Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Team up

"Body Wizard (

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In Colum's memory, I learned that the Spirit Grass definitely exists on this day, and the maturity period is only four months later. The ruins have long been raging by law and storms, which only gradually subsided after three months, which lasted for a year.

So, for now, this alien version of the movie is somewhat credible. But it must not be fully believed. And on this day, the spirit grass Li Luo is inevitable, so the trip to the relics needs to be considered in the long term.

He decided to inquire more information and learn more about the situation in the ruins.

The Menethir Hut in the main city of the Dark Elves specializes in selling high-value information. Li Luo has enough sacred stones on his body to come here directly.

The whole room was painted with black paint, and it looked heavy and gloomy from the outside.

Li Luo put on the black robe, gently opened the wooden door, and walked in.

"If you want any information, just say it straight. High-level intelligence, ten thousand sacred stones, medium-level intelligence one thousand sacred stones, low-level intelligence one hundred sacred stones." An old dwarf who squatted on his back smashed his pipe and glanced at Li Luo. , And put the pipe in his mouth.

"The information in the ruins. This is 30,000 sacred stones. If it is very valuable, an additional price will be added!" Li Luo took out a bag of sacred stones from the space bag and said calmly.

"Hey. You are looking for the right person! I, Hilmore, is the best intelligence dealer!"

The old dwarf closed the wooden door, spit out a large smoke ring, and turned off the light. Then he said: "This ruin is divided into nine different areas. The center of the ruin is naturally the central area, and there is a heavenly spirit grass inside. The other eight areas correspond to the eight basic elements of land, fire, wind, water, light, darkness, time, and space. In the area of ​​time and space, the most dangerous, a little carelessness will lead to the evil of time. The sacred fire is refined into a pile of dry bones, and the space gods can create and shuttle wormholes at will. Sudden attacks on you are even more difficult to prevent."

"The other areas are nothing. It's good to fight directly. If you want to raise your small universe to the peak of the five senses, you must obtain an artifact called the Heavenly Token. With the artifact, you can absorb the soul of the dead and increase it. The intensity of the small universe quickly reached the peak of the five senses!"

"So, this sir, if you want to benefit from the ruins, the first thing you must get is this token."

"If you want to enter the core area, you have to get eight different Tiangong tokens."

"Oh. By the way, you can join in with others, and if you have a token, you can also become the leader! With the help of others, you will quickly approach the altar and absorb the soul power inside."

"I heard that there have been many mysterious people in Old John's beer hall recently. There should be partners you can ally with."

"Okay. That's all I said."

The old dwarf yawned, took out a manual, and handed it to Li Luo.

Li Luo took the manual, which contained a series of divine evil illustrations, as well as their abilities and combat power. After he collected them, he gave the old dwarf 10,000 sacred stones and left here.

Soon, he came to the Old John’s Beer Hall that the old gnome said.

The beer house looks very big, covering an area of ​​about one hundred meters in size. It is said to be a beer house, but it is like a high-end bar, with a constant stream of guests.

"This gentleman, welcome!" a fairy maid came over and said with a smile.

Li Luo rewarded her with a piece of sacred stone, and said calmly: "I want to meet some powerful guests, it is best to make a Galaxy contract."

The elf girl took Li Luo’s sacred stone and swallowed her saliva. She seemed to be surprised at the amount of the tip, and said, "Sir, are you planning to take part in the ruins adventure? Yes, we are also an information platform for adventurers, I believe You can find the most wishful partner to take an adventure together."

"Come with me." The elf girl took a lotus step and walked towards the bar. The two strong men guarding the gate took a look at Li Luo and then let go.

Li Luo has been following the girl into the bar, looking at all kinds of adventurers around, all of whom are wearing a black robe or cloak.

The girl led Li Luo to the second floor and walked into an office.

There were only two chairs and a table in the office, and a black-skinned elf was sitting there, playing with a blood-colored dagger in his hand.

"Hello, guest. Welcome to match your teammates. If you want information about your teammates, you need one to ten sacred stones." The Black Skin Elf took out a manual from the desk drawer and picked up a pen: "Name, strength, Small universe attributes."

"Smith, at the beginning of the tenth stage, a small universe with earth properties, comprehend the supergravity magnetic field."


after an hour. Li Luo left this office with satisfaction, holding a few pieces of paper recording code words, and found four teammates of different races.

After the five of them found a private room upstairs, Li Luo directly opened the door and said: "I have one token, it is in the bright area. Since several of them are willing to follow me, I am afraid they are also rushing to the token? "

The virtual spirits can make themselves virtual, but in fact they enter the space stack, with a strong space talent and a small universe of space systems. They look quite like elves, and are considered distant relatives of elves in evolutionary history.

This Ethereal Clan who came up with Li Luo is a girl in her early twenties, but the real age is unknown to Li Luo, but judging from the heavy breath of her bones, her bone age is at least five hundred. How old is it.

The Ethereal Girl nodded indifferently, and said: "My ability can stabilize the surrounding space, the space area, and I can try my best to ensure your safety~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo nodded, and turned his eyes to a dwarf-sized one. Elephant Trunk Man.

The Holy Spirit race can control the time flow around the void and stabilize the time flow around it. According to legend, the Holy Spirit race is the master of the confused galaxy. There has been a storm of time for a long time, and they have a god-level powerhouse sitting in the town to stabilize the galaxy Long time.

The male of the Holy Spirit race looked simple and cute, his bone age was surprisingly only 300 years old, and he was even younger than Li Luo.

"Since both of them have reported their abilities, I think we should have gained a lot of benefits from this trip to the ruins, but in order to get a better fit with each other, I think we can talk about the abilities of the two." Li Luo glanced at the other two people and said.

The remaining two teammates, one is a woman with red wavy long hair, with a nice face, but a strong and terrifying aura, faintly surpassing the middle stage of the tenth stage, reaching the level of the latter stage of the tenth stage.

She lifted her shawl and red hair, blown off her double guns, and said: "Bounty hunter Werna, the ability of the small universe will kill with one blow! As long as I fire thirty bullets, the small universe can be burned to its limit. Attach to the bullet to form a defensive blow!"

Li Luo was slightly surprised, and glanced at the other short girl, looking at her porcelain baby face, and even Li Luo had a sense of trompiness of seeing a child.

The little porcelain baby-faced girl seemed very shy, and she said: "My name is Lulu. I and Werna are together, and I will give you a shield. My small universe is defensive."

Li Luo was slightly surprised, watching Lulu couldn't help but stretch out her hand to pinch her face.

But the outstretched hand immediately retracted. Werna pointed the muzzle at his forehead with an indifferent expression. Li Luo coughed a few times and laughed: "Well, you are welcome, and we wish we can cooperate happily!"

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