Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 787: Like a knuckle in the throat

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In the vast cosmic space, a stream of light flashed across quickly.

The light dissipated, and the streamer was a pitch-black spaceship.

Not far from the spacecraft is a gray planet, which looks very polluted.

"Space Patrol, request to enter planet KSB91."

Li Luo and Yang Shang took out their wristwatches and connected the brain's core of the planet in front of the light brain screen.

"Identity confirmation, cancel tracking, please enter my planet within one minute."

The light brain quickly rang an ethereal voice, and a light curtain emerged.

Li Luo operated in front of the light curtain for a while, and the spacecraft turned into a stream of light and plunged into the atmosphere.


In a barren mountain range, the spacecraft slowly landed, the spacecraft door slowly opened, and then slowly closed.

Afterwards, the spacecraft took off again and lased in one direction.


The capital of planet KSB91, Barada.

The optical brain core displayed the movements of the Li Luo two spacecraft on the screen, and soon the spacecraft landed outside Barada.

Li Luo and Yang Shang walked out of it slowly and walked slowly towards the city center.

"Look. They are the two trash patrols."

"Two planets have fallen into the hands of the gourd people, and these two guys have done nothing!"

"Asshole, why doesn't the Space Patrol allow more powerful guys to resist the gourd man disaster."


The two quickly walked into the Balaada Biological Research Center, and a gray-haired Rota came over, and it seemed that they should be the best of this place.

"Hello. Two distinguished patrolmen, welcome to planet KSB91. My name is Ladd. Please pay my respects to Captain Seaman." The Rota old man spoke very politely, but Li Luo still heard the implications. Sharp air.

The words are already obvious. He and Seaman know each other, and I'm afraid the relationship is not ordinary. If you two don't work well, be careful that I take a good copy of you at Seaman's place!

There was a hint of sarcasm in Li Luo's heart, but his expression was still sincere, and said, "Of course, none of us want to see this kind of thing happen."

After a pause, Li Luo continued: "Those gourd people are not to be afraid of, but the gourd seeds produced are very helpful for strengthening the body. You can report to the president and send troops there to improve the strength of the soldiers."

"Of course. My friend." Ladd smiled and said: "This is natural. Even the worms and the Rotas can defeat them. These creatures should not be feared."

Soon, Rad took the two to a banquet hall, and some high-level government and high-level military officers rushed over.

The banquet was very formal. At the dinner table, almost all the officials kept asking Li Luo some questions about the gourd baby, and Li Luo knew everything about it, but the question about the evolution of the gourd baby was not mentioned at all. It's just that they are monsters similar to walking corpses.

The two of them ate and drank for a while, then returned to the research institute and settled down.

As time passed a little bit, it seemed that the gourd disaster was far away from the people, and fifteen years had alleviated all panic.

And on this day, in a wilderness, a dark green light gate emerged out of thin air, and groups of gourd children drilled out of the light gate and blasted towards the surroundings.

Their eyes were glowing green, as if they were hungry for a long time, grabbing an insect or a small animal and stuffing them into their mouths.

Soon, the light door stabilized, and more gourd dolls drilled out of it, and even a thick arm pulled hard at the edge of the light door. Under the twist of the light door, a gourd doll tens of meters tall drilled through it. Came out.

The gourd baby immediately roared, his eyes swept sharply, and when he looked at a certain place on the rock, a golden light appeared in his eyes, and a hidden figure was illuminated in an instant.

Li Luo sighed helplessly, turned and disappeared into the sky as a stream of light.

Three months later.

The entire planet was plunged into chaos.

First, the optical brain was formatted and the intelligence system of the entire planet was paralyzed. Then, the gourd people who came in from nowhere began to wreak havoc and massacred the Rota people.

Hundreds of millions of Rotas died in the hands of the gourd baby, but there were still brave Rotas who swallowed the gourd seeds and their bodies were strengthened.

In the entire planet KSB91, the number of Rotas began to decrease sharply, and a large number of soul fragments poured into the void.

Li Luo quietly hovered in the sky, constantly collecting the power of destruction, with a calm expression on his face.

This is the third planet shrouded by the gourd disaster. Li Luo did not feel any guilt. Of course, his watch had received a message from Seaman, telling him the consequences of the fall of this planet, as the leader of the squadron. He will be held accountable and even go to jail.

However, just three months after the gourd disaster erupted, he had collected enough destructive power.

Collecting the last ray of destructive power into the pendant in his heart, Li Luo slowly landed, took out a piece of elemental foundation stone in a hidden cave, and began to inscribe the teleportation witch formation.

With the engraving of the witch formation, sweat began to flow through Li Luo's forehead, because the teleportation distance was too far, this was a super-large witch formation with tens of thousands of witch formation nodes, and it was very troublesome to engrave it.

It took a full month for Li Luo to engrave the circle.

As a dazzling beam of light appeared, Li Luo turned into a white light and disappeared in the cave.

I don't know how long it took before Li Luo woke up quietly.

"The main body's teleportation time, two months, the mental power is in a long-distance teleportation shock state, and no spells can be released."

Listening to the report of Mechanical Heart, UU read www.uukanshu.com, Li Luo's expression changed, and he thought of a possibility.

Immediately afterwards, under a ripple somewhere in the void, a figure of a blue-haired man emerged. Apart from anything, a golden light flashed in his hand, and the turbulent law of time instantly enveloped Li Luo.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, his face sank, and his hands turned over. The ZSS blocking electromagnetic gun appeared out of nowhere, and shot the blue-haired man out.

Immediately afterwards, the void twisted, and the blue-haired man moved out more than 30 meters horizontally as if teleporting, easily avoiding the bombardment of the electromagnetic cannon.

And at this moment, Yumeng's figure appeared out of thin air, but at this time, she became a lot younger, and she looked like a twenty-seventh-eighth. She smiled lightly at Li Luo, and a golden light flashed in her hand. The golden Changhong shot out in an instant, and directed towards Li Luo.

Li Luo was shocked and was about to do something to dodge, but this golden light instantly poured into him as if it had locked him.

Immediately afterwards, Li Luo only felt that everything around him became extremely slow, and his body seemed to have got rid of the shackles of space, becoming extremely light. ,

"Time accelerates!"

Li Luo was shocked and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the blue-haired man in the distance.

The latter's complexion changed, the golden light masterpiece in his hand, a halo-like golden spider web appeared out of thin air, like a deep tunnel, he was sucked into it and disappeared.

Yumeng took a deep breath and said, "There are two more earth veins, go look for them. It will be the price of my two shots."

Immediately, Yumeng turned into a golden light, and a golden spider web appeared behind him, sucked it in, and disappeared.

Li Luo looked at Yumeng disappearing, his face sank, the snake spirit teaching organization, like a fishbone stuck in his throat, made it difficult for him to breathe.

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