Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 815: Purchase fetish

"Body Wizard (

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One month later.

Li Luo returned to the dark elf city.

As the elf said, the information about the ruins was enough to exchange Tyron's life.

The ruins are in the southeast of the dark elf main city, in a tall mushroom forest. Not only are there sanctuary-level monsters in the mushroom forest, but also the servants of the **** of death are guarding it there.

There is an elixir named Tianlingcao growing in the ruins, which has only matured in ten thousand years, and this year is exactly ten thousand years old, and the divine herb will be born soon.

The effect of the spiritual grass on this day is to improve one's comprehension in a short time, which can be used to comprehend a higher level of the small universe---the sixth sense.

The average powerhouse, even if it reaches the level of a god-level powerhouse, and does not comprehend the sixth sense, the explosion of the small universe is still at the tenth level, unable to save the slightest.

The sixth sense is so difficult to comprehend, and people with high talents are naturally nothing to say, but after all, most people will stay at the level of an ordinary small universe.

This is information obtained from the tall elves. Three months after the opening of the ruins, the main mother of the dark elf led her own team. If you want to go together, you must pay a hundred sacred stones.

With such great martial arts in the small universe, Li Luo naturally wanted to continue in this direction. So I signed up almost without thinking about it.

As a result, on the fifth day of his registration, the price of participation soared to as many as three hundred sacred stones, which made him thankful that he had foresight.

For this visit to the ruins, he is naturally bound to win. So this time I must be more prepared, and I went straight to the Divine Object Pavilion, which specializes in selling elixir and fake artifacts.

Looking at the rank ten powerhouses coming and going, Li Luo felt more and more that he must act low-key.

He first went to the grocery store and bought a few black robes. After putting on one, the muscles on his face squirmed and turned into a plain-looking man.

Li Luo came to the front of the Shenwu Pavilion again, covered the hood on the black robe, and walked in.

Inside the fiery red building, it was a world of its own. There seemed to be a space circle inside. Li Luo only felt a moment of changing scenes when he came in, and he came to a hall covering an area of ​​nearly a kilometer in radius.

In the hall, a number of dark elf women with enchanting figures were explaining to some Tier 10 powerhouses who looked like guests.

In the counter, there are a lot of various items. In terms of style, they should be something that can only be used by a tenth-level strong. From high-level spirit grass to magic scrolls with powerful fluctuations, and all kinds of things. The pseudo-artifact.

Li Luo smiled slightly, it seems that he really found the right place.

At this moment, a beautiful female elf greeted him, blinked and took Li Luo's arm, and said, "What does the guest officer want to see? Would you like a little girl to introduce it? If so! You have selected enough things, and there are special rewards~"

Li Luo naturally knew what this enchanting female elf was suggesting, but she just glanced at the woman indifferently and lost interest.

"I want to see some fake artifacts and magic scrolls, but I only want the best things, don't show me those inferior products!" Li Luo said lightly through the hood.

The dark elf maid was stunned when she heard this, but she carefully looked at Li Luo's momentum and made sure that the other party was not joking, and the smile on her face became more real. He knew that he must have met the main customer, so he quickly invited Li Luo to Arrived upstairs.

The furnishings on the upper floor are different from the lobby below. Not only the area is much smaller, but also some tables and chairs made of red cedar are placed. The high-end atmosphere makes people feel like they have come to a high-end store at a glance. There is also an expensive incense burner in the corner of the room. There is a bunch of vanilla burning in the furnace, filling the room with a faint lavender smell.

A gentle middle-aged man was holding a magic scroll, and his hand flashed with faint light. It seemed that he was enchanting the scroll, like a high-level wizard.

Li Luo was a little dumb. He didn't expect to meet his peers here, but he didn't know anything about the refining of spell scrolls, so he couldn't help but walk over.

The middle-aged man saw Li Luo coming, gave him a faint look, and continued his enchanting work, while the beautiful wizard who came up with Li Luo quickly stepped forward and whispered a few words in his ear.

