Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 819: Demons crush the city

"Body Wizard (

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Through conversation, the name of the little Holy Spirit is Rugar, and the name of the Ethereal girl is Elna.

Just when Li Luo and the others were familiar with each other's abilities, several black armor elf warriors walked in.

"All entertainment venues will be closed for the time being, and everyone will return to their residences and not go out at will!" The loud voice suddenly spread in the bar.

When everyone heard this, they didn't know why, but in the official main city, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to walk outside the bar.

As a result, not long after they left the bar, a loud bell rang from the main city.

The voice was so great and long and far away, that the people's blood was boiling, and a war intent rose.

When bells were heard everywhere in the city, there was a rush, shops hurriedly closed, and pedestrians on the street hurriedly rushed towards their residences.

"This is a call for war, is it possible that a group of gods and evildoers come to attack?" Verna's expression changed, she stopped, and glanced at the bell tower in the distance.

"It seems that there is a powerful enemy attacking Bloodmoon City!" The little Rugar was also groaning.

"Ah...could it be that the legendary demon is coming?" Lulu glanced at the other four, her mouth pouted slightly.

"Do not rule out this possibility. There are a lot of demons who have come to God's Evil Realm this time, and Tier 10 demons are everywhere." Li Luo stood with his hand in his hand, frowning slightly.

"If there are demons, I must prepare more enchanted bullets. You will follow Lulu back to our villa first." Erna's face changed and she said.

"Okay. Go back to the villa first, and then make plans." Li Luo glanced at a group of soldiers patrolling in the distance, then followed Lulu, and everyone walked towards her villa.

Vilna’s villa is three-storey high and has a very luxurious interior decoration. Entering the villa gave Li Luo a feeling of returning to modern society.

Li Luo found a bedroom and sat cross-legged on the bed, with a hint of thought flashing across his face.

I don't know what happened, which put Blood Moon City into a state of martial law.

He wanted to inquire about some information from the guards, but considering that he might be arrested, he gave up.

In fact, he didn't care who came to attack the main city. He had a large number of gourd children army, and he was not afraid of any demons or gods. It was just that, but he disrupted his plan.

Originally, according to his plan, he tried to buy the other tokens as much as possible, but the bar was closed and the street stalls received the goods. Even if there were a large number of sacred stones, the tokens were priceless.

After pondering for a moment, he quickly shook his head, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Now that I have reached this point, I can only calm down and wait for the news slowly.

Martial law was imposed everywhere in the city, and groups of black armor elven soldiers guarded the main roads.

Near the gate of Blood Moon City, a black cloud flew over, and when they got closer, there was a group of black armored soldiers who fell on the wall, and soon the wall was full.

There was also a "crack" and "crack" on the city wall, and the ground in front of the city wall was also rumbling and shaking. Every few hundred meters, a dark stone tower rose up, exuding an amazing elemental aura.

Soon, dazzling white light condensed from the wizard towers, illuminating everything around them.

And in a mushroom forest near Blood Moon City, some figures appeared vaguely. Everyone looked at the mushroom forest as if they were facing an enemy.

Li Luo sat quietly in the room for about half a day, Verna returned from the outside and asked everyone to gather at the mistress's palace.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately left and went to the meeting room. At this time, there were already seven or eight people in the hall. In addition to Li Luo and a few people, there were also a few tall dark elves.

When several dark elves saw Li Luo coming, they only glanced at him lightly, and then withdrew their gazes.

Li Luo walked over and stood beside Werna.

"There is already martial law everywhere in the city, and you must have guessed it a bit. Yes, it is the demon legion that has not been encountered in 10,000 years. It is almost ten kilometers away." A tall dark elf said slowly.

Li Luo frowned upon hearing this, but did not speak.

"I know what you are worried about. If the tour to the ruins is really cancelled, we will also refund the sacred stones you paid." A tall elf said, and then he changed his voice and continued: "But these demons don't seem to intend to attack. we."

"So? Is their purpose the same as ours?" Li Luo asked rhetorically, his eyes flickered.

"Hey, yes, these demons may have also rushed to the ruins. If they die in the ruins, they will definitely be able to catalyze the Heavenly Spirit Grass very well." A dark elf said lightly.

"That's really great." Li Luo said with a smile.

"Let's go, all go to the mistress's palace, the mistress has something to tell you who are strong in the sanctuary." Several dark elves glanced at a few people and walked directly outside.

Several people quickly followed a few dark elves to a palace in the center of the city.

After passing through several palaces, they entered one of the largest palaces.

In the hall of the palace, there are huge stone pillars on which are carved with lifelike dragons and phoenixes, which look a bit like a previous imperial palace.

At the end of the hall, there is an elf woman with a fiery figure, charming and moving, beautiful and indispensable.

At this time, as Li Luo and others came in, other sanctuary powerhouses from afar also came in ~www.readwn.com~ When the palace was full of people, the elf mother nodded in satisfaction.

"Calling everyone to come over, nothing else. It is about the commotion outside. I have already asked the reason. Within 20 kilometers north of Blood Moon City, a large number of demons and horses were found." The elf mistress fluffed her hair. , Said quietly.

Although everyone had guessed something vaguely, their expressions were different when they really heard this.

Some people showed fear on their faces, while others had a ray of hatred in their eyes.

When Li Luo heard this, his eyes lit up slightly.

Now that the mistress convenes people, I am afraid it is more than just war mobilization.

"Mother Ina, did those demons succeed in the surface world this time?" someone said.

"Not only survived, but there are also a lot of them. But they didn't want to provoke the war, and the purpose was the ruins." Ina paused and continued: "So, due to the urgent situation, I decided to join the demons Explore the ruins, but inside the ruins, you are no longer enemies, but teammates uniting against the demons!"

Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this.

"The demons also enter the ruins? It's a bit tricky now."

"Damn, these demons killed our human race in the ancient times, and I was the first to disagree!" a tall young man said with a change of expression.

"Hmph, are you scared! Go into the ruins and kill them!" A tauren said locally, slamming the handle of the axe to the ground, urnly said.

"What did you say!" The tall man's face flushed red, and he shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay. The person who doesn't want to go will give you the sacred stone!" Ina's beautiful eyes flashed, and she glanced calmly at the surrounding crowd.

Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet.

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