Overnight Success

Chapter 229 The Frog In The Well

"Zhu Ying, what are you talking about!"

"Who do you take me for?"

A look of displeasure appeared on Wu Qiuyi's face.

The blond woman in front of her is Zhu Ying, her college classmate, and the two are roommates in the same dormitory. As for Du Shao, her full name is Du Bufan, and she is a well-known rich second generation of Yunhuai Medical University.

Someone who was good at something once gave Du Bufan a title called Brother Merry and Tidy. Obviously, during college, Du Bufan changed many girlfriends. It can be said that almost all the girls with a little bit of beauty in the medical university Can't escape his clutches.

But now, the university is over and everyone is going their separate ways. She never thought that she would meet Du Bufan again here.

This made her feel a little disgusted in her heart. Obviously, she had always been very repulsed by this kind of playboy.

"Hehe, Xiao Yi, you are really getting more and more noble now!"

Zhu Ying's eyes flickered.

Seemingly hearing something in Zhu Ying's words, just when Wu Qiuyi was about to respond, she found that Lin Chen had already walked over.

"Mr. Lin, this way."

Seeing Wu Qiuyi waving his hand, for a moment, everyone couldn't help but focus on Lin Chen who was coming.

"Doctor Wu, how many are these?"

Lin Chen glanced at everyone and asked with a smile.

"They are all my college classmates, and I happened to meet here."

Wu Qiuyi spoke flatly, obviously not interested.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Hi, I'm Lin Chen."

However, for Lin Chen's initiative to say hello, everyone's expressions were very cold, and no one responded.

The atmosphere gradually became a little awkward.

Seeing that everyone ignored Lin Chen, Wu Qiuyi was already a little annoyed.

It's just so disrespectful!

"Hehe, it turns out that our sister Xiaoyi has already made an appointment with a man, no wonder you don't come with us."

At this time, Zhu Ying said jokingly.

Immediately, the voice changed, she looked at Lin Chen and said, "Handsome guy, you don't blame us for disturbing you!"

"Not really." Lin Chen shook his head.

"Hehe!" Zhu Ying sneered for a while, and then began to look at Lin Chen's whole body, and found that from top to bottom, this man didn't have a famous tag on him, so she said deliberately:

"I don't know where the handsome guy is. Our Du Shao's family runs a big company. Maybe in the future, you may have the opportunity to cooperate."

Woolen cloth. "

Regarding this, Lin Chen smiled: "I can't talk about a high job, I'm just a junior assistant, but speaking of it, I haven't been to the company for a long time, and I'm afraid that one day the boss will be unhappy and fire me all at once."


Hearing this, Zhu Ying laughed so hard that she leaned forward and backward, no wonder this kid was dressed in such cheap clothes, so he was suspended from work at home!

After all, the job of an assistant has always been to serve the boss. The boss can't let you stay at home for no reason. Coupled with Lin Chen's shabby clothes, in Zhu Ying's opinion, Lin Chen is most likely a Made a mistake and got suspended.

Thinking that young people might become jobless, Zhu Ying sneered at Wu Qiuyi, "Xiao Yi, why did your vision go out of school? It's getting worse and worse!"

"My family has an annual salary of 300,000 yuan since he joined Du Shao's company, and he has bought Japanese cars."

"It's a pity that he is busy working overtime, otherwise I will definitely introduce you."

Seeing Zhu Ying hugging Du Shao's arm affectionately and pretending to show off, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel sympathy for Zhu Ying's boyfriend.

This green hat is really tight.

If Zhu Ying's boyfriend, who was working hard overtime, knew that his girlfriend followed his boss and went out to have fun, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood!

At the same time, seeing Zhu Ying showing off her boyfriend, another woman with purple hair pulled the young man beside her and said:

"Xiaoyi, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend I just met the day before yesterday, Wu Ming. My family is a milk tea maker. It is a nationwide chain with an annual income of tens of millions."

"Xiao Yi, I think you, me and Yu Ting were in the same dormitory back then, but now that we are out of school, both of us have squeezed into the upper class circle. On the contrary, it was you who had the best grades back then, but you were doing the same job. We really feel sorry for you for your low-paying forensic job."

Zhu Ying looked at Wu Qiuyi and said earnestly.

"However, your luck is good today. When you meet Young Master Du, the opportunity is in front of you. If you are willing to be Miss Du, the three of us sisters will all be squeezed into the upper circles of Yunhuai City."

When Zhu Ying said this sentence, she didn't look at Lin Chen from the beginning to the end.

Obviously, she didn't care about Lin Chen's attitude at all, and she didn't need to.


How can a small part-time employee be comparable to them?

However, in Lin Chen's eyes, their contemptuous attitude was so ridiculous.

However, with his pattern, he wouldn't have too many arguments with these female college students who just graduated and thought they would fly to the branches and become phoenixes.

"Don't miss this opportunity and don't come again. Young Master Du has reserved a private room at the Huarong Hotel. Xiao Yi, are you sure you won't come?"

Zhu Ying did not give up and asked again.

A long time ago, their group had discovered Wu Qiuyi's figure, and Du Shao even promised that if she could send Wu Qiuyi to her bed obediently, she would choose whatever Chanel bags she wanted in the new season.

Seeing a look of embarrassment flashing across Wu Qiuyi's pretty face, Zhu Ying's tone was full of threats:

"Let me tell you, Young Master Du's family has shares in your hospital, not to mention that today is Young Master Du's birthday. If you refute Young Master Du's face, you may be promoted in the future..."

"That's enough! I won't go, you just give up on that!" Before Zhu Ying could finish speaking, Wu Qiuyi interrupted coldly.


Hearing this, Zhu Ying's face turned red and she stomped her feet angrily.

During her four years in college, what she disliked the most was Wu Qiuyi's lofty appearance. She never expected that she would remain so lofty after leaving the campus.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to make you laugh, let's go."

Wu Qiuyi said apologetically.

"No problem."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and immediately glanced at his watch: "It's still early, since someone has invited you, why don't we go to the Huarong Hotel for a stroll."

Speaking of which, this is really a coincidence, originally he was still thinking about how to find time to show up at the Huarong Hotel, but unexpectedly, the other party's destination was also the Huarong Hotel.

"Ah?" Wu Qiuyi was a little surprised.

However, before she could speak, Zhu Ying said vigilantly: "Boy, do you know? Huarong Hotel is the top hotel in Yunhuai City, and the cost of a private room for one hour may cost you half a month's salary.

And today it is said that the big bosses are gathering there and want to eat and drink, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. "

The voice fell.

Wu Qiuyi's face was completely gloomy, and her voice was extremely cold: "Zhu Ying, you've gone too far!"

"I don't care how expensive the Huarong Hotel is, but if you don't let Mr. Lin go, then I won't go either!"

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