at the light of destiny in front of him with scorching eyes, and slowly flew high into the sky, chanting an unknown spell in his mouth, and the earth shook violently at this moment.

Soon, a huge light group flew out, slowly flying towards Li Luo.

"Soul-grabber! Are you a demon?" Xinghun let out a roar and shouted loudly, his voice piercing Li Luo's soul.

The corner of Li Luo's mouth twitched, the purple-red light flashed in his hand, and he said playfully, "Then, Lord Star Soul, if I let you enter my necklace and merge with the Star Soul in the wizarding world, do you agree or agree? ?"

"Okay! Don't kill me, I agree to fusion. Wizard world. I heard other star souls say." The star soul flashed a few times, losing its momentum, turning into a streamer that entered Li Luo's Among the necklaces.

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