See this scene.

Chen Fangnian's heart was in his throat, and he was relieved to find that his granddaughter was fine.

Then, with a wry smile, he cupped his hands at Lin Chen and said, "Thank you, Master, for your mercy. It was Qingqing who was reckless just now. I apologize to you on her behalf."

Martial arts practitioners are divided into three levels. Among them, the human realm is also the easiest for ordinary people to come into contact with. The strength of human realm warriors is from rank one to rank nine, and they mainly cultivate external strength.

External strength, training bones, strength, speed.

Of course, Lin Chen's move just now is obviously a move that only those with strong inner strength can use.

Those with strong inner strength are above the ninth-level warriors, transcending the realm of human beings, and mainly cultivate the inner strength of the mind. With the blessing of inner strength, even a blade of grass can become a sharp weapon to kill the enemy.

Therefore, Lin Chen can make a petal as sharp as a knife, which is undoubtedly the performance of someone with strong inner strength.

Facing a person of this level, Chen Fangnian only had respect on his face, without any contempt before.

Seeing this, Chen Qingqing said angrily, "Grandpa, why are you saluting him? Since he dared to curse you, then I want him to look good today!"

Seeing that Chen Qingqing was about to launch an offensive again, Chen Fangnian immediately shouted coldly: "Qingqing, don't be rude to an expert!"

"I order you to apologize to the expert!"

As he spoke, Chen Fangnian's tone showed anger.

"Okay, sir."

At this time, Lin Chen laughed and said, "Your granddaughter is still young, how can I have the same knowledge as her, but her savage habit must be corrected, otherwise she will easily get killed."

"What the expert said is very true, I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back."

Chen Fangnian cupped his hands and said.

This made Chen Qingqing's pretty face flush with indescribable grievances.

She didn't understand what happened to grandpa, why did he turn his elbow outward.

"Grandpa, he cursed you..."

Chen Qingqing was not convinced, she just opened her mouth, but was stopped by Chen Fangnian's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fangnian sighed and said: "This expert is right, I really don't have many days..."

After speaking, Chen Fangnian coughed heavily.

However, as the saying goes, one stone can stir up thousands of waves, Chen Fangnian's words made the audience completely dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Is Mr. Chen really dying? But they didn't see any signs of injury from him!

While everyone was suspicious, Chen Fangnian looked at Lin Chen with burning eyes: "Master, since you can see my physical problems, you must have a solution, right?"

"Of course there is." Lin Chen smiled slightly: "But why should I save you!"

"Others value your status in the Chen family, but I don't care."

The voice fell.

Chen Qingqing was instantly dissatisfied.

"With the influence of my Chen family, many

Few people want to curry favor before it's too late, why do you look down on my Chen family, and what's wrong with my grandfather's health, you tell me! "

Seeing Chen Qingqing's unconvinced expression, Lin Chen smiled: "If I'm not wrong, your grandfather must have joined the army back then!"

"The reason for your grandfather's physical problems is that, from what I can see, your grandfather's body was already traumatized at the time, and he activated a mental method that he hadn't mastered. That's why it caused trauma to the internal organs, which is difficult to heal."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen said to Chen Fangnian: "Old man, I wonder if what I said is right?"

Hearing this, Chen Fangnian and Chen Qingqing looked at each other, both of them were filled with incredible shock.

In fact, in these years, Chen Qingqing also accompanied the old man to visit many famous doctors, but the famous doctors all said the same thing, saying that the wounds caused by inner strength could not be healed after so long.

This time, they came to this party with the attitude of giving it a try, and wanted to see if the expert, who was called a genius doctor by Mr. Xiao, could solve the disease.

"What the expert said is true." Chen Fangnian bowed deeply, his eyes full of admiration.

Just with the naked eye, you can see everything in his past, which is enough to show that the young man in front of him has reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Actually, the trauma you suffered back then has already healed, and it really affects the internal organs, making the injury mainly come from your cultivation of mind."

"I don't know what mental method you have cultivated, but this mental method must be incomplete and incomplete. This will inevitably lead to flaws in your cultivation process, which will then affect your internal organs. If things go on like this, it will definitely cause problems in your body. .”

Lin Chen said quietly.

Speaking of mental methods, the "Immortal Art" he obtained from the old man was a complete set of mental methods. As for the cultivation process, he didn't feel any problems.


At this moment, Chen Qingqing suddenly said: "My grandfather and I practice the same mind method, why didn't I have any problems?"

"That's because your strength is too low, and you haven't practiced for long."

As Lin Chen spoke, his voice changed: "Also, Ms. Chen, are you sure you don't feel any discomfort?"

"What do you want to say?"

Chen Qingqing seemed to think of something, and suddenly felt a little unconfident.

"Recently, you often have stomach pains, menstrual disorders, and frequent thirst. These are all signs before the onset of the disease. If it doesn't improve, you can rest assured that it won't be long before your condition will get worse."

Lin Chen said lightly.


Chen Qingqing was startled, because her recent changes were exactly the same as what Lin Chen said.

At first, she only

I didn't rest well, now it seems that there is really a problem with my mentality!

Seeing that his granddaughter was also suffering from it, Chen Fangnian said anxiously to Lin Chen: "Sir, I am old and I don't care how long I can live, but I hope you can help my granddaughter."

Speaking of this, Chen Fangnian knelt heavily on his knees in front of everyone, praying to Lin Chen.

See here.

Everyone's brains went blank.

This is the ruler of the Chen family!

Even they have to be careful with someone they admire so much, but now, this one actually kneels down to Lin Chen.

At this moment, this scene is shaking the hearts of everyone.

"Grandpa, there's no need for you to do this. At worst, I won't cure you."

Chen Qingqing stepped forward to help Chen Fangnian immediately.

However, Chen Fangnian was unmoved, as if Lin Chen would keep kneeling if he didn't speak.


Lin Chen suddenly looked at a crystal necklace on Chen Qingqing's neck.

Before, he didn't feel it, but now, the two of them are so close, he actually felt the spirit crystal's breath from this necklace.

Could it be that this necklace is made of spirit crystals?

Spirit crystals are scarce.

During this period of time, he only found a spirit crystal from Yoshida Keino, but now the Chen family seems to have a spirit crystal.

Originally, he thought that if he wanted to obtain the spirit crystal, he might have to go to the mysterious island that Lu Siyong mentioned, but looking at it now, the history of the Chen family should not be simple.

Otherwise, they would never be able to get the spirit crystal.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen helped Chen Fangnian up, and said, "Old man, I can cure your granddaughter with my method. After all, her condition is still mild, but you, I can at most help prolong her life. There is no cure."

"That's great, I would like to thank the master here." Chen Fangnian was extremely excited, and as he spoke, he was about to kneel down on the ground again.

"Old man, don't be so excited, I have conditions."

Lin Chen quickly supported Chen Fangnian.

"Master, just open your mouth, my Chen family will definitely satisfy you."

Seeing Chen Fangnian's straightforward response, Lin Chen smiled slightly: "No hurry, I'll tell you when I go to Chen's house later."

"it is good."

Chen Fangnian nodded heavily, and immediately handed the contact information to Lin Chen.

After receiving the contact information, Lin Chen looked at the time, it was ten o'clock.

The time has come, and the lewd soul who has been pestering Wu Qiuyi for a long time should appear soon. Biqu library

Then, Lin Chen said goodbye to everyone because he had something to do, and dragged Wu Qiuyi out of the Huarong Hotel.


Seeing Xiao Wanyu looking at Lin Chen's back with affection, Mr. Xiao also sighed.

It seems that in a short time, my granddaughter will not be able to come out...

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