Overnight Success

Chapter 228 A Beautiful Woman Has An Appointment, Spend A Good Night Together

"Don't be glib, but I think you are lustful, and you don't have the guts, not to mention that girls don't necessarily like you!"

Su Qingcheng rolled his eyes and said.

"Honey, you're completely attracted to your husband and me, what's wrong with you..."

However, before Lin Chen could finish speaking, Su Qingcheng took her bag and walked out the door.

"Miss Wu, this is my contact information. If this guy dares to take advantage of you, you can call me."

After receiving the business card from Su Qingcheng, Wu Qiuyi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Understood, Miss Qingcheng."

After finishing speaking, she blinked innocent big eyes at Lin Chen.

This made Lin Chen feel frustrated...

Dare to love, what kind of image does he have in the eyes of his wife!

After Su Qingcheng left, Lin Chen covered his forehead and said helplessly, "Tell me, what has changed in your body recently."

Immediately, Wu Qiuyi recounted all the strange things that happened to her recently.

In fact, as early as in front of the hospital mortuary, Lin Chen told her to stay away from the forensic profession, otherwise it would be easy to get into trouble. But out of love for the profession, she did not choose to give up.

But until recently, when she performed an autopsy on a young man who died suddenly because of his obsession with watching movies, she always felt chilly.

And the weirdest thing is that every time she wakes up in the morning, her limbs are extremely weak, and no matter how early she goes to bed, she can't solve it. big.

At first she thought so too, until the feeling of fatigue in her body became more and more serious in the past two days, she remembered Lin Chen's advice to her that day, and she was very tainted with ominousness.

"I can help you solve it, but I'm afraid there will be some physical contact during the process. I wonder if you can accept it?"

After listening to all this, Lin Chen said seriously.

According to what Wu Qiuyi said, he guessed that there was a high probability that this woman was entangled by a lewd soul, but he still needed further verification of the specific reason.

"no problem."

Wu Qiuyi did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

"Okay then, you go back and take a shower, we'll call then."

Lin Chen said.


"What, is there a problem?" Seeing Wu Qiuyi's hesitation, Lin Chen asked.

Wu Qiuyi shook her head, and then said: "That's not a problem, but Mr. Lin, remember to come out for dinner this afternoon. I've already booked a restaurant. Since you're willing to help me, what about the meal?"

Well, I want to invite you. "

"it is good."

Lin Chen didn't refuse, anyway, since his wife returned to her natal home, he didn't have much to do for dinner.

That being the case, it would be better to go out for a bite, which would save you a lot of cooking.

Seeing Lin Chen agreeing, Wu Qiuyi smiled: "Then I'll send you the address when the time comes, see you soon."



Not long after Wu Qiuyi left, Lin Chen took off his clothes and was about to take a cold shower.

The phone that was charging suddenly rang.

Picking up the phone, as soon as it was connected at one o'clock, Xiao Wanyu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Lin Chen, are you free tonight?"

"Tonight?" Lin Chen hesitated and said, "I'm afraid not tonight, I already have an appointment."

"But my grandfather has already held a banquet at the Huarong Hotel, and invited many friends from Yunhuai, saying that he wants to express his gratitude to you. After all, without you, my Xiao family's property would be able to share at most one part of it. Small cup."

Xiao Wanyu spoke with a bit of urgency in her tone.

"Well, then I'll go to the scene sometime, but I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for too long." Lin Chen thought for a while and said.

"Ah..." Hearing this, Xiao Wanyu was a little disappointed, but she couldn't say much, because Lin Chen's current status had given her a sense of distance like a mountain, so she had no choice but to say: "Mr. Lin is willing to come. , Grandpa must be very happy."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen sighed, walked into the bathroom, and took a cold shower.

With his wisdom, how could he fail to see that compared to the past, Xiao Wanyu's tone this time was obviously more cautious, every word was carefully considered, and she spoke extremely carefully.

I am afraid that in the future, as his strength increases, there is a high probability that his friends will be more or less in awe of him like Xiao Wanyu.

Naturally, this scene was something Lin Chen didn't want to see.


In the evening, according to the address sent by Wu Qiuyi, Lin Chen arrived at the agreed place - Xiangfuju restaurant on time.

This is a black pearl one-diamond restaurant, and the overall consumption is not low.

"Mr. Lin, please sit down quickly."

Wu Qiuyi had been waiting here for a long time, and when she saw Lin Chen, she immediately got up to greet him.

Compared with the past, today Wu Qiuyi took off her white coat and put on a narcissus-colored dress, making her figure more prominent.

However, the most eye-catching thing is still her delicate face without any blemishes.

Bright beautiful eyes, small cherry mouth, snow

The white neck is like a princess who just escaped from Disney, elegant and noble.

"Mr. Lin, is there something dirty on my face?"

Seeing Lin Chen staring at her all the time, Wu Qiuyi's pretty face couldn't help but blush.

"That's not true."

After regaining his senses, Lin Chen secretly scolded himself for being useless, and then sat opposite Wu Qiuyi.

At first, Wu Qiuyi was still pinching the hem of her skirt, obviously unable to let go.

For her, it was the first time to eat alone with the opposite sex, and Lin Chen was so handsome, it was hard for her not to have distracting thoughts.

It's a pity that the man sitting in front of her is actually married...

This made her feel a little sour...

Time passed quietly.

The sun goes down and the lights come up.

Accompanied by a few scattered stars twinkling, it opened the night for the city.

Wu Qiuyi also gradually started talking and laughing from the initial restraint.

"Mr. Lin, when are you going to come to my house!"

While eating dinner, Wu Qiuyi asked.

"I'm going to buy some things, and when I get back, I can go to your house."

Lin Chen smiled and walked out the door.

Seeing a canteen, Lin Chen approached and picked out some mirrors, candles, white paper...

After paying the bill, Lin Chen stopped by a tool store and bought a voice recorder.

With this thing, this girl will be able to yell less later...


When he returned to the restaurant, he found four young men standing around the seats.

Two men and two women seem to be in pairs.

The four of them are dressed in famous brands and are very luxuriously dressed. It seems that the family is very wealthy.

next moment.

A blond woman wearing a LV dress and holding a Chanel bag smiled at Wu Qiuyi:

"Xiaoyi, today is Du Shao's birthday. We have already reserved private rooms. You don't need to pay. You just need someone to come."

"But I have an appointment, and I really don't have time tonight." Wu Qiuyi wondered.

"It's okay, I don't think that person is here now, just follow us."

The blond woman didn't care, she put her arms around the arm of the young man in a white suit and said: "I think Xiao Yi, you shouldn't be so disrespectful to Du Shao, I can tell you, Du Shao's family still treats you The working hospital has invested in it!"

"In the future, if you want to increase your value, you have to hug Du Shao's thigh well. Don't say that your sisters don't give you a chance. I don't know how many women are greedy for Du Shao's bed. It's not something you can climb up if you want."

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