Overnight Success

Chapter 216 When The Turmoil Rises Again, Su Qingcheng's Design Collapses?

"Hey, hey, the sun is drying your butt, you two are still not up?"

Seeing that the two people still showed signs of not waking up, Li Fei pouted and said.

Hearing this, the two of them opened their eyes at the same time, showing a bit of embarrassment, especially Su Qingcheng's entire neck was covered with a blush, and she blamed Lin Chen: "It's all because you were tossing so late last night, and I didn't get up. I didn't get up today. I have something important to do!"


Lin Chen scratched his head, and said cheekily: "But you didn't tell me to stop last night!"


Upon hearing this, Su Qingcheng was immediately defeated, and a look of embarrassment appeared on her pretty face.

In front of Xiaofei, why does this guy talk about everything!

Immediately, just as Su Qingcheng was about to get up, he staggered suddenly, his straight legs trembling slightly, obviously unable to stand steadily.

Seeing this, Li Fei immediately stepped forward to help Su Qingcheng up, and gave Lin Chen a vicious look.

Tossing Qingcheng into such a state, this guy is really no ordinary beast!

However, Lin Chen didn't take it seriously. Recalling the beauty of last night, a smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

half an hour later.

After the three of them washed and had breakfast, Li Fei left the villa and went to work in the clinic as usual, while Su Qingcheng picked up his laptop and was busy in the bedroom.

Originally, she used to work in the living room, but after last night, the sofa was clearly unusable, so the task of changing the sofa fell to Lin Chen.

After a lot of effort, when Lin Chen moved the newly purchased sofa to the living room, Su Qingcheng came to him with a thermos cup in his hand: "I'm going to the provincial capital tomorrow, you can accompany me."

"Why go to the provincial capital?" Lin Chen wondered.

"I'm going to talk about a cooperation project, and it may take a few days. In order to prevent you from fishing at home, you stay with me."

Su Qingcheng's tone was full of doubts.

Since Liu Wentao invested, the current Su family can be said to be in full swing. It is difficult for the Su family to achieve a qualitative leap in the market of Yunhuai City and other urban areas alone.

Therefore, if the Su family wanted to continue to develop, they had to develop the market in the provincial capital. As for why Lin Chen was brought along, on the one hand, it was to prevent him from running around, and on the other hand, it was naturally the most reassuring to keep him by his side.

There will always be a woman to hook him up!

However, on the day they left Yunhuai City.

Tianhai Province, the provincial capital, the Wu family newspaper.

In the office, Su Xiaoqian was facing the assistant: "I asked you to prepare

Are everything ready? "

Assistant: "The editor-in-chief is all ready."

"Very well, let's publish it!"

When uttering this sentence, Su Xiaoqian's eyes flashed a gloomy coldness.

Since the wedding, she has taken over the newspaper industry of the Wu family as the eldest mistress of the Wu family.

Of course, this is what she requested on her own initiative. As for the purpose, she naturally wants to use the power of public opinion to completely destroy everything about the Su family and Su Qingcheng.

not for a while.

A handsome young man in a suit and a green water ghost Rolex pushed open the office door and came to Su Xiaoqian.

"Honey, why are you here?"

Seeing this, Su Xiaoqian said with a smile on her face.

Obviously, the young man in front of him is none other than Wu Haoxuan, the eldest son of the Wu family!

"Didn't this miss you?"

As Wu Haoxuan said, a big hand began to swim non-stop along Su Xiaoqian's body.

"It's disgusting, let outsiders see it, it will have a bad influence."

Su Xiaoqian said coquettishly.

"Joke, this is my Wu family property, I want to see who dares to gossip?"

Wu Haoxuan launched an offensive against him while talking domineeringly.

Su Xiaoqian's eyes flickered, seeing that she couldn't escape, she had no choice but to close her eyes and let Wu Haoxuan manipulate her...

At present, the Su family is developing extremely rapidly. If she wants to bring down Su Qingcheng, her biggest reliance is the Wu family, so even if she doesn't want to, she can only serve the eldest son of the Wu family comfortably in order to achieve her goal of revenge.


Su Qingcheng of the Su Group in Yunhuai City is the mistress of many big names in the business world. Many big names in the business world include but are not limited to Tang Long, Liu Wentao and others. Similar to this kind of unsightly articles poured out overwhelmingly.

After the article came out, all the people in the province began to curse at Su Qingcheng, especially after finding out that she was married, many media people took advantage of this to make Su Qingcheng a real bitch.

Externally, selling one's body is willing to become the plaything of the big bosses, soliciting investment; internally, keeping a young boy for fun.

For a while, many people expressed deep sympathy for Lin Chen, and Lin Chen was dubbed a green-hatted man because of this, becoming the saddest man in Tianhai Province.

As the matter gradually fermented, the faces of several parties in Yunhuai City were gloomy and angry.

Tang Long, head of the Tang family, Liu Wentao of the Longxiao Consortium, and others, immediately learned that the news came from the Wu family newspaper in the provincial capital.

At the moment, their lungs are about to explode!

Provincial capital, they can't intervene

, especially Liu Wentao, he was a little terrified. It is said that the big shots value the Wu family very much. This time, the Wu family broke this matter, so it seems that they did not mean to warn him.

Su family.

In the lobby, everyone in the Su family gathered together.

So far, because of this unfounded rumor, Su's shares have fallen sharply.

Mr. Su sat at the main seat, and Su Taishan was on the side, both of them had very gloomy faces.

"Could you find out who did this?"

Mr. Su said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the old man, this matter was first reported by the Wu family newspaper, and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper is Su Xiaoqian..."

A Su family member said.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

Everyone looked at each other and started talking in low voices.


Old Master Su patted the table vigorously, and immediately asked Su Taishan, "Does Xiaocheng know about this?"

"I probably don't know yet."

Su Taishan shook his head.

"You all go down, I will be alone for a while."

Mr. Su sighed and said.

As for Su Xiaoqian's revenge, he can actually guess the general idea. After all, as a daughter, watching her father die in front of her eyes, no one can feel relieved.

"Father, don't get too angry about the second child. At worst, I'll go to Wu's house in person."

Su Taishan said.

"Let's talk about it when Qingcheng comes back and see what she thinks. After all, she is the one involved in this matter."

Old Man Su was quite helpless, obviously they didn't expect that such a big disturbance would arise when Su Xiaoqian was let go that day.


Yunhuai Medical University.

The Chinese medicine class was full of people. Since Lin Chen cured President He's daughter with Chinese medicine techniques in his lecture last time, the Chinese medicine class has become the most popular elective course.

However, Chen Xue and Tang Ya were also sitting here, listening carefully.

Halfway through hearing it, a news advertisement popped up on the phone.

Chen Xue subconsciously wanted to close it, but accidentally clicked in. Immediately afterwards, she saw a shocking title.

Mr. Lin has become... a man with a green hat?

what's the situation?

Immediately, seeing Chen Xue's mouth-to-ear expression, Tang Ya also glanced at the news content.

next moment.

The expressions of the two were exactly the same, with both shock and resentment in their eyes...

Without further ado.

Chen Xue immediately picked up her schoolbag and hurried towards the Yunhuai City Government Building without saying hello to the teacher.

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