Overnight Success

Chapter 207 When Veterans Don't Die, Everything Blooms

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Dong Haihua thumped in his heart, subconsciously said: "Mr. Lin Gao, you are..."

"Let the news out, if I don't see Liu Xiaoyan when I go to Liu's house tomorrow, then there is no need for Liu's house to continue to exist."

Lin Chen said coldly.

This statement fell.

Dong Haihua took a breath, and then said: "I'll do it now!"

After watching Dong Haihua leave, Lin Chen and the others returned to their respective rooms.

This izakaya is divided into two floors, with dining on the first floor and accommodation on the second floor, which happens to be three rooms.

And in Sun Wu's room.

A mobile phone rang.

Seeing this, Sun Wu pressed the answer button: "Who are you?"

"Old Sun, you forgot me so quickly!" A hearty laugh came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, Sun Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of excitement in his voice: "Lu Jun!"

"Old grandson, it's me."

The other end of the phone sighed and said: "After so many years, how is the injury?"

"Report to Lu Jun that the injury has healed..."

Sun Wu roughly recounted everything that happened today.

"Brother Lin went to Huaiyu City. I didn't expect that. Why did he encounter any trouble?"

"Trouble might be serious." Sun Wu thought for a while and said.

Based on his understanding of the Jin family, the Jin family is definitely not a character to be easily messed with. Although he can see that Lin Chen's strength is extraordinary, the methods of the Jin family are too weird.

Once the two sides fight, it is hard to say who is stronger and weaker.

"It happened that Zhuang Yu had just finished his mission outside, so I asked him to take someone to Huaiyu City."

Speaking of this, the other end of the phone said again: "By the way, since the injury has recovered, come back when you find the time. After all, as the former commander-in-chief of the Xuanwu Legion, it is not a problem to come back as a staff officer."

"You need troops, and troops need you."

"Thank you Lu Jun."

At this moment, Sun Wu was in tears, and his whole body could not help trembling slightly.

A soldier for a day, a soldier for life, he did not expect that after more than ten years of retirement, one day, he would have the opportunity to return to the army he loves and return to the battlefield filled with gunpowder.

Veterans don't die, everything blooms.


In the blink of an eye, the next day will come soon.

The Jin family in the outskirts of Huaiyu City.

In the large pool.

A man with a naked body, evil looks, and a pair of bewitching purple eyes was sitting quietly in the pool.

from its back

Finally, a tattoo depicting a five-clawed golden dragon was clearly visible.

With every breath he took, the water in the entire pool seemed to rippling.

This person is the Patriarch of the Jin family, Jin Wansheng known as the "Onmyoji". Biqu library

On the side of the pool, a woman covered in bruises and a disfigured face was lying there, twitching from time to time.

Obviously it was Liu Xiaoyan.

not for a while.

Outside the door, a masked man in black came over and knelt down on one knee: "Report to Patriarch, Yang Yi was killed and his body has been found."


At this time, the waves in the pool exploded, and Jin Wansheng's eyes flashed: "He's dead!"

"It seems that I underestimated Lin Chen."

The man in black continued: "There is one more thing to report to the Patriarch. Dong Haihua was also present when Anbu found out that Yang Yi died."

"That old man from the Dong family?"

The corner of Jin Wansheng's mouth reveals a playfulness: "Since this old man has lived enough, I don't mind giving him a ride."

"By the way, I heard that there is a woman with good skills beside Lin Chen, right?"

"This person's name is Jiang Meigui and he is the leader of the underground forces in Yunhuai City." The man in black said.

"The last time she came to Huaiyu City, I let her go. This time, I have to bring her to me. After all, I'm tired of the woman from the Liu family, and I need a change."

As Jin Wansheng spoke, his face was full of obscenity.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyan's body trembled instinctively, her pupils were lifeless, full of fear.

"Patriarch, that Lin Chen will go to the Liu family today, even claiming that if Miss Liu is not found, the Liu family will be destroyed, you see?"

The man in black glanced at the naked Liu Xiaoyan and said.


Jin Wansheng chuckled: "First destroy the Gu family, and then the Liu family. I want to see how capable this kid is."

"No, master, please, for the sake of my service these days, please help the Liu family."

At this moment, Liu Xiaoyan heard that the Liu family was in trouble, endured the severe pain in her body, got up and begged Jin Wansheng.

Jin Wansheng glanced sideways at Liu Xiaoyan, and then smiled evilly: "Forget it, if this kid continues to show off, then my Jin family will show weakness."

"Pass down the order to let Mingbu and Anbu unite to mobilize all the power for me to go to Liu's house and kill this kid for me."

"There are also major transportation vehicles in Huaiyu City, and I have sent people to block them. Today, Huaiyu City can only

In, not out. "

Hearing this, the man in black subconsciously said: "But there is such a big commotion, I'm afraid the governor will not be able to explain it."

"Is it important?"

As soon as Jin Wansheng finished speaking, the man in black immediately nodded and said, "It's the head of the house, and I'll do it right away."

Seeing the man in black leave quickly.

A trace of coldness appeared on Jin Wansheng's face, and he sneered in his heart: "Lin Chen, right? Since you dare to come to Huaiyu City to fight against me, then I will let you go without returning!"

after an hour.

All major means of transportation in Huaiyu City were blocked, and no one was allowed to enter.

Immediately afterwards, the two parties, dressed in white and black, headed towards Liu's house at the fastest speed.

Obviously, these two parties are the bright and dark parts of the Jin family.

The so-called Ming Department refers to the well-trained and powerful Lianjiazi of the Jin family. To enter the Ming Department, the minimum strength requires a fifth-order martial artist level.

However, the Anbu refers to the Jin family's surveillance and investigators. The Anbu personnel are distributed in every corner of Huaiyu City, and they will report in time if there is any trouble.

Moreover, everyone in Anbu is an assassin with extremely high agility. Yang Yi, who assassinated Lin Chen before, is a member of Anbu.

Today, the Ming and Anbu came out together, instantly causing a sensation in the entire Huaiyu City. The last time the two were launched at the same time was when the three giants joined forces to deal with the Jin family.

As a result, the leading wealthy family was bloodbathed, leaving no one alive.

This time, why did the Jin family put on such a big posture?

Everyone was puzzled.

And here, Huaiyu City Government Building.

In the office, Dudu Huaiyu listened to his subordinate's report with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Block all means of transportation, this Jin family is really brave!"

Obviously, such things as blocking travel will have a great negative impact on Huaiyu City. If it attracts the attention of the higher authorities, he will be the first to be dismissed. Biqu library

"My lord, what should we do now?"

The subordinate said anxiously.

"Wait and see."

When he uttered this sentence, the governor of Huaiyu felt very aggrieved.

The Jin family was very powerful, and as the governor, he did not dare to offend easily, not to mention who the Jin family was going to target, he probably knew.

In this way, he can't afford to offend even one of the two parties.

And when the Huaiyu Governor remained neutral, the eyes of the entire Huaiyu City were focused on the Liu family.

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