Hear this voice.

Liu Baihe's complexion changed, and she immediately said to Lin Chen, "Xiaochen, don't make any noise later."

"What's the matter, Sister Lily?" Lin Chen frowned: "If there is any trouble, you can trust me. With my current ability, I can guarantee that no one can bully you!"

Liu Baihe shook her head: "You are obedient, anyway, don't make any noise, come out after I leave."

Seeing Liu Baihe's persistent request, Lin Chen nodded in agreement.


There was a knock on the door.

The middle-aged man's voice sounded again: "Miss Liu, are you in there? Master Dong is here!"

"Okay, you go outside and wait, I will change my clothes later and go there."

Liu Baihe responded.

"Then Miss Liu, as soon as possible, the dinner starts at eight o'clock, it will be bad if you are late."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he left here.

Hearing the man leave, Liu Baihe breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, looking at the face that haunted her, Liu Baihe took the initiative to hug Lin Chen, "Xiaochen, it's good to see you again, remember to take care of yourself."

After saying that, Liu Baihe stood on tiptoe, kissed Lin Chen's forehead lightly, and then turned away.

Lin Chen had already offended Boss Xiong because of her, and she didn't want to cause Lin Chen to offend Master Dong again because of herself.

At the same time, watching Liu Baihe's back leave, Lin Chen called Liu Wentao and briefly explained what happened here.

Not long after.

After receiving a call from a middle-aged woman, the police came to investigate.

Because Liu Wentao established a good relationship in advance, Lin Chen went to the police station with the police to make a brief statement, and then returned home.

Inside the villa.

Su Qingcheng was laying on the sofa with a mask on. When she smelled Lin Chen coming back with a perfume, she frowned: "How many did you find?"

"What are you, my wife, why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Lin Chen pretended to have a pure face.

"I'll ask again, how many did you find!" Su Qingcheng refused to let go, and her voice gradually became cold.

Lin Chen weakly stretched out two fingers: "Honey, you can't blame me! It's all arranged by Liu Wentao, but don't worry, I didn't do anything except massage!"

"I know, otherwise you wouldn't be able to stand and talk to me now!"

Lin Chen: "..."

"Next time, you are not allowed to go to that kind of place without my permission!"

Su Qingcheng stared at Lin Chen and said:

"We are going to get married soon, once you get caught by the paparazzi, you will inevitably get into trouble, so you'd better stay by my side obediently and avoid contact with dubious people!"


,I know! "

When Lin Chen finished speaking, a piece of news suddenly appeared on the TV at the side.

"Welcome everyone to watch the late news. Tonight, there was a murder case in the night night Shengge club in our city.

According to the person concerned, during the assassination process, the assassin was defended by the opponent, resulting in his death, and the killer also kidnapped the new wife of the chairman of the Dong Group, Liu Baihe..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

When did Sister Baihe become the new wife of the chairman of the Dong Group?

"My wife, do you know Dong's Group?"

At this time, Lin Chen looked at Su Qingcheng and asked.

"The Dong Group is a well-known super group in Huaiyu City, and its strength even surpasses our Su Group. What's wrong? Why are you asking about it?"

Su Qingcheng said in confusion.

"It's okay, I'm just asking."

Lin Chen naturally didn't intend to tell Su Qingcheng about Liu Baihe, so he changed the subject and said:

"By the way, my wife, Huang Zhengxiang invited me to attend a lecture at Yunhuai Medical University tomorrow. It is said that many medical experts have participated. Do you want to go together?"

Su Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

Anyway, she has nothing important to do tomorrow, so it's not a bad idea to go to the medical university to expand her network.

Su's current business mainly revolves around the medical industry. If he wants to grow the company bigger and bigger in the future, he will inevitably need to get to know some people in the medical field.

This lecture was clearly an opportunity.

"By the way, where's that girl Li Fei?" Lin Chen asked, "I haven't seen her for the past two days!"

"She, it is said that she wants to do it on her own, and she has been busy looking at the store these two days!"

Su Qingcheng rubbed her forehead and said: "When she came back from studying abroad, I advised her to find a job in a public hospital, but she chose to go to Tongmei Hospital, otherwise this kind of thing would not have happened."

Lin Chen could probably guess the reason why Li Fei chose Tongmei Hospital, and it must have something to do with the scar on her back.

At the beginning, when he mentioned the scar on Li Fei's back, he could clearly feel that Li Fei was very taboo.

Presumably this scar must be the deepest wound in Li Fei's heart.

So if Li Fei didn't say anything, he wouldn't take the initiative to ask.


After one night, the sun rose on the second day.

A commercial vehicle stopped in front of the villa.

A middle-aged man in a suit got out of the car. It was Huang Zhengxiang.

Last night, he sent a message to Lin Chen, and made an appointment to attend a lecture at Yunhuai Medical University today. To show his respect, he came to pick him up early in person.

Afterwards, Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng opened the door and came to Huang Zhengxiang.

Huang Zhengxiang hurriedly greeted: "Mr. Lin, Miss Su, good morning."

"Thank you, Dean Huang, who came all the way to pick me up in person." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Mr. Lin is really polite. Your willingness to attend the lecture has already given me enough face."

Huang Zhengxiang said immediately.

"It's not too late, let's go."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the three got into the commercial vehicle one after another.

Along the way, the three talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was lively.

about an hour.

The three of them arrived at Yunhuai Medical University.

As the top medical school in Yunhuai City, this school trains many medical talents for Yunhuai City every year.

This is Lin Chen's first time stepping into a university campus.

Feeling the oncoming youthful breath, Lin Chen felt a little yearning.

After graduating from junior high school, he broke into society alone for the sake of his family. It must be a lie to say that he doesn't envy college life.

Aware of this scene, Su Qingcheng held Lin Chen's hand tightly, and said softly: "If you want to improve your education, I can help you find a way."

Regarding this, Lin Chen joked: "I'm already a rotten tree, it doesn't matter to me whether I raise my education or not."

"Two, this time our lecture will be held in the lecture hall, please go first."

Huang Zhengxiang came to the front of the lecture hall and made a gesture of invitation to the two people who were behind.

Seeing this, Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng quickened their pace and stepped into the lecture hall.

"This lecture brought together a lot of domestic medical experts, not only to impart the most cutting-edge medical knowledge to the students, but also a large-scale medical exchange meeting." Huang Zhengxiang whispered in the back.

Lin Chen silently nodded.

Finally, the three of them came to the front of the lecture hall. At a glance, there were ten rows of tables. On average, the people in the first three rows were older, and they were all famous medical experts from various places.

The students sat in the back. It is reasonable that today is the weekend, and most of the students are unwilling to get up early or go out with their girlfriends to play, but unexpectedly, the seats in the back row are already full.

Presumably, for students who are determined to pursue a career in the medical industry, this lecture is a rare learning opportunity that everyone does not want to miss.

Following Huang Zhengxiang, Lin Chen soon came to the first row of seats. Obviously, Lin Chen is the absolute guest of honor in this lecture.

Su Qingcheng originally didn't have her seat in the first row, but Huang Zhengxiang took the initiative to make room for the couple to sit together.

For a while, I have to say, compared with other older people with gray hair, the two of them in the front row formed a beautiful landscape, attracting countless people's attention.

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