Overnight Success

Chapter 205 The Enemy Comes At Night

So far.

The governor of Huaiyu was shocked, he felt that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and when the wind blew, his heart felt cold.

Although the Gu family is one of the top wealthy families in Huaiyu City, comparing it with General Lu Siyong is like comparing a firefly to a bright moon.

What's more, the young man in front of him is acquainted with Lu Siyong, if he insists on making trouble for this person, he might get burned.

So, in front of everyone present.

The governor of Huaiyu bowed deeply to Lin Chen, and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry to bother you, I won't interfere in this matter, you can do whatever you want."

The words fell.

The governor of Huaiyu immediately left here in a hurry with his people.

See this scene.

Everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Didn't the governor just now claim to arrest this person, why did he become so humble after answering the phone call?

However, not long after the governor of Huaiyu left.

Another group of people hurried here.

"Lin Gaoren, I just received the news from my subordinates, you are not injured!"

It was Dong Haihua and others who came.


Lin Chen waved his hand: "I've given you a task, let's deal with the Gu family. As for the property, you can decide."


Dong Haihua glanced at Gu Tianxiong's body lying on the ground, and responded quickly.

Afterwards, Lin Chen glanced at Gu Tianyi who was kneeling down, and said calmly: "Gao Rose, get rid of them, they are an eyesore."


Jiang Meigui raised the knife and fell, and within a short while, all the members of the Tianlonghui and the Gu family were eliminated.

This matter came to an end.

Lin Chen asked Dong Haihua to find a quiet place, so he could concentrate on healing Sun Wu's wounds. He was interrupted by these lifeless people just halfway through the healing process.

As for the Gu family, without Gu Tianxiong, they were like a group of dragons without a leader, and were quickly wiped out.

For a moment, the entire Huaiyu City was in deep shock.

Except for the Dong family, the other three top families dominate Huaiyu City with a stable position and a history of decades, but today the Gu family was suddenly wiped out.

Moreover, there was almost no struggle, as if it was a unilateral massacre, how could this not be shocking.

Everyone was curious, which figure in the sky did the Gu family offend?

at the same time.

The outskirts of Huaiyu City, with a radius of hundreds of miles, is completely devoid of people, and the atmosphere is very deserted.

However, right here, there is a luxurious manor.

The manor is full of momentum, and the two guard lions at the entrance are made of real gold, showing their nobility.

At this moment, inside the manor, in a three-story villa.

Liu Xiaoyan was completely naked, her original white body had dozens of bloodstains, and her face was extremely haggard.

Suddenly, the phone beside him rang.

After pressing the button, Liu Xiaoyan's eyes were full of surprise after listening.

Soon, she hung up the phone and came to a dark bedroom.

In the bedroom, there were all kinds of equipment. Just by looking at them, Liu Xiaoyan couldn't help shivering, recalling the previous scenes.

"The servant has something to tell the master."

Liu Xiaoyan said to a man who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"I know what you want to say."

The man said lightly: "Your enemy, Lin Chen has come to Huaiyu City."

"Since the master knows, please ask the master to avenge the slave."

Liu Xiaoyan fell to her knees and begged.

"I know your true purpose of serving me these days."

The man slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "But for the sake of my satisfaction with your service, I will definitely help you solve this person."

"Don't worry, I sent someone to assassinate him long ago, and all you have to do is continue to serve me well."

Hearing the man's playful voice, Liu Xiaoyan picked up the leather whip on the side very wisely, and handed it to the man in front of him with both hands.

"That's right, the maidservant's awareness has come."

The man laughed jokingly, took the whip and whipped it hard at his body.

next moment.

There were bursts of miserable cries from the whole villa.


Sunset and moonrise.

In Huaiyu City, in a closed izakaya.

Lin Chen is holding silver to heal Sun Wu.

After a while.

Sun Wu's face was rosy, and he let out a mouthful of turbid air. His whole body seemed to be radiant, and his hidden diseases were completely cured.

"Okay, old man, how do you feel?" Lin Chen smiled.

Sun Wu threw away his crutches and walked tentatively.

Seeing his strong steps and the warmth in his body gave him an indescribable comfort, Sun Wu's eyes were filled with disbelief.

The hidden disease that has plagued me for more than ten years, is it really that good?

"Seems to be recovering well."

Lin Chen nodded in satisfaction.

The old man has been in the army for half his life, and has been born and died many times. He went to battle to kill the enemy, which can make him late

Lin Chen is also very honored that he has not suffered from illness for many years.

"Little brother, please accept this old man's worship. You have shown me such great kindness, and this old man will never forget it."

As he spoke, Sun Wu bent his knees and knelt down to Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly helped him up and said, "Old man, this is what I should do. Besides, you are an elder, so there is no reason for you to bow down to me."

However, Sun Wu shook his head and said firmly:

"Little brother saved my hidden disease and has given me the grace of rebuilding, so this bow is due. If you don't let me, then I will never let it go for the rest of my life."

"Old man, what are you talking about? You are a soldier of the Hua Kingdom, a hero who went forward to defend his home and country. If you want to bow down to me, you will ruin me." Lin Chen dissuaded.

"Okay, since that's the case, the little brother needs to be old in the future, just call out, and I promise to do my best to help you."

Speaking of this, Sun Wu continued: "By the way, little brother, I still don't know what your last name is?"

"My name is Lin, and my name is Chen."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Lin Chen." Sun Wu nodded, and then said: "Brother Lin, I don't understand why the governor of Huaiyu left so suddenly just now."

"He! I asked someone to call him, and he will leave naturally if he wants to know."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Apparently, before the Huaiyu Governor and the group came, he briefly told Lu Siyong what happened here.

After all, Sun Wu used to be a member of the Xuanwu Legion, under the control of Lu Siyong, and the facts were just as he expected. Lu Siyong was very angry when he heard about this incident.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't want to say more, Sun Wu naturally didn't ask more.

But, at this moment.

A black shadow suddenly passed quickly in front of the window.

This scene was naturally noticed by Lin Chen.


Lin Chen drank, and immediately pushed open the door of the izakaya.

Outside the door, there were seven or eight corpses lying on the ground, all of which were bodyguards Dong Haihua placed here to protect Lin Chen.

"Don't hide, show up now that you're here."

Lin Chen's eyes flickered as he scanned his surroundings.

Immediately, a veiled man dressed in black stepped forward.

The man was holding a sharp sword, and the sword was covered with strands of blood, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Who sent you here?"

Lin Chen said without changing his expression.

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