
Hearing this, Yanagawa Feng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Let's not say that my beloved daughter is not in the Liu family, but you just want to destroy the Liu family, it is really shameless!"

"Patriarch Liu, who said there are only a few of us."

Dong Haihua smiled slightly, then waved his hand, and saw a group of figures rushing out from all directions of Liu's house, encircling Yanagawa.

Seeing this, Feng Yanagawa's expression changed drastically, and he said in a low voice: "Are you really going to kill me with Liu Jiayu today?"

"You think too highly of yourself!"

Lin Chen shook his head: "A mere Liu family is not qualified to kill me."

"Boy, you..."

Yanagawa blushed, feeling that the young man in front of him didn't think much of him.

But before he finished speaking, Lin Chen directly said coldly: "Find out Liu Xiaoyan, and kill all those who stand in the way!"

The words fell.

All the subordinates Dong Haihua brought scattered away, trying to turn the Liu family upside down.

See this scene.

Yanagawa's wind and lungs were about to explode, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone in the Liu family will go to me, whoever dares to take a step back will be dealt with according to the family law."

Now he is being bullied to the top. As the head of the Liu family, if he is subdued, if word spreads, people in Huaiyu City will laugh at him to death.


The two sides fought fiercely. Biqu library

There was a smell of blood in the air.

Large swaths of blood were sprinkled on the land of the Liu family, and the scene was once extremely scary.

But, at this moment.

One of Dong Haihua's subordinates quickly ran from outside and said, "Mr. Dong, hundreds of people have come outside, and they have surrounded the entire Liu family."

"It seems that people from the Ming and An departments have arrived."

Dong Haihua looked at Lin Chen and said solemnly.

"Is it finally here?" Lin Chen's lips curled up slightly: "That's good, help me warm up."


Lin Chen and his group walked towards the door.

Right now, Liu Xiaoyan still has no intention of showing up, so staying here obviously doesn't make much sense.

At this time, outside Liu's house.

Hundreds of people, divided into two factions, dressed in black and dressed in white, were firmly guarding the door, holding sharp swords, not even a fly could fly out of Liu's house alive.

Before these hundreds of people, there were two men standing with their hands behind their backs.

What is different from the fierce aura of others is——

The two men were expressionless, with no fluctuations in their bodies, just like ordinary people.

However, when everyone looked at these two people, there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

Fear and respect, obviously these two are the leaders of Mingbu and Anbu, the most capable generals under the head of the Jin family.

Shortly after.

Lin Chen walked out of the gate with a calm face.

He glanced around, and said lightly: "In order to intercept and kill me, you really put in a lot of effort!"

"You are Lin Chen?"

The two chiefs asked Lin Chen.


Lin Chen revealed a trace of disappointment: "I thought your boss would come here in person, but I didn't expect to send only you guys to die!"

"The tone is not small, and you also deserve the Patriarch to do it yourself?"

Hearing Lin Chen's tone of contempt, the faces of the two leaders sank.

"Ha ha!"

"Believe it or not, I can twist your Patriarch's dog's head with one hand!"

Lin Chen looked disdainful.

"My lord, when I came to Huaiyu City that day, I was injured by him. This person is not weak, so you have to be careful."

Seeing the leader of the Anbu in a black robe, Jiang Meigui whispered in Lin Chen's ear.

"Brothers, if this kid dares to insult the Patriarch, give me all I can to kill him!"

The leader of the Ming Department in a white robe gave the order coldly.

During the Setsuna period, the people from Mingbu and Anbu attacked Lin Chen fiercely like a tiger descending a mountain.

Seeing this, just when Jiang Meigui was about to face her.

The Anbu leader in black robe appeared in front of Jiang Meigui, and said in a low voice, "Miss Jiang, the Patriarch has ordered me to take you to the Jin family, please don't resist."

As he said that, a cold breath emanated from the man.

Eighth-order warrior.

Feeling that the other party was a level above her, Jiang Meigui showed unwillingness: "I will not go to the Jin family today."

Based on her understanding of the patriarch of the Jin family's flirtatious nature and flirting with women, how could she not know what kind of situation she would be in when she arrived at the Jin family.

"The master wants to see you, this is your blessing, I won't allow you to say no!"

The man in black snorted coldly, and was about to stretch out his big hand to grab Jiang Meigui's shoulder.

Lin Chen made a sudden move and hit the man's chest with a punch, sending him flying.


The man's body hit the ground, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person's aura instantly languished, and he was no longer as strong as before.

"My people, you dare to move, who gave you the courage?"

Lin Chen looked indifferent.


All of a sudden, people from Anbu shouted and helped the man in black to his feet.

"Don't worry about me, let him

Kill me! "

The black-robed man's face turned purple, and his tone was extremely cold.

Obviously, Lin Chen's punch made him feel extremely humiliated.


The next moment, everyone in Anbu yelled loudly and launched a fierce attack on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes were indifferent, and he was about to fight back.

Not far away, a shocking shout sounded: "Stop it all!"

The voice was extremely loud and carried an indescribable power, which instantly spread around the entire Liu family.

Lin Chen looked at it, and when he saw it, a group of figures in uniforms were rushing towards this side in unison.

On the uniform, the word Xuanwu is particularly conspicuous.

The leader has a resolute face, full of murderous aura, and every step he takes brings extremely strong oppression.

Like a prehistoric beast.

Seeing this, almost everyone's heart trembled, and they all speculated about the origin of these people.

"I didn't expect this guy to come."

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Obviously, the leader is none other than Zhuang Yu. Before, he thought that this guy was a follower beside Lu Siyong, but he didn't expect that he was still a member of the Xuanwu Legion, and judging by his posture, his status was not low.

"Hey, where did you come from, I'll tell you not to meddle in your own business."

At this moment, the man in black robe looked at Zhuang Yu and said unhappily.

"What if I take care of this matter?"

Zhuang Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he asked back.

"Then you are going to be an enemy of Patriarch Jin, and your end will be the same as this kid's. You will die without a place to die." Pen Fun Library

When uttering this sentence, the man in black robe pointed at Lin Chen.

"From your point of view, Huaiyu City is the site of Patriarch Jin, isn't it?"

Zhuang Yu said calmly.

"It's good to know, get away now, maybe I can spare your life."

The man in black robe said, raising his head with a look of arrogance.

"Insulting the soldiers and wantonly killing, with these two alone, you can say goodbye to this world."

When Zhuang Yu finished speaking, before the man in black could react, he took out a dagger and swung it out.


next second.

A head was thrown high and fell to the ground.

Following that, a stream of blood gushed out from his neck like a fountain.

This blow was so fast that no one knew what happened.

The man in black robe has already gone to hell.

The scene was silent for a while.

Everyone was dumbfounded and gasped frequently.

A trace of fear finally spread from everyone's hearts...

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