Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 831: Unexplored cat ears

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Li Luo only felt the world spin around for a while, and when he regained consciousness, he suddenly came to a forest of birds and flowers.

"It's so strong here." A few people stood in the forest and couldn't help but marvel.

Li Luo closed his eyes and felt for a while, the joy on his face flashed, and when he slapped the world gourd, groups of gourd children ran out in all directions.

After a few people dug a cave, they waited quietly for the gourd baby to come back from picking the magic grass.

In this way, after waiting for a few days, a hundred gourd children finally returned to the cave.

"Grandpa. Grandpa. The brothers met the giant crocodile all the time, and most of them were damaged there. Uuuuu." Many gourd children cried, and their eyes gradually blurred.

The silver light in Li Luo's eyes gradually dissipated, and with a light wave of his hand, a blue light rolled out with one, and the remaining more than 100 gourd children were collected into the space bag.

"Is it just over a hundred magic weeds? Most of them don't need it..." Li Luo muttered to himself, and collected over a hundred magic weeds.

"If I'm right, those gourd beasts encountered should be dragon crocodile beasts. The strength of dragon crocodile beasts has reached the mid-level divine realm steadily after adulthood, and it is reasonable to kill the gourd baby in seconds." Werna said with a brow .

"That's the case. It's no wonder these guys were lost." Li Luo pondered for a moment, shook his head, and sighed: "The magic grass guarded by the dragon crocodile beast must be extraordinary, it's a pity."

Lulu hummed, seeming to think of something, and said: "Adult dragon crocodile beasts are indeed terrible, but they are not without weaknesses. I remember my grandmother said that this giant monster likes to eat a kind of beast called Mi Xuechan very much. After eating, you will fall asleep."

"Mi Xuechan? I've heard of it." Erna nodded and said: "It is said that after eating this snow toad, ordinary strong people will immediately enter the hibernation state. After waking up, not only will their skills be greatly increased, but also the life of the yuan. Will increase some."

Rugar added on the side: "This Mi Xuechan is not extinct because of this? But...you can try to find it in this secret realm."

"Let's find it separately." Li Luo nodded, "Oh. That's right. The giant crocodile is in the southwest of the secret realm, everyone avoid there."

Several people confirmed Mi Xuechan's characteristics, and then scattered to look for it.

Legend has it that Mi Xuechan likes a magic herb called ice lotus, and Li Luo didn't bother to look for ice lotus, so he directly took out some neon grass from the space bag. This kind of herb has a deadly temptation for all warcrafts. , Can promote the chance of being pregnant with cubs, as long as Fang is released, there will be a large number of beasts running wildly following the smell of magic grass.

Li Luo chose the northeast direction of the secret realm to move forward, until the end of the secret realm, when he came to a snow-capped mountain, he stopped and released the neon grass.

After the neon grass was released, a lot of monsters did come. After Li Luo directly released all the gourds and killed them, he continued to wait. As a result, there was no trace of Mi Xuechan for more than ten days.

Just when he was about to give up, several frogs croaked, and a snow-white toad covered in sarcoma ran over.

This is exactly what Mi Xuechan did not leave. I saw a pair of blood-red eyes steadily turning, and from time to time, he looked at him from side to side, looking extremely timid.

But despite this, the purple nose of this snow toad kept sniffing in the direction of the neon grass, and a trace of humane intoxication appeared on his face from time to time.

I saw that it was a little dissatisfied that it just sniffed in place, and wanted to make some horrible idea. Li Luo became more and more cautious, and there was tension in his expression.

After all, this "Mi Xuechan" was the best at the technique of earth escape, and he ignored the prohibition. As long as you are not careful, your previous efforts may be lost.

After the little things circled around the neon grass, they looked around for a while, sniffed again. It seems that an abnormal smell around him has been discovered, and he hasn't eaten this neon grass for a long time.

Li Luo was secretly anxious.

He had already sprinkled powerful psychedelic drugs on the neon grass, but he didn't expect this snow toad to be so clever that he would not be fooled.

Li Luo became a little anxious!

He thought that Mi Xuechan seemed to have noticed a problem with the neon grass, and he didn't speak for a long time. He couldn't help thinking whether he would sacrifice Qiankun Gourd right now and forcibly capture Mi Xuechan.

When Li Luo was hesitating, another figure of Mi Xuechan appeared in the distance, leaping towards this side.

Seeing this scene while lying on the snow, Li Luo was instantly dumbfounded.

The two Mi Xuechan met in an instant, only to see the white shadow of the previous Mi Xuechan flashing, with a rapid afterimage. He flew from the snow to the neon grass in an instant, swallowing more than half of it in one bite.

The other one seemed to be extremely angry, and with a quack, a burst of acid squirted out of his mouth instantly and sprayed towards the previous one.

The Mi Xuechan in front gave a strange cry, and instantly escaped into the ground and disappeared.

The other one also jumped over, swallowed the remaining neon grass, and disappeared into the ground.

Li Luo looked happy. These two Mi Xuechan are females. If things go well, he can breed a large number of these Xuechan. Naturally, there is nothing to say about the future use.

His mental power immediately spread to a distance of one kilometer ~www.readwn.com~ and two Mi Xuechans were soon discovered.

a week later.

Li Luo satisfactorily returned to the cave where everyone was.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, he started Mi Xuechan's breeding plan.

Mi Xuechan's bloodline is special, and Li Luo is not good at transforming his bloodline. Just keep feeding the clothes with the neon grass in the space bag, allowing him to quickly give birth to tadpoles.

In this way, several people lived in this secret realm for five years.

Finally, the first batch of Mi Xuechan had reached the maturity stage, and several people couldn't wait to make a pot of Mi Xuechan soup. After a lot of food, they fell asleep even more, and their strength began to leap forward.

this day. After everyone woke up, Li Luo disappeared and sneaked towards the southwest.

When he was ten kilometers away from the lake where the giant crocodile infested, he used his spiritual imprint to control a dozen Mi Xuechan and ran towards the lake.

Only heard a high-pitched beast roar in the distance, followed by a rumbling sound of a heavy object landing, everything fell silent.

Li Luo smiled, obviously this dragon crocodile beast has begun to coma and evolve!

To be on the safe side, Li Luo released the only one hundred gourd children left and ordered them to pick the magic grass in the canyon behind the lake.

Soon, hundreds of gourd children climbed the canyon behind the lake.

But when these gourd children returned, a burst of dense footsteps broke the calm here.

"Huh. Who am I to be so brave? It turns out to be a human being!"

Soon, a dozen cat people ran out from behind the old trees. They surrounded Li Luo, and the leading cat people looked at Li Luo with a cold expression.

Li Luo's complexion changed. Not to mention that the strength of these cats had all reached the gods, they seemed to understand some strange power of the law, and the surrounding gourd children began to tremble when they saw them.

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