Overnight Success

Chapter 213: Su Qingcheng Was Attacked

"Not interested in."

Lin Chen chose to refuse without hesitation.

Then, he glanced at the time and planned to walk towards the station.

In the past two days alone, his wechat was almost bombarded by his wife. If he didn't go back, with his wife's character, he might come to Huaiyu City directly.



At this moment, there was a shout in the distance.

Sister He and the others trotted to Hua Furong, anxiously asking, "Furong, how are you doing? Are you in any danger?"

Before Hua Furong could speak, from beside Sister He, the gentleman surnamed Lan asked Lin Chen, "Who are you, and why did you appear beside Miss?"

Hearing the man's questioning tone, Lin Chen glanced at him coldly: "Who am I, and does it have anything to do with you?"

Hearing this, the man narrowed his eyes, and the followers beside him surrounded Lin Chen directly.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

"Lan Wancheng, what are you doing!" Seeing this, Hua Furong shouted coquettishly, "He is my savior, if it wasn't for him, I would have been captured by these villains on the ground."

"Miss, you are too simple." Lan Wanwan's expression remained unchanged: "Maybe, he has ulterior motives and wants to gain your trust."

"So to be on the safe side, I have to take him back for interrogation!"

Sister He also helped and said, "Mr. Lan, this is indeed the savior who saved me and Fu Rong on the high-speed rail."

"Sister He, the head of the family sent me to protect the young lady, so I must help the young lady eliminate all suspicious people and ensure her safety.

On the high-speed rail, you met him. Miss He sneaked out and met him here. Don't you think it's a coincidence? "

Lan Wancheng said in a deep voice.

Obviously, he didn't intend to let Lin Chen go so easily.

"Lan Wancheng, don't go too far!" Hua Furong said coldly when she heard that Lan Wancheng wanted to arrest Lin Chen for interrogation.

"Miss, I suspect that this person has colluded with this group of people. Believe me, he must have ulterior motives when he approaches you."

Lan Wancheng said firmly.


At this time, Lin Chen said lightly: "It's because you haven't caught me yet."

"What do you mean?"

Lan Wancheng's expression darkened.

"It means, you trash, you are not qualified to catch me."

Lin Chen paused every word.


Lan Wancheng's face turned red, and then he said coldly: "Fuck me all, and tie him up!"

Facing the surging crowd, Lin Chen raised his mouth and waved his big hand.

Dozens of silver needles shot out quickly, piercing everyone's chest in an instant,

Make it freeze in place and not be able to move.

"Boy, how dare you..."

In the middle of speaking, Lan Wancheng was also pierced into the acupuncture point on his chest by a silver needle, so he could only stare blankly, even if he mobilized all his strength, he couldn't take a single step.


Lin Chen looked disdainful: "This time, I have taught you a lesson. If you dare to speak rudely to me again, I guarantee that your end will not be better than that of a dead person."

He has always hated this kind of self-righteous, arrogant and domineering person, who doesn't ask indiscriminately when he comes up, and wants to arrest him for interrogation based on conjecture, which is really ridiculous.

"and many more……"

Just when Lin Chen was about to leave, Hua Furong stepped forward, grabbed his sleeve, and handed over a business card, embarrassed: "You, you can consider my proposal, I welcome you here anytime."

"Also, you haven't told me until now, what's your name?"

Looking at Hua Furong's blushing pretty face, Lin Chen said:

"Lin Chen!"

"Lin Chen..." Hua Furong murmured, and suddenly summoned up her courage, hugged Lin Chen lightly, and said, "Thank you for making the rescue today."

"However, although Lan Wancheng spoke too much, his nature is not bad. Can you help them pull out the silver needle?"

Feeling the faint fragrance of Hua Furong's body, Lin Chen was a little astonished, subconsciously: "This needle will fall off after half an hour, and it won't hurt your life."

And not far away, a couple who were taking pictures unexpectedly captured the scene of the two embracing each other.

"Hey, isn't this the big star Hua Furong?"

"Yeah! Isn't she known as a single goddess? How could she hug a strange man in this street?"

"This is big news!"

The couple looked surprised, and then took a few more pictures of the two of them.

"Miss Hua, as a big star, you'd better pay attention to the influence, besides, I'm indeed married."

Lin Chen took the initiative to break free from Hua Furong's embrace, and then walked quickly to the station.


"Yes, they are all married, Hua Furong, what are you thinking!"

For some reason, Hua Furong suddenly felt a pain in her heart...

the other side.

Lin Chen, who had just arrived at the station, received a call.

The call was from Li Fei.


Why did this woman think of calling him?

Speaking of which, since Aunt Hua's accident, he hasn't seen this woman for a while.

"What's wrong, Xiaofei?" Lin Chen pressed the answering channel.

"Lin Chen, where are you, come back quickly!" Li Fei's voice was very anxious: "Qingcheng was attacked..."


Lin Chen's expression changed drastically

, hurriedly asked: "Then how is my wife now?"

"Qingcheng was frightened, but it's not a serious problem. It's just that when she was unconscious, she kept calling your name, Lin Chen, where are you!"

"Do you know that if Chen Dudu hadn't sent someone to arrive in time, Qingcheng would have been captured by that bad guy."

Li Fei's tone was full of accusations. Obviously, such a big incident happened to her best friend, and Lin Chen, the husband, was not around, which made her very dissatisfied.

"I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and at the same time he blamed himself very much.

In order to prevent people with ulterior motives from attacking Qingcheng while he was not around, he had asked Governor Huaiyu to block all news, but unexpectedly, he was still taken advantage of.

Dare to attack his wife, damn it!

next moment.

Lin Chen directly bought the earliest high-speed rail ticket to Yunhuai City.

The whole person's face was full of sharpness, and wherever he passed, the air seemed to be frozen.

The passers-by nearby even gave way one after another, whispering to him.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away, in a luxury hotel private room.

On the large swivel chair, Shan Tianwang looked at his subordinates in front of him and said coldly: "You trash, you can miss even grabbing a woman, what's the use of you if I want you?"

"My lord, calm down. I was about to succeed, but Chen Wenbin and others rushed over suddenly, which disrupted my plan. Please give me another chance."

The subordinate trembled.


Shan Tianwang looked indifferent: "There is only one chance, since you missed it, I will send other people to do it!"

Hearing this, this subordinate immediately fell to his knees, terrified at the King of the Mountain: "My lord, please give me one more time, I promise to finish..."

Halfway through the speech, a gleam of coldness shot out from Shan Tianwang's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the subordinate's head was immediately separated from his body.

According to the information from Skynet, Lin Chen is currently in Huaiyu City, which gave him the idea of ​​kidnapping Su Qingcheng as a threat to Lin Chen, but he didn't expect this trash to miss, and now he's trying to scare the snake away, unless He would do it himself, otherwise it would be even more difficult to catch Su Qingcheng.

Now the big man has been disappointed in him, if he can't solve Lin Chen again, he, the king of heaven, will probably be too tired to walk around.

After all, beside the big man, there are still three heavenly kings like him, and a new round of heavenly king election is coming soon, leaving him with less and less time.

At this moment, a burst of phone ringing suddenly rang.

Seeing the call notification, Shan Tianwang frowned and pressed the answer button.

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