Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Secrets of the Central District

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"Huh?" Li Luo's expression changed, and his heart sank suddenly.

All creatures will fall asleep after eating Mi Xuetoad. In disguised form, they are also developing the hidden power in the creatures. Most of them take a long time, and when the potential is large enough, they can eat and fall asleep again.

In this way, in the face of the powerful restriction of this canyon, Elna could not use her ability to tear the space apart.

"Little friend Smith, don't be busy with walking. A year later, the once-in-a-year divine plague is about to strike, and we have to rely on the strength of you to tide over the difficulties!" Golden Claw licked his paw, He took out a space bag and handed it to Li Luo: "This is something left by the caster in the past. I hope it can help you. As a condition of equivalent exchange, please help me this time!"

"Is it chaos?" Li Luo frowned and asked.

Jin Claw nodded and looked at Li Luo's rather tangled appearance, and explained: "Of course. However, after dealing with these monsters for so many years, we are sure to defeat them. These chaotic gods like to eat a kind of vanilla. We have prepared a lot of hallucinogenic herbs this time, and they will fall asleep if they eat it!"

"Oh? So, the danger is still within the controllable range. Then I will accept these pseudo-artifacts." Li Luo's expression changed and he smiled.

Immediately, Li Luo took his teammates back to the iron wooden house and began to check the fake artifacts he obtained.

A few fake artifacts are very high-end, a set of leather armor, three staffs, and a shield. The leather armor is made of some kind of beast skin, and it is extremely flexible to wear. Even the shining light is flowing on it, and there is a powerful protective witch formation in operation. , Looks extremely extraordinary, Li Luo immediately chose leather armor. The three staffs also seem to be very high-end. There are faintly powerful laws that are constantly circulating. The three girls all choose their own suitable staff, and Rugar chose the shield. In this way, several people are happy. Up.

The reason why Li Luo took on this task is also considering that these chaotic gods are in a coma, and the gourd baby can absorb their flesh and blood and strength to expand the gourd baby army.

However, before that, he had to confirm the intensity of the chaos and evil spirits.

One month later.

In a black stone cottage, a kobold slowly walked in from the door.

The kobold was wearing a black robe, a purple gourd hung around his waist, quietly glanced around, and walked towards a street. This person is not someone else, but Li Luo, who has transformed his appearance.

He quickly found the destination of his trip, and came to a very old-fashioned, ordinary tavern.

Standing outside the tavern, quietly raising his head to look at the tavern in front of him, Li Luo was first attracted by the name of the tavern.

God evil wine house.


With a casual smile, Li Luo walked in directly looking at the dilapidated tavern in front of him.

A few meters long steps were jumped over, and then the scene inside the tavern slowly appeared.

More than a dozen dilapidated small wooden tables, with iron racks for barbecues, and a long wooden table with rows of wine.

This is all the things in the tavern, which fits the tavern setting of a creature with low IQ like a kobold.

Standing quietly at the entrance of the tavern, Li Luo looked around.

Although it was late into the night, there were a lot of kobolds drinking, and it was very lively. There were kobolds sitting on more than a dozen wooden tables.

Among them, several kobolds caught Li Luo's attention as soon as he entered.

A kobold sitting on a wooden table alone, exuding dark magic, and a few kobolds with faint light runes on their bodies, and sitting on a wooden table without saying a word, just A tall kobold who silently drinks and eats meat.

Quietly looked at these people, Li Luo observed for a while, then stepped forward, and walked alone to the wooden table where the tall kobold was.

"Excuse me..." Li Luo said softly in extremely persistent kobold language.

Although the voice was quiet, it reached the ears of the burly kobold in front of him in a noisy environment: "Can I sit here?"

The tall kobold froze for a moment, then raised his head, looking at Li Luo with scarlet eyes, and his eyes swept to his waist inadvertently.

His eyes are very special, a pair of blood-red eyes, exuding breathtaking power, as if there is a sea of ​​blood phantom slowly emerging when looking at it, and the turbulent intention of killing spreads at this moment.

Li Luo calmly looked at the kobold in front of him, just standing there quietly, staring at each other, his eyes seemed to be slightly emotional, full of vicissitudes and calmness.

"Hahaha! Well, few kobolds can be so calm in front of me like you!"

After a while, the kobold in front of him laughed loudly in Li Luo's calm gaze, poured Li Luo a glass of wine, and handed him a large piece of meat.

Li Luo's evil spirit is no less than that of the kobold, and similarly, he was recognized by the kobold. Kobolds are such a creature with a slightly simpler mind.

"Bite of the Wild----Emondo, I heard that you are the only person in the entire fortress to lead the team back from the chaos and gods?"

Looking at the kobold in front of him, Li Luo didn't mean anything, and said directly: "I have something to ask you..."

"What do you want to ask?"

Putting down the barbecue in his hand, Emmento straightened his back, as if he was interested, and quickly offered Li Luo a glass of drink.

"I want to explore the central area of ​​the canyon, where there will be chaos and evil spirits. What kind of preparation do I need to do?"

Li Luo spoke softly, and without changing his face, he said the words that made Emmento almost spit out the drink.

"You? Just by yourself?"

In front of him, hearing Li Luo's words, Emmento spit on the ground fiercely, showing contempt on an originally tense face: "Then ~www.readwn.com~ is very simple, the realm of the middle god, gather Five outstanding teammates! Bring an intermediate artifact of protective mind control!"

Li Luo frowned. Obviously, this information was far from enough. He looked at the tall kobold in front of him, and then said, "How much do you know about the deaths of other explorers?"

"Goldtooth Squad, those kobolds who died recently?"

Emmento asked subconsciously, then looked at Li Luo in front of him, as if he suddenly hesitated.

However, despite some hesitation, he still opened his mouth to explain: "They died very strangely, and I am not sure about some of the specific circumstances."

He said frankly, and then continued to speak, slowly revealing the information he knew.

"Golden Tooth, this guy, on the surface, is the most powerful kobold, but in fact it took advantage of the power of the demon god. When I had a duel with him, I forced him to use the power of the demon god, that kind of devilish energy... .Tsk tusk. It's like a chaotic spirit of chaos and evil spirits."

"The cause of his death is related to the bloodline of the demon **** who transformed him, that is, the demon **** who gave him the bloodline..."

"Who?" Li Luo frowned, thinking of a possibility.

"I don't know much about this." Emmento stretched out his hand and drank the wine in the glass in front of him, then sighed lightly, then said: "That demon is terrible, I saw his kobold Basically, they have been demonized. Therefore, during this period of time, the powerhouses in our clan, after gaining the blood of the Demon God, their strengths have soared, and they have tried to explore the central area."

"Hey, if you get the divine object in the central area, then... Tsk tsk..." Emendo said to this point, took a big bite of meat, and put a big bowl of meat. The spirits drank out in one fell swoop.

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