Overnight Success

Chapter 214 Lin Chen Wrath

Yunhuai City, Su Group.

At this time, a group of professional bodyguards were guarding here, patrolling back and forth non-stop.

The atmosphere is very serious.

Obviously, these bodyguards were specially sent by Chen Wenbin to protect Su Qingcheng.


Lin Chen rushed here quickly with big strides.

As soon as he entered the company, Lin Chen saw Zhao Yingxiong here, so he immediately asked, "Is my wife okay?"

"Miss Su is fine. A doctor has come to see her. She is now awake."

Zhao Yingxiong responded.

"Thank you." Lin Chen patted him on the shoulder: "Say hello for Patriarch Tang."

Immediately, Lin Chen stepped into the elevator and hurried towards the office.

And in the group office.

Su Qingcheng was lying on the sofa, his face was slightly pale, and beside him sat a middle-aged man, it was Chen Wenbin, and Li Fei was also here, taking care of his best friend.

"Honey! How are you!"

The office door was pushed open from the outside, Lin Chen came in directly and asked urgently.

Although many people had already told him that his wife was not injured, he couldn't help being afraid for a while when he thought of the scene where his wife was arrested.

If Chen Wenbin hadn't sent someone to arrive in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Honey, you're back!"

Su Qingcheng got up, opened her arms, hugged Lin Chen and murmured: "I miss you so much these days, why did you go?"

"I went to solve some troublesome things. I was wrong. I didn't stay by your side and protect you well."

Lin Chen sniffed the fragrance of Su Qingcheng's hair, and blamed himself.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Chen Wenbin at the side, and said gratefully: "Thank you Dudu Chen this time, I owe you a favor."

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? Last time you helped me pry Yoshida Ikyu's mouth open and brought him to justice. I haven't had time to thank you properly. This is what I should do."

Chen Wenbin said with a smile.

"By the way, who exactly is going to kidnap Qingcheng?"

A coldness flashed across Lin Chen's eyes.

"At noon today, a man in black led someone to forcibly broke into the Su family to arrest Ms. Su. Fortunately, Ms. Su responded quickly and sent me a message,

I just heard the news and came here.

As for who it is, I'm not very clear, but I installed a locator on the man in black, and this is the last location displayed by the locator. "

As Chen Wenbin spoke, he sent a hotel address to Lin Chen's phone.

Seeing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes deeply. Given Chen Wenbin's control over Yunhuai City, he still didn't know who was going to attack his wife.

Then the target, obviously, must be the group of big shots.

It seems that after the wedding turmoil, this group of people is going to attack again, and they are targeting the people around him!

"Please guard my wife here for a while, the governor, I'll be right back."

Lin Chen said in a low voice.

"Lin Chen, where are you going!"

Upon hearing this, Su Qingcheng tightly hugged Lin Chen's waist: "I don't allow you to go, did you hear that, it's too dangerous!"

"My wife, I care more about your safety than the danger."

Lin Chen rubbed her hair and spoke softly.

"Do you need me to send someone to support you?" Chen Wenbin asked.

"No, I am enough alone!"

Lin Chen said coldly, and when he got up to leave, he couldn't control the anger in his heart anymore, his eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

At this time, the phone rang.

As soon as Lin Chen got connected, Dong Haihua's voice sounded: "Lin Gaoren, Miss Jiang has already caught Liu Xiaoyan, what do you want to do with it?"

"Kill it." Lin Chen's voice was extremely cold.

"Okay." Dong Haihua continued: "I wonder if Lin Gaoren has time to have dinner together?"

"I've already returned to Yunhuai City."

"Ah?" Dong Haihua was a little stunned.

"My wife was attacked. As for Jiang Meigui after she has dealt with Liu Xiaoyan, let her come back. I still have things to do for her!"

Hearing that Lin Chen's tone was extremely indifferent, Dong Haihua said knowingly: "I will convey the truth, Mr. Lin Gao, please do your work first."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen hailed a taxi and rushed to the target hotel immediately.


at the same time.

In a luxury hotel, in a private room for one person, Shan Tianwang said gloomyly to the other end of the phone: "Old man Wu, you look down on me too much. A mere Lin Chen, one hand is enough for me."

Solved, still need your help? "

"You have this time, so prepare your birthday banquet well!"

Hanging up the phone, Shan Tianwang's face was extremely livid, this old Wu even deliberately called to disgust him!

So far, it looks like he's going to have to do it himself.

Otherwise, when Lin Chen comes back, there is little hope of attacking Su Qingcheng!

With a plan, just as he got up and walked towards the door of the private room.


"Crack" sound!

The door of the private room was torn apart and exploded open.

Then, a voice as cold as ice came out: "Where do you want to go?"

Looking at the sharp spear-like figure in front of him, Shan Tianwang's expression changed: "Lin Chen!"

"You can call my name, it seems that the murderer is you!"

Lin Chen said indifferently, approaching the Mountain King step by step.

"So what, at the wedding scene last time, you were lucky to let your kid escape, and you will come to your door today, so I won't have to go find you!"

Shan Tianwang quickly calmed down and said.

"Sure enough, you planned everything at the wedding behind the scenes!"

"Destroy my wedding, touch my wife, you will die today!"

Adding new and old accounts together, at this moment, Lin Chen exuded a murderous aura all over his body.

"Only by you?"

Shan Tianwang looked disdainful, but before he could finish speaking, Lin Chen made a violent move and punched him in the chest.


Unprepared, Shan Tianwang let out a muffled snort, and stepped back dozens of steps.

"Tell me all the information about the big man, and I will give you a good time."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Boy, it is undeniable that you are really strong, but if you want to fight against big shots, with all due respect, you don't have the qualifications!"

Shan Tianwang said, put away the previous contempt in his eyes, and a trace of dignity appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, Lin Chen's punch just now had already posed a certain threat to him.

"Since this is the case, then you should struggle to die in pain!"

As Lin Chen finished speaking, a monstrous murderous wave emanated from his body, and in the blink of an eye, the entire hotel was covered with dark clouds.

It was as if the heavens felt Lin Chen's anger and lamented for the Mountain King!

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