Overnight Success

Chapter 212 Meeting Hua Furong Again

"My lord, your hand is injured."

At this time, Jiang Meigui hurriedly came to Lin Chen, took out a clean white handkerchief and wiped the blood from his tiger's mouth.

Lin Chen frowned, and immediately said: "This little injury is harmless, you go and see if that woman Liu Xiaoyan is here."


Jiang Meigui nodded, then stepped into Jin's house and launched a comprehensive search.


Seeing this, Lin Chen let out a foul breath, his face turned slightly pale.

In fact, in order to be sure that he could completely take down Jin Wansheng with one move, it can be said that he emptied all the aura in Qi Hai, which made him a little physically weak for a while.

"How is it, is the injury serious?"

Sensing that Lin Chen's state was not right, Zhuang Yu came to him and said.

"It's okay, it's just too much consumption, just take a rest for a while."

Lin Chen said, silently mobilizing "Immortal Jue" to start absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy in order to replenish his physical strength.

Twenty minutes later.

Jiang Meigui walked out of Jin's house, shook her head at Lin Chen and said, "My lord, I didn't find Liu Xiaoyan, but I saw some women's clothes. She must have escaped while Jin Wansheng was away."

"I'll go after it myself."

Hearing this, Lin Chen said coldly: "Okay, if you encounter trouble, please contact me immediately, and don't act on your own."

"My lord, are you caring about me?"

Jiang Meigui straightened her hair and smiled.


Seeing Lin Chen being speechless for a while, Jiang Meigui burst out laughing: "My lord, I was just joking, why are you so serious."

"Don't worry, since you don't want me to get hurt, then I will definitely pay attention to safety."

After the words fell, Jiang Meigui quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Lin, I need to go back and report everything here to the general. Do you have any objections?"

Zhuang Yu looked at Lin Chen and said.

After all, it was a matter of great importance to the Miao people. He had to explain everything to Lu Siyong, so that he could deal with what might happen next.

Who would have thought that the Miaojiang nationality, which should have been extinct long ago, would appear in the world!

"No problem, say hello to the general for me." Lin Chen nodded.

Afterwards, Zhuang Yu and his party also left here.

"Wu Dudu

Did you rush here to help clean up the mess? "

Lin Chen turned his head and said to Wu Lin who was still sluggish.

Wu Lin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will handle it properly."

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Obviously, I didn't expect this Wu Lin to be so sensible.

But in Wu Lin's eyes, ever since he learned that Lin Chen and Lu Siyong had a close relationship, he never dared to provoke each other again, not to mention that Zhuang Yu came to Huaiyu City now, needless to say, he must have come for Lin Chen .

It is not difficult to see from it that Lu Siyong attaches great importance to Lin Chen, so he still has no emotion at all, wishing to confess Lin Chen as his ancestor.

next moment.

When Lin Chen and others left here, an uproar spread throughout Huaiyu City.

The Jin family was destroyed!

Compared with the destruction of the Gu family, it is obvious that the commotion caused by this incident is even greater!

The reason, after all, is that the Jin family is too powerful, strong enough to cover the sky with one hand in Huaiyu City, but such a terrifying family suddenly fell into extinction.

Moreover, according to rumors, Jin Wansheng, the patriarch of the Jin family, was punched and killed by a mysterious person.

As for who the mysterious person is, no one knows.

All of a sudden, many families launched investigations secretly, but after a long time of investigation, they couldn't find any clues... Pen Fun Library

Huaiyu City, the city center.

Lin Chen was walking alone at the intersection of the street.

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded: "Hey, it's you!"

Lin Chen followed the prestige, and in his eyes, a beautiful woman in a white dress and a mask was walking towards him quickly.

"Who are you?"

Lin Chen was puzzled.

"Forget about me so quickly."

With a resentful tone, the woman took off her mask, revealing a delicate face.

It was Hua Furong.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Chen frowned.

"Why, you can be here, but I can't?" Hua Furong pouted, a little dissatisfied.

"That's not what it means, but you're not a big star, so if you just walk on the street alone, aren't you afraid of being blocked?"

Lin Chen said lightly.

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth!"

Hua Furong snorted: "You should leave me a contact information this time!"

"Why? I am a married man." Lin Chen insisted

Adjusted it.

"Please, I'm not interested in you." Hua Furong rolled her eyes: "I don't want to owe favors, you give me a contact information, I'll send you a sum of money, and then we'll settle the matter."

"That's unnecessary. I'm not interested in money."

Lin Chen waved his hand.

This made Hua Furong speechless for a moment...

If you are not interested in money, you think you are Boss Ma!

Wearing a suit of off-brand clothes, her tone is really serious. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Chen had saved her life, she would have made some sarcastic remarks with her temper.

At this moment.

Not far away, there was a violent shout: "He is there, brothers, hurry up!"

Hua Furong turned around and looked, and saw a group of ferocious men, carrying iron bars, approaching her. Biqu library

Immediately, Hua Furong turned pale, and quickly hid behind Lin Chen: "You crow mouth, what are you talking about!"

Lin Chen: "..."

He can carry this pot?

Soon, these men rushed to Lin Chen, panting and domineering: "Go away, kid, it's none of your business here!"

"Who are you?" Lin Chen asked.

"Does it have something to do with you? Be sensible, get out of here, or I will make you kneel down and lick the soles of my shoes!"

The first man with a scar said threateningly.

"They are with the group who arrested me on the high-speed rail."

Behind Lin Chen, Hua Furong said in a low voice: "Don't worry, as long as you protect Miss Ben, when you go back, Miss Ben will not treat you badly."

Hearing this, Lin Chen felt black.

What does this woman think of him?


"I'll give you three numbers, if you don't get out..."

Before the scarred man could finish speaking, Lin Chen waved out the silver needle impatiently.

in a blink.

The silver needles pierced the chests of these people, and they fell to the ground one by one, rolling in pain.

"Since you don't know how to speak well, then I'll teach you how to speak well."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Seeing this, Hua Furong who was at the side covered her mouth with a look of shock.

This guy must be too powerful!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Hua Furong's mind, and she turned to Lin Chen seriously: "Hey! Are you interested in being Miss Ben's personal bodyguard?"

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