After listening, the middle-aged man greeted him with his hands and said with a smile:

"I don’t know what your Excellency should be called by Ruelfa, the manager of the Fetish Pavilion in the next place!"

"Fildy." He thought about it, and felt that it would be safer to report a pseudonym. After all, there have been death attacks before, so he has to be cautious.

"Guests, please sit down!"

"Go, make a good pot of scented tea!" The middle-aged man led Li Luo to sit down, and then ordered the elf maid beside him.

"Brother Ferdy is the first time to come to this building!" The middle-aged man began to ask politely after Li Luo settled down.

"Hey! The manager is so insightful. I am indeed the first to visit your building." Li Luo replied hoarsely, taking a sip of the fragrant tea that the elf maid handed over.

"It seems that the little brother should have made a fortune in the mine, so he has the confidence to come to the second floor to buy treasure. However, this building is also famous and can definitely satisfy you." Luerfa said confidently .

"I won't say too much nonsense. You want the best fake artifacts and magic scrolls. There are still a few pieces of the treasure of the town shop in this shop. Come, bring the treasure of the town shop to this distinguished guest." Luer Fa smiled and said, clapping his palms vigorously.

Soon, a few treasures were presented by a few enchanting elf girls.

At this time, Luerfa began to introduce the contents of the brocade box to Li Luo.

"A set of 18 needles for the Shen Iron Blood Curse Needle, using Shenyuan Iron Ore and Shenming Mine as raw materials, refined by master craftsmen for a century. The speed is extremely fast, making opponents hard to defend against, and it can trigger the blood curse if the enemy is injured. It turned into a pool of blood and died!" He pointed to a set of blood-colored needles in an open box and introduced.

Li Luo didn't speak, he reached out and took a blood needle and looked at it for a while, and found that countless ghosts of resentment appeared in the blood needle, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Shen Tie Tian Ling Jing, a very rare defensive fake artifact, is also made by Shen Tie, which is mixed with Tian Wai Shen Jing. Not only is it extremely strong and unbreakable, but once it is driven by a spell, it can be used to attack opponents. Bounce back." Luolfa picked up another palm-sized purple iron mirror ~www.readwn.com~ and said. Then he handed it to Li Luo and asked him to examine it.

After Li Luo took it, he injected some energy, and the mirror quickly expanded and began to spin around him.

Nodded, put the mirror down, Li Luo said: "Anything else?"

The manager's expression changed, and Li Luo added: "I want both of them. I want to ask if there are any other good things?!"

"Hehe, it really is a distinguished guest." The manager hesitated and took a spell scroll out of his arms.

"Spell Scroll---God's Weapon from Heaven. You can copy the clone that is exactly the same as yourself. The effect lasts for one day and can be used multiple times!" The manager was a little bit reluctant to say at the end.

Li Luo took the magic scroll, stuffed it directly into the space bag, and said with a smile: "Mr. Manager, prepare me a copy of the medicinal magic herbs on this list. How much is it, I will settle it now!"

The elf maid beside her trembled when she heard the words, her face showing a blush.

The manager's eyes gleamed, holding an abacus for a while, and then he said: "Thirty-seven thousand **** stones."

Li Luo was shocked when he heard the words, but still passed the **** stone to the manager.

Soon, the magic grass was also sent over. After Li Luo packed all the treasures into the space bag, he turned and left.

The elf maid wanted to say something, but her figure was stagnant, but she showed a bitter face.

The manager behind her seemed to be in a good mood, smiled and patted the elf **** the shoulder, and said, "So, you can be considered interested, so let's, your sales contract will be cancelled from today.

"Thanks, thank you, Manager Rulfa." The expression on the elf woman's face was blooming like a rose at this moment.

She immediately looked out the window, but what she saw was a figure in a black robe gradually disappearing in the streets.

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