Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 820: trap

"Body Wizard (

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Soon, a month later, the team heading to the ruins set off in a huge flying boat.

In this way, the people who had to be on guard at all times when they were on the road did not have to be afraid of being attacked at any time.

But in the same way, everyone understands that once they enter the ruins, they are waiting for them, but they are the more dangerous demons. Once they are defeated, even their souls will be swallowed by demons.

During the flight, a young man in brocade came over and greeted Li Luo.

This person is the son of the manager of Shenwu Pavilion and his name is Weier.

"Mr. Smith. The blood curse needle works well," the man said in a low voice, winking his eyes, as if he recognized Li Luo's identity.

Li Luo was taken aback, but soon returned to normal.

"Brother Weir, if I have the opportunity, I still have to buy some fetishes from you." Li Luo smiled, and also transmitted a voice.

"Mr. Smith hasn't been in the Underworld for a long time, and he doesn't know much about it. The ancient heavenly palace is so mysterious. Although the dark elves have rooted here for countless years, they have not been able to explore this place clearly. What he knows is still very limited. Every area is unpredictable, many secrets are hidden, there are countless geniuses and treasures, most of the top treasures circulating in our Blood Moon City, in fact, most of them are obtained from there. This time the rule storm in the ruins ceases, but It is the smoothest time in nearly ten thousand years, and the opportunity is really rare." Weir explained.

"So, if Mr. Smith has obtained any treasure that is useless to him, he must choose our Shenwu Pavilion as the object of sale!" After a long time, Weir revealed the purpose of talking with Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded: "This is natural."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then each returned to their team, sat cross-legged, quietly waiting for the flying boat to arrive at the ruins.

In this way, the three-month journey quickly passed, and a high-altitude colorful storm made Feizhou had to stop.

At this time, the team of the demons had already arrived here, and they were passing through a long and narrow mountain pass at a distance of more than a thousand meters.

The demon team had not yet entered the mountain pass, and a sky-shaking beast suddenly sounded in the sky, and a huge dragon flew by from the sky.

Its body is huge, and its body surface is covered with dense black scales. When the wings spread out, the entire sky is obscured, almost turning this area into a dark shadow.

Li Luo's eyes flashed with the power of the stars, bursting with a dazzling purple light.

When it flew by, its wings suddenly rolled, and two cyan air currents visible to the naked eye surged down, and suddenly bombarded the mountain walls on both sides.

Two loud "bangs" came, and both sides of the mountain pass collapsed, billowing smoke and dust all over the sky.

The powerhouses around Li Luo were shocked and retreated outside the mountain pass, but then, under a strong jet of dark magic energy, the surrounding smoke and dust were scattered, and a strong storm surged in all directions. go with.

At this moment, a burst of dark light suddenly burst out from the mountain pass ahead, and a powerful storm of dark laws rushed out of it, turned into a black beam of light, and rushed into the sky from the mountain pass.

A loud "bang"!

Large tracts of rock and sand burst out, and crimson-red magma erupted and scattered everywhere.


I saw a jet of black light blasting away, and in a flash, he caught up with the Black Lin Pterosaur that had flown away, and penetrated directly into the abdomen.


There was a long scream from the pterosaur's mouth, and the body fell heavily downward, and finally quickly dried up in the air, turning into a withered bone and smashed to the ground.

Obviously, this pitch-black light beam possessed extremely powerful true demon energy, and the pterosaur was directly eroded by the demon energy into a piece of withered bone.

The aftermath of this episode passed quickly, and the Demon Race's team moved forward again, and everyone in Blood Moon City continued to move forward at a distance of kilometers away, and chased up.


One month later.

In front of a piece of gold and iron buildings, colorful rays of light surged, and the power of the law shook the sky.

Above the earth, the rumbling sound continued, and countless fist-sized stones were swept away by the violent wind, making waves of collisions.

