Overnight Success

Chapter 99 Laughing Uglier Than Crying

"You dare!"

Hearing Li Hu's threat, Liu Baihe's pretty face suddenly turned pale, her delicate body trembled, and she almost collapsed.

"What do you think we dare not do?"

Seeing this, Li Hu grinned and snorted: "So, I advise you to pay back the money, this way it will be settled, and everyone will have a better life."

"But Brother Li Hu, I really don't have that much money... My mother's medical expenses in the hospital have already cost me a month's salary... I really don't have any extra money for you." Biquku

Liu Baihe's voice was very helpless, and her thin body made people feel distressed.

Her big brother is addicted to gambling, and now owes a lot of usury, and instead of running away, let these people find her mother.

Due to the cruelty of these people, even if her mother was sent to the hospital, she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to swallow her anger. To make money in this kind of place alone, she had to pay medical expenses and repay loan sharks.

"Why are you doing this!"

Looking at Liu Baihe's delicate body, Li Hu licked his lips, and a look of obscenity flashed in his eyes: "Lily, brother Li Hu didn't give you a chance, as long as you are willing to come with me, you can serve us comfortably. For the rest of my life, I guarantee that you will eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and you will never work in this kind of place again."

"At that time, not only will you not have to repay the usury loan, but we will also help you pay for your mother's medical expenses. Brother Li Hu will give you another chance now, so you have to think clearly."

"Don't...don't..." Liu Baihe stepped back again and again, keeping a safe distance from Li Hu.

Afterwards, she looked at Li Hu pitifully, and said in a begging tone: "Brother Li Hu, please let me and my mother go, there is an injustice and a debtor, who owes you money, who can you go to? Don’t make things difficult for us.”

Hearing this, Li Hu's eyes were cold, and his tone gradually became unfriendly: "Stinky bitch, don't you be ashamed of your face, you little slut, you will become a bus sooner or later, who will show you how to pretend to be noble now!"

"Brother Xiong has spoken, if you still don't pay the money, you have to go, you have to go, you have to go if you don't go, you should still be good, instead of making others cheaper, let us have a good time first, and see if you have money." How tight."

In the end, Li Hu didn't hide his lustful expression at all.

At this moment, Liu Baihe's body became weak, tears flowed down unconsciously, her fists were clenched tightly, and her heart was full of despair and pain.

Why is her life so miserable...

What did she do wrong...

Why, the heavens treat her like this...

However, just when her body was shaking and she was about to collapse to the ground, a pair of big hands firmly held her slender waist.

Liu Baihe looked up

, I saw Lin Chen staring at her closely, and said with a smile: "Sister Baihe, why didn't you tell me just now when this happened?"

"I don't want to implicate you..." Liu Baihe lowered her head and whispered.

"Fool, your business is my business, why get involved?"

Lin Chen scolded, then looked at Li Hu and said indifferently: "Now, I can give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to Sister Lily, and I can let you go."

Hearing this, Li Hu was stunned, and pointed to himself and asked, "Boy, do you want me to kneel down and apologize to her?"

Seeing Lin Chen nodding, Li Hu glanced at the younger brothers behind him.

next moment.

Everyone leaned forward and back with laughter, the laughter was mixed with three parts of disdain and seven parts of ridicule.

"Boy, let me ask you, what is your relationship with this woman?"

After the laughter, Li Hu asked Lin Chen condescendingly.

"What does this have to do with you?"

Lin Chen asked back, and then continued: "I only give you ten seconds to think about it."

The voice fell.

Before Li Hu could speak, the little brother behind him sneered at Lin Chen:

"Boy, do you know who you're talking to?"

"The person who dared to be so arrogant to our Brother Hu last time has already had his legs removed."

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, get out of here, maybe you can save your humble life."


"All right."

At this time, Li Hu waved his hand, and immediately pointed at Lin Chen, showing a touch of cruelty and said: "First take off his tongue, and then dismember his limbs."

"Xiaochen, I'll stop them, you go." Liu Baihe hurriedly shouted in panic.

However, Lin Chen was unmoved. When he swept towards Li Hu and the others, the corner of his mouth raised an arc, and he said contemptuously: "You like to laugh, don't you? Later I will make you laugh uglier than cry."

The next moment, an indescribable fierceness emanated from Lin Chen.

The cold light is cold and sharp!

It's like a different person!

Facing the fists of the crowd, Lin Chen moved slightly.

The whole person, with lightning-fast movements, grabbed a chair and threw it directly on the heads of everyone.


As the chair shattered and howls were heard everywhere, Li Hu's younger brothers were all smashed and fell to the ground one after another.

"Don't you like to laugh? Laugh for me!"

Lin Chen came to Li Hu, slapped him suddenly, and waved it towards his face.

With this palm, Lin Chen could be said to have used a third of his strength to directly sway Li Hu's face.

"Brother, I was wrong, if you have something to say, don't do it."

Li Hu trembled, his expression full of fear.

"I allow

You laugh, don't you understand? "

Lin Chen said, and slapped Li Hu again.

Li Hu who slapped the fan immediately hit the ground, vomiting blood again and again.

The whole person was completely disfigured by the slap.

However, Li Hu didn't dare to show any anger, and honestly showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother, do you think this is okay?"

"It's so disgusting!"

Thinking of Li Hu's arrogance when he bullied Sister Baihe before, Lin Chen greeted Li Hu face to face with one kick.


At that moment, Li Hu's body flew upside down seven or eight meters away, and then slammed into the wall.


The moment he landed, it was visible to the naked eye that a mouthful of blood spewed out from Li Hu's mouth, accompanied by several front teeth that were kicked away.

The entire box was dead silent.

Everyone held their breath, not even daring to make a sound, for fear of attracting Lin Chen's attention.

Only Liu Baihe came to Lin Chen after a brief shock, and reminded him nervously: "That's enough for Xiaochen, you should go quickly, or you won't be able to leave when the police come up later."

"It's okay." Lin Chen comforted a little, his eyes calmed down, he looked around everyone, and said slowly: "Remember, the name of the person who hit you is Lin Chen, and if you have any trouble, come to me. You are a man who bullies a woman. understand?"

"Listen clearly."

Everyone was silent and responded again and again.

"Go away!"

As soon as Lin Chen said this, Li Hu and his younger brothers didn't even look back, they didn't even care about the pain in their bodies, they fled in panic.

At this time, only Lin Chen and Liu Baihe were left in the box.

Liu Baihe took a deep breath, and asked Lin Chen, "Xiaochen, where have you been all these years? I almost thought you died in the Lin family fire."

"Sister Baihe, are you sure I'm really from the Lin family?" Lin Chen stared at Liu Baihe and asked.

Even through various clues, he already roughly knew the origin of his life experience, but he still couldn't help but want to confirm it through Liu Baihe.

Liu Baihe nodded affirmatively: "However, you were still young at that time. It's normal that you can't remember clearly when you were only five or six years old. Your father was Lin Beifeng, the head of the Lin family at that time. It's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Liu Baihe's eyes turned red, as if recalling a bad scene, she didn't continue talking.

"Sister Baihe, you must help me keep the matter of my life a secret. I am now investigating the truth about the fire in the Lin family."

"You are suspicious, that fire..."

Just as Liu Baihe was talking, a loud middle-aged man's voice suddenly came from outside: "Miss Liu, get ready, Mr. Dong asked me to pick you up and enjoy the dinner."

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