Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Kill all

"Body Wizard (

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After he left the Shenwu Pavilion, he wandered around the streets and looked at the goods on the floor at will. After watching for a while, his sight finally froze in front of a stall, a dark golden token.

"Hello. This big brother, the quality of this token is not low. The key is the treasure obtained from the ruins. Look..." a gentle-faced woman said softly, her face showing You know the face of the goods very well.

Li Luo picked up the token, weighed it, and said, "How many sacred stones?"

"Two thousand sacred stones." The girl gritted her teeth and said.

"Ding. Found a data interface." At this time, the voice of Mechanical Heart rang in Li Luo's mind.

Li Luo's eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced left and right, and after confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he took out a cloth bag, took out two thousand pieces of the sacred stone in the space bag, and handed it to the woman.

At this moment, a figure of a man in the distance walked over.

"Hold on, I want this token!" A man in a golden robe came over, gave Li Luo a cold look, and said.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "Your Excellency must have a first-come-last-come when you buy something. I have already delivered the **** stone. The transaction has been completed!"

While talking, Li Luo collected the token.

"Huh. Since you bought this token, you will sell it to me!" The man in the golden robe looked like a 27-year-old man. He looked up and down at Li Luo with a contemptuous sneer.

"No need. There is no shortage of sacred stones underneath!" Li Luo said, stepping on his feet, and with a burst of energy, it turned into an afterimage and blasted towards the distant street.


The youth's face was cold, and after a few breaths behind him, dozens of powerful men gathered together, and with an order, they chased the street where Li Luo had disappeared.

Li Luo fled all the way, and gradually left the main city of the elves, and came to a dark mine.

"The moon is black and wind is high in the night, when murder and arson!" He glanced at the three moons hanging high, and sneered.

Immediately, Li Luo's figure flashed and plunged into the mine.

Hundreds of big men rushed over, surrounded by three circles and three circles in front of the mine, quietly waiting for something.

After a while.

The young man in the golden robe fleeed slowly and landed in front of the mine.

"Young Lord Coron. This person is surrounded by a cave and has become a turtle of Weng Zhong." A black-faced man said with excitement.

"Huh. It is said that if you get the golden token, you can find the spirit grass of that day. It is really lucky today, not only did someone contribute the token, but also caught a big fish!" The young man in the golden robe moved his neck and made a creak, Then he waved his arm with a sullen expression.

The big guys around got the order and rushed in excitedly.

At the moment when these big guys rushed in, Li Luo did not release any gourd baby, but urged the blood cursing needle in his hand, turning into a string of scarlet afterimages and piercing the surrounding big guys.


After a few screams, a famous man fell down instantly, turning into a pool of blood. But after such a stimulus, Li Luo felt that at least eighteen wisps of energy were consumed by the stimulus of this high-grade fake artifact.

Now it was his turn to be shocked.

These energies were enough to supply him to kill dozens of powerhouses of the same rank. Now urging these 18 blood cursing needles, just killing 18 big men?

But when I thought about it, I was relieved. These eighteen big guys are changed to be the powerhouses of the late tenth stage, maybe they can't handle the blow of this set of pseudo-artifacts?

Just as Li Luo was in pain, his energy consumption was huge, the big man in the distance rushed towards him with red eyes, and he looked like he wanted to take Li Luosheng alive.

Li Luo also rose in anger. These were ordinary experts who did not understand the small universe. Li Luo directly took out the Thunder Dragon Sword and rushed over.

With the super power and speed of the flesh, and the thunder and lightning blessing of the Thunder Dragon Sword, Li Luo walked through the big men like a phantom. The Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand bloomed with purple-gold phantoms, like a lotus in the group of big men. Blooming inside.

Then, time seemed to freeze at this moment. The golden rays of the whole body of several big men suddenly brightened, and Li Luo seemed to have entered a quagmire, becoming extremely slow.

Immediately, densely packed swords and various rays of light rushed towards Li Luo in an instant.

Li Luo's heart was cold, and a dazzling purple-golden light of destruction suddenly burst out, and the golden light of the law of time was instantly dispersed. The movement in his hand kept moving, and the Thunder Dragon Sword was blurred, and the dazzling purple-golden sword light burst out . ,


There was a sharp rubbing sound of gold and iron, and the surrounding energy beams and flying swords rolled out immediately, a sharp sword intent rose in an instant, and a dazzling sword light bloomed at this moment, turning into densely packed rows. The light curtain of sword qi lased in all directions.


With a scream, the mine suddenly became quiet again.

Outside, Colum naturally heard the screams of his subordinates, and immediately his face became extremely pale, and he flew out into the distance without thinking.

As soon as he flew out, a purple-golden sword aura flashed from behind his neck, but it was firmly blocked by a golden shield.

But this Colum also fell from the sky with a scream, a flip and landed on the ground.

As soon as Colum settled down, he only felt a flower ~www.readwn.com~ a ghost figure appeared out of thin air, and he slammed it over.

I saw the golden shield in front of him resurfaced again, and when he heard a loud local noise, Colum flew upside down, puff! With a sound, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Li Luo leaned back in a counter-shock, but then stabilized his body shape, once again turned into an afterimage to take shelter, and layers of fist shadows greeted the past.

There was a magnificent chime, and the golden shield finally shattered under a series of violent blows.

Colum was even more shocked and flew out, slamming heavily on the ground. I saw him crawling backwards in horror, but he was chased by Li Luo a few steps.

But at this moment, Colum looked stunned and looked like a tricky trick. A **** dagger in his hand instantly appeared, bursting with dazzling blood, turning into a stream of light, and shooting towards Li Luo's chest.

Li Luo's complexion changed drastically, and it was obviously too late to try to dodge.

Seeing his thoughts moved, a golden mirror surface emerged out of thin air, and the local slam collided with the blood-colored dagger.

"High-grade fake artifact! How is this possible. You...can't kill me! I am the young patriarch of the Orens family, you can't...ah!"

Coron wanted to say something, Li Luo swiped across with a few swords and chopped off his limbs.

Throngs of blood spurted out, and Colum fainted with a scream.

Li Luo held down Colum's head once and began a soul search.

After a while, he directly connected to his storage bag and sent a destructive fireball down, burning it into ashes. The storage bags and items do not know of any tracking restrictions, and Li Luo dare not take them as his own. After all, behind the other party is an entire family.

Recalling the information of tokens and relics in Coron's memory, Li Luo's eyes flashed slightly.

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