Before the rule of the storm, some demons endured the pain of their flesh and tried to pass through the storm, but they were scratched all over and retreated.

Several demons, burning with pitch black flames, stepped and tried, with a look of ecstasy on their faces, and walked in.

"That's...the Demon Flame!" Someone immediately recognized the dark demon flames on those demons, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone naturally knew the power of the God Slayer Demon Flame, and their faces were a little ugly, and they began to worry that these actions would run into these demons.

At this time, the elven mother floated down from the flying boat, holding eight Celestial Tokens of different colors, standing in front of a stone monument, and embedding the eight tokens into it.

Soon, a token burst into bright golden light, and the surrounding law storm quickly faded, revealing a windless passage.

Many demons smiled and rushed into the ruins. After all the demons entered, everyone walked in one after another. However, at this time, the entire ruined city was as calm as water, and there was no law of raging storms.

Li Luo looked at the people walking into the city, and saw a flash of white light on them, disappearing out of thin air. What is left is the power of the law of space.

"Let's go. Gather in the light district." Werna blew a pair of guns and walked over first.

Soon, she and Lulu turned into a white light and disappeared.

Li Luo and the other two also walked into the city one after another, all of them disappeared into a white light.

After everyone entered the ruins, the expression on the dark elf mistress's face changed transiently, and her extremely greedy expression quickly fermented, accompanied by bursts of wild laughter, spreading across her face.

After a while, instead of walking towards the ruins, the elf mistress pressed on the stone tablet for a while. The ground squirmed like mud, and an underground entrance appeared in front of her eyes.

The elf mistress stepped in immediately. ,

And as soon as she entered the underground entrance, the ground was squirming again, returning to its original state.

After about a quarter of an hour, there was a bang, and the space shattered with a wave of ripples.

A man in a green robe jumped out of it and landed in front of the stele.

This person is not someone else, it is Li Luo!

The person who had just entered the ruins was a clone of the gods coming from heaven!

Li Luo has been observing the movements of the Elf Mother in the space stack, and immediately imitated her to press the stone tablet, and after a while, the entrance appeared again.

With a slight smile, Li Luo stepped in.

"Boss. That stinky lady really has a problem." Xiaojin flew out of the tunnel and continued to transmit her voice: "That Ina is now with a guy named Diablo~www.readwn.com~ They are in the tunnel. In front of an altar at the end, what ritual is being prepared!"

Li Luo's eyes sank when he heard the words, and his eyes narrowed, hiding the breath of his body, and sneaking towards the altar.

At the end of the altar in the distance, a tall demon said in a low voice: "Ina, remember our deal. You want your heavenly spirit grass, I want the blood of the ancient demon and the fairy clan! The entire ruins will be ours. The people lay down a giant sacrifice circle, and all those who participate in the expedition will turn into your strength! And..."

"And my whole person?" Ina licked the corner of her mouth and leaned against Diablo.

Diablo trembled when he heard the words, as if there was an endless desire to rise, and picked up Ina.

"Hehehehe...hahahahaha!" Ina was hugged by Diablo, and she let out a weird laugh, and her body began to burst like bubbles.

"Huh!?" Diablo's face changed, and he was about to move, but it was too late.

I saw a stream of colorful streamers shooting out from the walls around the altar, and instantly locked onto Diablo.

"Law Chains!" Diablo was startled, his dark eyes swept sharply, and he froze somewhere on the wall of the void.

Soon, the wall slowly squirmed, and Ina, who had turned into a bubble, slowly walked out of it, showing a look of contempt.

"Ina. You should know that there is no arrangement of our demons in the ruins, and it is impossible to form a powerful sacrificial circle to increase the strength of your small universe!!"

"Hehehe...hahahaha. So what, the small universe in your body is suitable to increase the strength of this palace!" Ina licked the corner of her mouth, a **** dagger appeared in her hand instantly, step by step With a grinning smile, he walked towards Diablo.

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