Overnight Success

Chapter 98 The Mole Of The Poor And The Poor

On the nick of time.

Lin Chen firmly held the killer's dagger in one big hand.

At this moment, blood slowly trickled down from the palm of his hand.

Witnessing this scene, the killer mustered all his strength, but no matter what, Lin Chen's big hands were like iron tongs, preventing him from taking another step forward.

Immediately, the killer gave up attacking the hostages, and raised his right leg to kick Lin Chen's waist.

However, Lin Chen had been prepared for a long time. Not only did he avoid the killer's fierce kick, but he slapped the killer's chest with his palm instead.

Immediately, the killer Wan was struck by lightning and hit the wall heavily, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Lin Chen, if you killed me, the Patriarch will not let you go. What awaits you will be the fierce revenge of the Zhou family!"

The killer gasped and said weakly.

"I'm sorry, there are many people who want to trouble me, but so far, no one has succeeded. Although the Zhou family is powerful, I am not easy to provoke. If they really dare to trouble me, they must do well." Prepare to be counterattacked by me."

When Lin Chen finished uttering this sentence, he directly picked up the dagger that fell to the ground, and stabbed it into the killer's heart.


The killer's eyes widened, and finally gave Lin Chen an unwilling look, then slowly closed them.

"Ahh! Killed, killed!!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman on the side ran out of the box without thinking about getting dressed.

However, Lin Chen came to the woman and apologized slightly: "I'm sorry, I frightened you just now."

"Why don't you let him kill me, and who are you? Why do you know my last name? We haven't met before, right?"

The woman wiped away her tears and said stubbornly.

"Great youth, why do you want to die with all your heart?"

Lin Chen was speechless for a moment.

"It's none of your business, you answer my question just now."

The woman fixed her eyes on Lin Chen and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"Sister Baihe, when I grow up, I will marry you as my bride, okay?"

After a little hesitation, Lin Chen said tentatively.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the woman's expression changed dramatically, and her delicate body trembled. She bit her lip and said in an unbelievable tone: "You...you are Xiaochen? You...you are still alive ?”

"Yes, Sister Lily, I am Lin Chen."

Seeing the reply, Lin Chen couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and nodded frequently.

If we talk about his childhood memories, the one who impressed him the most is the woman in front of him. He clearly remembers that when he was the loneliest and most helpless, it was the woman in front of him who gave him warmth, played with him, and made a fuss with him .

he is unknown

What kind of work did Bai's parents do, why they never came home, and they didn't even get a response when he needed it most, otherwise he wouldn't be there, his memory of his parents is very vague, and he can't even remember their figures clearly what it looks like.

But there is one thing that he still remembers very clearly. That day, when he was playing alone in the yard, he saw a pair of strange men and women of similar age coming to the house. At that time, he was still timid and retreated far away.

But after a period of contact, he and one of his sisters named Liu Baihe quickly became playmates.

Perhaps it was the young relationship, plus the fact that someone was willing to play with him for the first time, so that he claimed that he would marry Sister Lily as his bride in the future.

However, the good times didn't last long, and a sudden fire destroyed everything. Originally, he thought that everyone except himself died in that fire, but he didn't expect to meet Sister Lily here.

For a moment, Lin Chen hugged Liu Baihe tightly: "Sister Baihe, I miss you so much..."

"After all these years, how are you?"

"I..." Liu Baihe's lips moved. Thinking of the current situation, she immediately changed the subject and said, "Xiaochen, let me bandage your hands first. You bleed a lot. Does it hurt? No, we Now go to the hospital."

"This little injury is nothing." Lin Chen smiled foolishly.

For him, he only needs to use a little bit of aura to make the wound heal quickly.

"By the way, Miss Lily hasn't answered my question yet?

And why do you come to work in this kind of place? "

Seeing Lin Chen's persistent questioning, Liu Baihe had no choice but to sigh: "It's hard to say, I'm really happy to see you, Xiaochen, let's not talk about these unpleasant things, okay?"

After speaking, Liu Baihe brushed the broken hair on her forehead.

In an instant, Lin Chen noticed a small black mole growing on Liu Baihe's forehead, and immediately frowned: "The mole of the poor and the poor."

According to the "Yin-Yang Secret Art", anyone who has a mole of poverty and poverty will have a bad life. If they can't get rid of it, they will live in darkness all their lives. This is an innate curse.

But if it can be broken, then this life will be free from disasters and difficulties, and you will be happy until old age.

"Sister Lily, have you always had this mole?"

Hearing this, Liu Baihe nodded: "I heard from my mother that I was born with it, what's the matter?"

Lin Chen hesitated for a while, but still planned to tell the truth: "This mole means bad luck. If you grow it, you will probably live in misery for the rest of your life..."

"Really, no wonder..." Liu Baihe smiled wryly

One sound, dejected.

"However, a loss of money is a blessing, and everything has two sides. This mole will certainly bring you great pain and setbacks, but as long as you can break this mole, you will be carefree in this life. "

Speaking of this, Lin Chen thought for a while, and then said: "If you believe me, as long as you find a man with a very prosperous destiny and complete the marriage with him, you can easily resolve it and change your life."

"Ah! Man?"

Hearing this, Liu Baihe blushed pretty, then glanced at Lin Chen, then turned her head away quickly.

She has lived for more than twenty years, except for the man in front of her, she has never even held the hand of any other man, where can she find a man.

At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a yin and yang strange, extremely obscene male voice: "Liu Baihe, your big brother owes us money, when do you plan to pay it back?"

Immediately afterwards, the door was violently pushed open.

Seven or eight youths with obscene smiles walked into the box very arrogantly.

Seeing this, Liu Baihe's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly said to Lin Chen, "Xiaochen, go away."

"Hey, Liu Baihe's business is doing well, here comes another boy."

A wretched-looking greasy young man with a big gold chain and a floral shirt patted his belly, fixed his eyes on Lin Chen, and said lightly:

"Little white face, get out immediately after paying the money, didn't you see that we have something to do?"

"Little boy? Are you talking to me?"

Lin Chen smiled helplessly.

"Otherwise, besides you, who else is a little boy."

After finishing speaking, the greasy young man showed his yellow teeth, and said like chasing away flies: "Young master, I'm in a good mood, get out as soon as possible."

Fearing that the greasy young man would be rough on Lin Chen, Liu Baihe protected Lin Chen, and said bravely, "Brother Li Hu, that man owed the money, and it has nothing to do with me. Now that my mother has been sent to the hospital by you, you can't do it." Let us go?"

"Let you go?"

Li Hu sneered, and then, like a wolf who had been hungry for half a month, his eyes were fixed on Liu Baihe's sexy figure with bumps.

An evil fire sprang up in the lower abdomen in an instant, wishing to immediately press this woman to the ground and conquer it.

"Liu Baihe, the money your big brother owes, if he can't pay it, you have to pay it back!"

As Li Hu said, he gave Liu Baihe a vicious look and said: "Besides, you already said that your mother was beaten and hospitalized, where did she get her hospital expenses? Say hello to your mother and send her directly to the ICU, then I'll see if you can come up with the money!"

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