Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 788: New World

Wizarding world.

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, a figure in a purple robe stood in the air.

This person is not someone else, it is Li Luo.

I saw his hands wide open, the purple light flashed in his hands, and the dazzling brilliance burst out from his chest.

The earth began to vibrate at this moment, and a purple ball of light rose slowly and flew towards Li Luo. At the same time, the milky white light above the ball of light gushed out, enveloping Li Luo in an instant.

Gradually, Li Luo was enveloped by the rich star soul origin, and his aura began to rise steadily.

"Ding. Feeling the unknown energy into the body, the subject's life characteristics begin to change."

"Transformation progress 1%..."

"All the attributes of the subject break through the threshold and begin to enter the transition of life."

"The origin of the star soul in the main body's chest begins to be purified and merged into the wizard world star soul. The star soul feeds back 50% of the soul power, and the main wizard talent begins to change."

"Ding. Detecting that the energy in the main body starts to boil, start to control the progress of the promotion."


I don't know how long it took before Li Luo woke up quietly. He was taken aback when he opened his eyes.

He found that even though he didn't consume any energy, his body was still standing in the air, only slightly using physical strength.

"Ding. The main body has transformed and formed a domain-like skill, immune to mind control, vertigo, paralysis, curse, slowdown. Please name it." Xiaozhi's voice sounded from his chest.

"Dominant body domain." Li Luo twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"The detection subject is advanced to the ninth level, and the mechanical heart level is too low to synchronize the subject's state."

Li Luo nodded, turned around and flew out in one direction.


In the old city, pedestrians are constantly walking around, which looks very lively.

On both sides of the road, there are ginkgo trees standing, looking very beautiful.

Walking in this city, Li Luo's figure is inconspicuous.

Foreign caravans and travelers wandered the streets, even mixed with scattered wizards, giving Silver Bird City a sense of mystery.

This is the capital of the Silver Bird Empire, Silver Bird City.

Li Luo came here, first to look at the current emperor, the descendants of Rand, and second, to exchange the origin of the star soul in the necklace for the essence of the earth veins in Rand's hands.

Li Luo's figure flashed, and the element particles all over his body surged out, appearing in a palace for almost a time before he could breathe.

Looking at the sleeping king and queen, Li Luosi measured it, and a psychic force spread out and sank into their heads.

Soon, he learned about the whereabouts of the essence of the earth veins from the memory of the king.

Entering the secret room behind the bookshelf in the bedroom, Li Luo closed the mechanism using magic techniques, and easily put the essence of the earth veins into his own space bag. Afterwards, he took out a sealing ball and sealed part of the origin of the star soul into it, and then slowly left here.

Walking out of the secret room, pressing the mechanism, and returning the bookshelf to its original position, Li Luo was about to walk out slowly, but frowned.


Li Luo was suddenly surprised.

Not far away, a breath that made him very familiar kept coming. Although it was relatively weak, it did exist.

That was the breath of mana. From what Li Luo felt, the other party turned out to be a sixth-order wizard, who should be only a few hundred meters away from him.

After lowering his head and thinking, Li Luo disappeared invisibly, hiding behind the stone pillar in the main hall, and waiting here quietly.

It didn't take long before he saw the source of the mana fluctuations.

This is a young wizard, and the aura on his body is a bit evil, but that's all.

"Lisa." The wizard softly called the queen, chanting a few spells, and then a ray of light penetrated Lisa's body.

Lisa hummed softly, and gradually opened her eyes. After seeing the wizard, she quickly fell to her knees in horror.

"Master Terris, I was not careful..."

The wizard who called Teres had a cold face, and said, "No need to explain. Since this stupid king is unwilling to cooperate with us, let's continue to give him this potion!"

After speaking, the wizard's face was stern, and his hand turned, a brown potion appeared out of nowhere, and a layer of silver light appeared in his eyes. The king immediately woke up unconsciously, and after receiving the potion, he was about to take it. .

"Stop it." Li Luo yelled coldly, and the king woke up cleverly.

"Who are you?" King Hamana frowned, looking at the wizard in front of him and the queen beside him, and he understood what was going on.

Li Luo walked slowly towards the wizard, a ray of light appeared in his hand, but with a flash of purple light, the wizard's legs turned into little element particles and dissipated.

"You!" The wizard had cold sweat on his forehead, and the pain of his broken leg caused him to violently shake his mind, and he fell to the ground.

"Are you Dean Li Luo?" King Hamas seemed to recognize Li Luo and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's me, you can recognize me, that's good." Li Luo smiled and said calmly: "Your queen has betrayed you, Hamana."

"Lisa! Is this true?" Hamana's face changed, and he asked the beauty in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, the reason why you have no children is because you drank this potion. Hehe, haha..." Lisa laughed wildly, with two fangs at the corners of her mouth, and a thick black glow appeared on her skin. The hair instantly turned into a tall female werewolf and rushed towards Hamana~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo waved his hand gently, the queen instantly stiffened, and the purple halo flashed on her body, and she collapsed. , Turned into a little bit of element particles floating away.

The wizard in front of him finally changed his face, and his expression of fear spread rapidly on his face.


Li Luo stunned him with a punch and began a soul search.

After a while, Li Luo's complexion changed, and he quickly opened the man's sleeve, and there was a familiar black snake pattern embroidered there, constantly spitting out snake letters, like a living thing.

After searching the soul carefully again, Li Luo waved his hand to burn the wizard to ashes, and then walked outside with a gloomy expression.

"It turned out to be to the New World..." Li Luo murmured, about to fly away.

In this wizard's memory, all the high-level Snake Spirit Sects went to the new world after the wizard's world was ascended. And also established an academy called the Snake of Shadows.

At this moment, the king behind him hurried over.

"Mr. Li Luo, are you planning to go to the New World?" Hamana asked with a look of eagerness.

"I heard that one year of cultivating there is equivalent to ten years outside. I don't know if it is true."

Li Luo glanced at Hamana suddenly, smiled, and said: "If there is no accident there, the elemental energy is ten times that here."

Shaking his head slightly, Li Luo continued, "Why ask this."

"Ancestor Li Luo, go to the New World to cross the forbidden sea, where there is the existence of the Nineth-order Sea Clan, so...so you should get on our royal ship, otherwise it will be very hard along the way." Mana stammered, staring at Li Luo.

Li Luo smiled and said: "If you go to the New World, just say it directly. The friendship between me and Rand will naturally **** you, but...before that, let's leave a few heirs."

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