Overnight Success

Chapter 208 Hand Over Liu Xiaoyan, Or The Liu Family Will Perish

Huaiyu City, inside an izakaya.

Unlike the tense atmosphere outside—

Lin Chen lay on the bed, lazily stretched his limbs, obviously just woke up.

After simply washing his face, as soon as he walked out of the room, Lin Chen saw Dong Haihua here, pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Chen said.

"Lin Gaoren, you finally woke up."

Hearing this, Dong Haihua hurriedly turned to Lin Chen: "Now that the Jin family has dispatched Mingbu and Anbu to the Liu family at the same time, it's obviously for you!"

"Furthermore, the Jin family blocked all means of transportation leaving Huaiyu City. I have reported this matter to the government, but it is estimated that there will be no results."

Lin Chen frowned: "Mingbu, Anbu, what is this?"

"The so-called Light and Dark Departments are the strongest fighting forces of the Jin family. They were single-handedly selected by the head of the Jin family, so they must have been instructed by the head of the Jin family to act together this time."

Dong Haihua explained.

"From what you mean, is the Jin family going to officially declare war on me?"

Lin Chen smiled and didn't care.

"Lin Gaoren, I have mobilized all my strength, don't worry, I will do my best to protect you."

Dong Haihua said seriously.

"There's no need to be so nervous."

Lin Chen smiled playfully: "Since they want to come to die, then I will send them a ride."

"Mr. Lin Gao, you don't know something. The light and dark parts are terrifying..."

In the middle of Dong Haihua's speech, he was interrupted by Lin Chen waving his hand: "It's just a bunch of jumping clowns, let's go, let's go directly to Liu's house."

"Interceptor, kill without mercy!"

When Lin Chen's voice fell, Dong Haihua was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

An expert deserves to be an expert.

This boldness alone far exceeds him by a hundred blocks.


Lin Chen and his group drove to Liu's house.


And in the presidential suite of a high-end hotel in the center of Huaiyu.

Hua Furong was sitting on the dressing table, lost in thought.

"Miss, the event is over, we should go."

Said the middle-aged woman who had been beside Hua Furong before.

"Sister He, I haven't found that person yet, can't I stay for two more days?"

The figure of Lin Chen appeared in Hua Furong's mind, and she said to Sister He.

"Miss, now we don't know who sent the group who kidnapped you on the high-speed rail. It may be dangerous for you to stay here. It's safer to go back to the capital."

Sister He said seriously.

"However, that man saved me, and I haven't repaid him yet. You know, I don't like to owe favors."

Hua Furong pouted and said.

"Miss, if you want to find him so much, I'm afraid it's not as simple as repaying favors?"

Sister He covered her mouth to hide her smile.

"Nothing, Sister He, don't think about it, I just don't want to owe favors."

Hua Furong's pretty face blushed, clasped her jade hands and said.

"That's naturally the best. This favor family will send someone to find him and pay him back. The key is you, you can't have any thoughts about him."

Sister He paused every word: "The difference in status between the two of you is too great, this is impossible."

"I know Miss He."

Hua Furong lowered her head and said softly.

At this moment.

The door was pushed open from the outside.

A man with a stern face and an extraordinary bearing walked in.

"Mr. Lan, you are here."

"Furong and I are planning to leave."

Seeing this, Sister He said.

"Sister He, you and Miss Furong may not be able to leave Huaiyu City for the time being," the man said.

"Why?" Sister He frowned: "When we return to the capital this time, we still have two activities to attend, and we are in a hurry."

"Today, Huaiyu Jin's family blocked all traffic and did not allow anyone to leave Huaiyu City."

The man responded.

"It's a joke. The Jin family dares to block Huaiyu City. Once it affects the young lady, can the Jin family take the responsibility?"

Sister He pinched her waist and said unhappily.

"In short, according to the current situation, we cannot leave Huaiyu City for the time being."

"But don't worry, I will protect your safety."

said the man.

"Since I can't get out, can I go out for a walk? I've been busy with activities these days, and I haven't had a good look at Huaiyu City yet."

Hua Furong spoke softly.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The current situation in the city center is very serious. If the young lady goes out, she may bring danger."

The man hesitated and said.

"Miss, you should stay in the hotel. This way, it is safe. Secondly, you should also take a look at the precautions for the upcoming activities."

"For this event, I just saw that you made a few mistakes in your inattentiveness. You can't do this next time."

Sister He looked at Hua Furong and said.


At this moment, in the center of Huaiyu, Liu's house.

Ever since I learned that someone was going to destroy the Liu family, I was forced to

When the daughter of the Liu family was forced to show up.

The entire Liu family fell into a heavy atmosphere.

In the hall, the head of the Liu family, Yanagawa Feng, stood with his hands behind his back, and said to his subordinates:

"Who is it that brazenly claims to destroy my Liu family? Have you found this person?"

The subordinate shook his head: "Reporting to Patriarch, I have tried my best to search, but there is no news so far, please give me some more time."

"Time, where is the time?"

Yanagawa scolded furiously: "This person is going to visit the gate of Liu's house today!"

"It's said that raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while has raised you trash. At the critical moment, you can't handle such a trivial matter. Why don't you get out of here!"

Obviously, Yanagawa was furious about this result.

The other party said such arrogant words, but he didn't even know who the other party was or what he looked like!

Obviously, this is unacceptable to him!

"Patriarch, I don't think you need to worry too much, maybe the other party just released false news to make us mess up."

At this time, an elder from the Liu family said.

"It's better to believe it than to believe it. Besides, the Gu family is dead. If the two are the same person, then my Liu family is also in danger!"

Yanagawa rubbed his forehead, feeling very headache.

However, the next moment.

The subordinate who left just now hurried into the hall again and said: "The big thing is not good, Patriarch."

"What's the matter? It's frizzy, how decent is it!"

Yanagawa Kaze was already upset, but now seeing this subordinate's frizzy appearance, he became even more angry for a while.

"Patriarch, someone kicked down the gate of my Liu family and forced their way in."

Said tremblingly.


Yanagawa's face changed drastically, and he immediately dispatched all the bodyguards of the Liu family to rush towards the gate.


When they arrived, they found only three men and one woman standing in front of them.

It was Lin Chen, Sun Wu, Dong Haihua and Jiang Meigui.

"Old Dong, you and I have a good relationship, why are you making a fuss about my Liu family?"

Yanagawa's expression was not kind.

"Patriarch Liu, if you want to blame, you can only blame your good daughter for offending this expert."

Following Dong Haihua's gaze, Yanagawa looked at Lin Chen coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he said indifferently: "Dare to ask who you are, and how did the little girl offend you?"

"You don't need to know that much."

Lin Chen's voice was extremely domineering: "Hand over Liu Xiaoyan, or the Liu family will perish!"

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