Overnight Success

Chapter 238 The Petals Are Like Knives, Shocking The Audience

Just as the old man got up from Setsuna, a powerful gust of wind swept out, making everyone on the scene change color.

Seeing this, Mr. Xiao hurriedly asked: "Old Chen, what are you..."

For Mr. Xiao, today's banquet was not only to thank Lin Chen, but also to make friends with the old man.

The old man's name is Chen Fangnian, and he is one of the four top families in the provincial capital of Tianhai Province, alongside the Zhou family, Wu family, and Ming family.

However, compared to the other three families, the Chen family is not so prominent in business, but even so, the Chen family still firmly holds the position of the four major families, mainly relying on the fact that the Chen family is a family of martial arts.

The martial arts family is dedicated to martial arts, so from the outside, the Chen family is not as conspicuous as the other three major families.

However, if you ask who is the family with the deepest heritage in Tianhai Province, the Chen family is called the second, and no one dares to call it the first.

In the Chen family, people of martial arts can be found everywhere. May I ask, who would dare to underestimate such a family?

The Wu family was so domineering back then, but when facing the Chen family, they were extremely cautious and never took the initiative to offend.

Therefore, Mr. Xiao knew that if he wanted to swallow the cake of the Wu family and digest it slowly, he must have a strong helper, and the Chen family was one of the helpers he valued the most.

After all, it is impossible for him to rely on Lin Chen all the time, and the Xiao family doesn't have such a big face.

This time, in order to persuade Chen Fang to come here, he used Lin Chen's attainments in Feng Shui and medical skills, which are different from ordinary people, and hoped that he could make friends with Lin Chen through this.

With the help of the Chen family, it would not only be good for him, but also for the Su family to open up the provincial capital market.

However, things didn't seem to develop as he expected. This Chen Fangnian seemed to have a lot of opinions on Mr. Lin...

Here, for Chen Fangnian, at first he heard that there was a big man who had deep research on Feng Shui and medical skills, so he was naturally very happy, after all, only he knew about his own situation.

So, he immediately brought his favorite granddaughter Chen Qingqing to the appointment, but he was undoubtedly disappointed when he saw Lin Chen.

First of all, Lin Chen is too young, and he is not as stable as the master of Dao at all. Secondly, in the face of everyone's flattery, this kid has no intention of pulling away from him at all. It seems that he should enjoy it very much.

it's in his head

Among them, there is a huge difference in imagining an expert who transcends the world, and he feels cheated in an instant.

Therefore, he decided not to waste any more time and left with his granddaughter.

"Mr. Chen, where are you going!"

Mr. Xiao asked anxiously.

"Old Xiao, you have to keep your eyes open when looking at people in the future, and you can't rely on hearsay. In my opinion, this kid is just a charlatan!"

Chen Fangnian paused, and then said: "In the future, don't look for me again. My time is precious, and I don't want to waste it on this kind of brat."

The words fell.

Seeing that Chen Fangnian was about to leave without looking back, Mr. Xiao immediately became anxious.

What kind of charlatan, he didn't know why Chen Fangnian had such a misunderstanding about Lin Chen.

Just when he was about to catch up and explain something.

But Lin Chen suddenly said: "Old Xiao, why bother with a dying person!"

"Since he wants to go, let him go."

As soon as this statement came out.

Chen Fangnian turned his head suddenly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

same moment.

The scene was also dead silent, and everyone was frozen in place as if petrified.

Apparently, Lin Chen's words were like a depth charge, making everyone present dare not breathe.

It should be noted that Chen Fangnian, what a character that is, but Lin Chen said that he is about to die...

This is too absurd...

It's hard to imagine what method Chen Fangnian will use next to make Lin Chen pay for what he said and did just now...

At this moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and their limbs couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

next moment.

Chen Qingqing showed anger, and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"If you dare to curse my grandfather again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart."

Hearing this, Xiao Wanyu did not give in at all and said: "Mr. Lin, of course he has his reasons for saying that. Ms. Chen, being too violent is not a good thing."

For a moment, the eyes of the two women intertwined, and sparks shot out faintly.

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket and smiled slightly: "Your grandfather's internal organs have been seriously injured, and the injury is still getting worse. According to this trend, it is true that he will not live for long."

"Shut up!"

Chen Qingqing's pretty face changed, and she said sullenly: "My grandfather did suffer from internal injuries in his early years, but how could he be so serious as you said?

Heavy. "

"Mr. Lin, are you sure?"

Out of caution, Mr. Xiao also asked.

In any case, the other party was the old head of the Chen family, and as the saying goes, misfortune comes from the mouth. If Lin Chen is really talking nonsense, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"Believe it or not, I've said it all."

Lin Chen smiled faintly, came to his seat, and began to eat with his chopsticks.

Seeing this guy cursing his grandfather and eating here like a normal person, Chen Qingqing couldn't help being furious.

"I order you, immediately kneel down and apologize to my grandpa!"

"Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Chen Qingqing said indifferently.

"It's a joke." Lin Chen didn't take it seriously: "I kindly told your old man about the problem, but you want me to apologize. There is no such thing in the world."

After that, Lin Chen ignored Chen Qingqing and began to feast on the lobster in the typhoon shelter on the table.

However, the audience was stunned by this scene.

According to Mr. Xiao, the young man may indeed be extraordinary, but the other party is the Chen family in the provincial capital after all!

It would be too disrespectful to dare to ignore it like this!

"court death!"

Chen Qingqing gave a cold shout, and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Lin Chen with gusts of wind.

Looking at this posture, she seemed to want to teach Lin Chen a lesson.

Chen Qingqing is the princess of the Chen family. She has been influenced by martial arts since she was a child, and her strength has reached the seventh rank of martial artist early on. However, just when everyone thought that Lin Chen was going to suffer a big loss.

Lin Chen sighed slightly.

Immediately, he picked up a petal placed on a plate and waved it lightly at Chen Qingqing.

At this moment, the seemingly soft petals seemed to be as sharp as a knife, and they slashed across the woman's cheek with the momentum of piercing through the air.

"Be careful!"

When Chen Fangnian saw the petals shooting out, Setsuna's expression changed drastically, and he blurted out, but before he finished speaking, he realized that it was too late.

"This is……"

Chen Qingqing was stunned, the hair on her right side was broken at the root, and the diamond pendant on her earlobe also fell off.

After touching her cheek, she found a smear of blood on her cheek.

However, what made everyone laugh from ear to ear was that the petals passed across Chen Qingqing's cheeks and shot into the window behind her.

A crack spread and expanded from the middle of the window.

In the next second, with a click, the window burst open and fell apart.

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