Overnight Success

Chapter 217 Su Xiaoqian's Vicious Revenge

Yunhuai City, the government building.

In the office, Chen Wenbin saw the panting Chen Xue and said, "Xiaoxue, don't you have class today? Why did you come to Dad."

Chen Xue threw her schoolbag aside, put her mobile phone in front of Chen Wenbin, and hurriedly said, "Father, look at the news that Big Brother Lin said too badly!"

"Why did Brother Lin become a man with a green hat?"

Seeing this, Chen Wenbin slapped the table with a gloomy expression: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

"Does this Wu family newspaper not want to do it? How dare you insult Mr. Lin and Ms. Su!"

Long before, Chen Wenbin discovered this report, but based on his understanding of Su Qingcheng, these reports were obviously ulterior motives and deliberately smeared.

"Father, what do you think we can do to help Brother Lin?"

Chen Xue pouted and said.

Although she didn't believe the report was true, she still couldn't help feeling angry for Lin Chen.

This rumormonger is really abominable!

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, you can find your own way as a father."

Chen Wenbin said comfortingly with a smile.

Then, he left the government building directly and ran towards the Tang family.

When he arrived at the Tang family, he found that Liu Wentao and others were here.

At this moment, everyone looked solemn and frowned. Obviously, the solution to this matter has become the biggest problem right now.

"Chen Dudu, are you here?"

The Patriarch of the Tang Family, Tang Long, sat at the head seat and said to Chen Wenbin.

Chen Wenbin nodded, and immediately said to everyone with a smile: "Everyone, don't be nervous, this time the Wu family is playing with fire and self-immolating, and it will be a matter of time before they are destroyed!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was surprised, and Liu Wentao asked directly: "Dare to ask Dudu Chen, why did you say that?"

"You guys don't know, Lin Chen is currently a member of the Imperial Qilin Legion, and Miss Su is of course a military wife. Maliciously spreading rumors about a military wife is a crime of beheading in China!"

"I have already found out that the main messenger of the rumor is Su Xiaoqian, the daughter-in-law of the Wu family who just passed through the door. If there is no nod from the Wu family behind this, I absolutely do not believe it."

Hearing this, Liu Wentao frowned and said, "That's what we said, but we don't have evidence to prove our innocence!"

This made Chen Wenbin feel awkward for a while.

"Don't worry about it so much, this time the Wu family dares to make a fuss, if we don't do something, won't we be treated as a soft persimmon."

Tang Long Shen Sheng

, and continued: "Even if his Wu family is one of the four giants in the provincial capital, we have to use practical actions to tell him that we are not easy to mess with."

"I plan to go to the provincial capital to confront the Wu family in person, do you want to come together!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then said in unison: "It's all up to Patriarch Tang's arrangement!"

All those in power of various families related to the incident expressed their willingness to accompany Tang Long to meet Wu's family in the provincial capital.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

The matter of Wu family newspapers targeting Su Qingcheng spread rapidly, and instantly became a household name. Many people expressed their disdain for Su Qingcheng and slammed Su Qingcheng on the Internet.

An underground casino in Yunhuai City.

As soon as Jiang Meigui came back here, she saw all the news about Su Qingcheng on her phone.

Immediately, her beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

Are these people tired of living?

How dare you insult adults like this!

And when she found out that this matter was related to the Wu family, her whole body exuded a cold look from the inside out.

Back then, the youngest of the Wu family had a flirtatious nature and defiled one of her subordinates, so she tried her best to make him die and pay the price.

But she didn't expect that in the end, she missed and failed to succeed in one blow. In order to avoid being discovered by the masters of the Wu family outside the door, she could only choose to evacuate.

But now, the Wu family dared to target the adults, they really wanted to die!

So, before she had time to take a sip of water, she went straight to the provincial capital.


Just as the situation in Yunhuai City was stirring.

Huaguo, a borderland, a gothic villa.

Even in the daytime, this villa still gives people a gloomy feeling.

Getting close to here, it seems that the temperature has dropped a bit.

Inside the villa, in the spacious living room, a woman in a coquettish red dress is kneeling on one knee while carrying a wooden box:

"Big man, Fire Heaven King, please see me!"

"Second floor!" A hoarse voice sounded out of thin air.


The woman who claimed to be the King of Fire, climbed the luxurious stairs all the way up, until she stepped into a dark bedroom where the sun was out, and then she put down the wooden box.

"Did the body of the Mountain King come back?"

In the darkness, came the deep and hoarse voice of the big man.

"Recently, border inspections have been tightened. The target of the dead body is too large. Only one head was brought back."

The woman bowed and said.

"Shantianwang, this trash, even one

Even a little Lin Chen can't handle it, what on earth does he eat? "

Hearing the anger in the voice of the big man, the woman immediately said: "I have already contacted the Wu family, they are forcing Lin Chen to come to the door obediently, and then kill him in one fell swoop."

"Oh? Tell me, what's the old man's plan?"

Afterwards, the woman gave a brief account of what was happening in Yunhuai City.

After listening, the big man smiled lowly: "He is smart, but you tell him that killing Lin Chen is not the goal, the goal is the two dragon jades of the Su family and the Xiao family."

"If things come to fruition, old man Wu will be the new Heavenly King, replacing the Mountain Heavenly King."

"The wooden box stays, you can leave."

"Yes!" The woman bowed her head in response.


In the provincial capital, Wu's newspaper, Su Xiaoqian was crossing her legs, her face full of pride.

At the beginning, when she was kicked out of the Su family, she was like a lost dog, in a state of distress.

Later, she met Wu Tianjun. In order to complete her revenge, she chose to marry into the Wu family even though she knew that the eldest son of the Wu family was impotent.

During these days, she has been stared at at the Wu family, but so what, as long as she can complete her revenge, she is willing to let her be a dog.

By now.

Su Qingcheng's reputation has been ruined, and Su's stock market has plummeted. She can finally feel proud.

Seeing everyone insulting Su Qingcheng on the Internet, she felt extremely relieved.

"Su Qingcheng, I didn't expect you to have today, right? The Su family you value, I can destroy it in a matter of minutes!"

Su Xiaoqian sneered.

"Aren't you backed by the Tang family? But I want to see how the Tang family can compare to the Wu family!"

At this moment, Su Xiaoqian's expression was extremely arrogant, and she was already imagining the scene where Su Qingcheng came to her knees and begged in front of her, ruined and ruined.

She not only wanted Su Qingcheng to know, but also the entire Su family to know what a stupid decision it was to drive her away.

As for that Lin Chen, this little boy must have become the most famous green hat man in Tianhai Province.

The more she thought about it, the more Su Xiaoqian couldn't wait to see the ugly faces of this couple.

However, the next second.

The assistant hurried into the office, and said to Su Xiaoqian in a panic: "The chief editor is in trouble, and a group of people came outside, saying they want to see you, otherwise the newspaper will be smashed."

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