Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 832: Nowhere

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Li Luo's heart sank. Although there were not many cat people in front of him, they exuded a palpitating sense of fear.

"This kind of small universe... is on the spiritual level, my gourd baby just happens to have low mental power..." Thinking secretly like this, Li Luo didn't have a low aura, and said, "Everyone. I just asked these little guys to pick some magic weeds, and I didn't intend to offend you."

A dozen cats glanced at each other, feeling the breath radiating from the gourd baby, their expressions changed, and after all they gave up on Li Luo.

The leading cat is a full three meters tall, looking at Li Luo in a green robe, and his eyes brightly said: "Very good. Our cats have lived in this secret for generations, and there are not many strong ones. Since your Excellency has no intention of meeting As we go to war, we might as well come to our tribe as a guest to show our landlord friendship."

"Oh?" Li Luo saw that the cat man seemed to recognize his identity as a wizard, and said lightly: "Are you a guest? It's okay. But I came to your magic grass, and at the same time I am a wizard and can practice. Make some medicine."

"Hahaha. I didn't guess wrong as expected. Since your Excellency opened the skylight to speak up, then I don't talk nonsense. We want half of the finished potions you refine! The rest will belong to you." The headed cat man's eyes are nothing. Flash, said.

Li Luo's heart sank when he heard the words. After a while, his eyes flashed, and he said, "It's okay. Happy cooperation. My name is...Smith."

The leading cat man licked his golden paw, held Li Luo's hand, and replied hoarsely: "My name is Golden Claw."

Li Luo took all the gourd baby into the Universe Gourd, took out the communicator and explained with a few other teammates, and then followed these cat people towards the canyon.

When he walked into the gorge, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. Li Luo felt that the body of himself and the other cats were shrinking rapidly, and in a blink of an eye they were reduced to a tenth of their size, and their strength had retreated to the early stage of Tier Nine. It has shrunk to about 10%.

"In addition to our cats, this canyon also lives with kobolds, leopards and tigers. They are full of killings and their strength is overwhelming. But fortunately, there are many cats and we are barely panting in this canyon."

"When you arrive in our tribe, you can first become a guest and help us refine pharmaceutical agents. If you can train some pharmacists for us! Then our transaction can go further!"

At this point, Jin Claw licked his paw, looking high up.

Li Luo didn't get angry, and asked, "Further trade? Tell me."

Golden Claw showed pride and said: "We cat people have a few good pseudo artifacts! These pseudo artifacts are of no use to us cat people, but for you spellcasters, they should be very It's useful."

Li Luo pondered for a moment, but still agreed.

When many cat people heard Li Luo promised to train them a pharmacist, they immediately surrounded Li Luo respectfully and introduced each other.

Along the way, Li Luo became acquainted with the other cats, and finally promised their juniors to come to him to learn to make medicine.

When he came to the cat people tribe, he looked at the tall fence in front of him. The expression on Li Luo's face was strange: It's so special, how do you look at it, it looks like Heifengzhai!

The buildings in front of them not only look hideous and wild, but the houses are made of black iron and wood, thick and strong, giving people an inexplicable sense of security.

Golden Claw led Li Luo into a black iron wooden house, then turned around and said, "So. Human. Contact us if you need it. I dare not say anything else. We, the cat people, are not the first in the inventory of various magic plants. , No one is second!"

Li Luo nodded and said with a smile: "In addition to the magic grass, I also need some coal for cooking. I can't eat food cooked by others."

"Okay." Jin Claw nodded and left here.

After Jin Claw left, Li Luo's eyes flickered, and he waited quietly.

Soon, the magic grass was delivered, and the wealth of these cats seemed to be higher than Li Luo's expectations!

Even some rare herbs in the surface world appeared here.

At first, Li Luo thought that these cats were just paralyzing himself and wanting to count himself, but after a long time, he could not believe that these herbs were found in the depths of the canyon, everywhere, and every once in a while, A large number will grow!

In this way, the value of these herbs here can be regarded as commonplace.

In this way, after Li Luo summoned all his teammates, he began to train pharmacists specifically for refining medicines.

one year later.

Li Luo slowly walked out of the secret room, but at this time, his eyes were faintly gleaming with brown stars, and an incomparable thick breath instantly began to spread to the surroundings.

"Xiaozhi, check my status."

"Subject Race: Human Race. Bloodline: Monster God Bloodline. After entering the Divine Realm, the subject bloodline will be transformed, and the race will also change."

"Buddhist talent: God-level small universe."

"Wizard talent: the rules of galactic destruction."

"The combat power is comparable to that of the general gods. Note: The strength of the main body's small universe exceeds the main body's original state, and it may hurt the dantian when it bursts. Is the small universe sealed?

Li Luo retracted his gaze and replied faintly: "Seal!"

"It seems that it's time to leave." Li Luo glanced at several teammates who were refining pharmaceutical agents in the distance, smiled, and walked over.

"You want to leave here?" Erna, a girl from the Void Spirit Race, was a little confused, wondering why Li Luo didn't choose to practice here.

Li Luo sighed and said, "I'm afraid those demon gods can't wait to destroy the wizarding world. Although this place has entered the sealing period and cannot leave, I must plan early."

Today, Li Luofei has devoted so much effort to improve the dimension of the wizarding world in order to prepare for the advancement of the seven-dimensional world in the future. As for the God Realm? He thought that he had offended the **** king ~www.readwn.com~ and it was impossible to go.

So the only hope for promotion is the knowledge of those immortals, and the resources and auras provided by a planet comparable to the gods!

That's right. At first, Li Luo wanted to upgrade the spiritual energy of the wizarding world to this kind of divine origin aura, but after seeing the power of those immortals, he decided to directly upgrade the wizarding world into an existence similar to the fairy world!

He gave this high-level free energy a name, called the fairy element!

Withdrawing his mind, Li Luo directly found Golden Claw.

"You said you want to go out?" Jin Claw's expression looked a little ugly.

"What's going on?" Li Luo asked with an ugly expression on Jin Claw's face.

"It's true. The gatekeeper dragon crocodile controlled by our cat people woke up a month ago, but it didn't listen to our cat people's orders. When we saw the cat people out, we swallowed it in one mouthful. The strong man launched a siege on this original guardian beast, and as a result... you have also seen that only three of us cat people in the gods came back alive! It is also not the wicked person, give it to this ......." At this point, Jin Claw seemed to have thought of something, staring at Li Luo closely, and asked word by word: "It's not that you fed this animal!"

Li Luo touched his head when he heard the words, pretending to be ignorant, and said, "What? I don't know."

"Huh. Don't mention this. If you want to think of this secret, you can only go through the canyon and head to the other side, the territory of the tiger tribe. This road is absolutely blocked. But in the center of the canyon, there is a vicious chaos god. Sin, with your current strength, I am afraid that you will die in vain!" Jin Claw snorted coldly, as if guessing that Li Luo had moved the dragon crocodile beast, but it was not easy to ask.

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