Overnight Success

Chapter 204 One After Another Shock


At the entrance of the old soldier's shop, a crowd of people gathered.

When Gu Tianxiong saw his son, whose legs were broken, and fell to his knees on the ground, his whole face was full of anger, and his eyes were full of ferociousness.


Gu Tianxiong cried out in distress.

"Father, you are finally here!"

"You're going to kill this kid, this kid broke my legs and said he wanted you to look good!"

When he found out that his father was coming, Gu Tianyi immediately cried as if he had seen a savior.


"You bullied my son and hurt my Gu family, do you mean to be an enemy of my Gu family?"

Gu Tianxiong looked at Lin Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Wrong, I'm not an enemy of your Gu family!"

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, and said flatly: "Because, your Gu family has no right to be my enemy."

As soon as this statement came out.

The audience was silent.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen with unbelievable eyes, daring to underestimate the Gu family, what is the origin of this person?

Gu Tianxiong's face changed, but as the head of the Gu family, he has not yet been dazzled by anger.

Out of caution, he said coldly: "I don't know which force you come from, why did our Gu family offend you?"

"I'm from Yunhuai City."

Lin Chen shrugged, and then pointed to Li Tianlong: "This man's subordinates are not only disrespectful to the old gentleman next to me, but also ruthless, wanting to kill him, and your son, relying on his status, dare to let me This Li Tianlong knelt down and apologized, so the blame will have to be carried by you, the Gu family, in the end."

After listening, Gu Tianxiong also understood what was going on.

Then, he glanced at Sun Wu, and said to Lin Chen: "It's just a good-for-nothing old man, let alone not killed, so what if he was killed. As for being an old guy, let you be an enemy of the Gu family?"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen's tone was cold: "You know, he used to be a member of the Xuanwu Legion. He served half his life for the country, protecting the peace of the northern land."

"But it's fine if you don't respect him. How dare you take the initiative to find fault. Dare you ever have the slightest respect for soldiers?"

Lin Chen said these words sonorously and forcefully, and the passers-by who heard them nodded in agreement.

On the contrary, Gu Tianxiong looked disdainful, and said contemptuously: "So! He is just a waste with a cane now, killing him will save the country a fortune."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Wu blushed and clenched his fists.

The whole person was very angry.

Thinking that he served the country for half his life, he went through dozens of battles, big and small, and was seriously injured and dying several times. Otherwise, hidden diseases would not be so serious, but now he is fine.

But he was so humiliated and said to be a moth of the country.

This made him very unacceptable.

However, he was old, and even if his injuries recovered, he might not be able to return to the army. Thinking of this, Sun Wu couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Why, what did I say wrong?"

Gu Tianxiong snorted coldly, and said contemptuously again: "Recognize your current value and status. You are no longer a soldier, and I am the overlord of Huaiyu. If you mess with me, how can I have any good fruit for you."

Seeing that Gu Tianxiong was threatening Sun Wu, Lin Chen's eyes flashed with a strong murderous intent, and he appeared in front of him immediately, strangling his neck like a chicken, and picked him up.


Gu Tianxiong kicked his feet, his face was purple, and he was struggling violently.

"Whoever dares to touch the head of the house will die!"

Seeing this, everyone in the Gu family rushed forward, but before they could touch Lin Chen, they were swept to the ground by Jiang Meigui one by one.

"Disrespect to soldiers, do you know how to write dead words!"

Lin Chen said in a low voice.

He has always respected this kind of veterans who really serve the country and keep the peace, but now, these people think that they can walk sideways and bully anyone because of how much money they have.

And the reason why he agreed to Lu Siyong to join the army to join the Qilin Legion was not only to investigate the truth about the island, but a large part of it was because he had heard that his father was also a soldier.

Therefore, he has an almost natural intimacy with Mr. Sun Wu, because they both have the blood of Chinese soldiers flowing in each other's bodies!

Therefore, when Gu Tianxiong said such ugly words to the old gentleman, in his heart, this person had already been sentenced to death.


At this moment, a loud shout sounded in the distance.

However, Lin Chen ignored Gu Tianxiong's neck without any hesitation.


With the throat broken, Lin Chen threw it directly on the ground.

A line of blood dripped from the corner of Gu Tianxiong's mouth, he twitched twice, and died on the spot.

At this moment, when everyone saw this scene, they all remained motionless and could not speak a word.

No one thought that this young man really dared to kill Gu Tianxiong!

This is the famous and dominant Gu Family Patriarch!

Gu Tianyi also looked dull, he couldn't believe that his father died in front of him like this.

"Boy, how dare you kill Patriarch Gu!"

Turning around, the governor of Huaiyu hurried over with his people, obviously he was the one who made the stopping voice just now.

"Come on! Catch this person for me!"

As soon as the voice of the governor of Huaiyu fell,

The crowd surrounded Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen didn't even bother to look at them at all, he just said "Get lost", and saw that these people all flew upside down on the ground, vomiting blood non-stop.

"Gui Mei, today I want to wipe out the members of the Gu family, you know what I mean!"

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, without any fluctuation in his tone.

"Yes, my lord!"

Jiang Meigui bowed and said, "I promise to complete the task."

next second.

All members of the Gu family were slaughtered most mercilessly by Jiang Meigui.

The smell of blood filled the air.

In the blink of an eye, the blood on the ground gathered into a stream flowing slowly.

"Boy, I order you to stop your men!"

The governor of Huaiyu said with an ugly face.

As the governor of this side, there is nothing he can do about the other party's killing. It is not difficult to imagine that after today, his governor will most likely have to be replaced.

"Why, this Gu family is disrespectful to soldiers, and so are you?"

Lin Chen looked at the other party and asked.

At the moment, the Huaiyu Governor was speechless for a while. As an official of the court, he knew better than anyone else the status of soldiers in Huaguo.

After all, when he came, someone had already reported and told him the cause of the incident, but it was fine for this young man to kill others, but he just killed the Patriarch of the Gu family!

"Even if Gu Tianxiong's words are inappropriate, there are laws to punish him. If you kill him, then you also violated the law."

The governor of Huaiyu said with an uncertain expression.

"The law?" Lin Chen smiled faintly: "If you entrust this person to you, what do you really think the law will do to him?"

Dudu Huaiyu was silent for a while.

"Also, I think you should worry about yourself!"

Just as Lin Chen finished speaking, a phone rang from the mobile phone of the Huaiyu Commander.

See incoming call notification.

The governor of Huaiyu had a serious expression on his face, he quickly connected, nodded and bowed his head: "General Lu, you have so much to do every day, why do you call me when you have time?"

Apparently, the caller was none other than the well-known commander-in-chief of the Northern Army—Lu Siyong.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! Let me ask you, has Sun Wu been bullied in your place?"

"I called today to tell you something, Sun Wu is a member of my Xuanwu Legion, I will give you the fastest time to get rid of those who bully Sun Wu immediately, otherwise I will report to the higher authorities, and you don't need to do this!"

Seeing Lu Siyong scolding his head and covering his face and then hung up the phone, the Huaiyu Governor was completely stunned!

Immediately, he looked at Lin Chen with difficulty, and found that Lin Chen was smiling at him. Biqu library

This made his heart tremble violently.

Could it be that General Lu's call has something to do with this person?

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