Overnight Success

Chapter 240 Living Wasted Air, Dead Wasted Land

after an hour.

Lin Chen and Wu Qiuyi took a taxi to a remote suburb.

Ahead is a dilapidated old residential building, and Wu Qiuyi's home is also here.

At this moment, it is already late at night.

However, there are no street lights in the residential buildings, and wild cats scurry by the roadside, making calls from time to time.

This can't help but touch Lin Chen's heart. Back then, the place he lived in was also so dilapidated and dirty, but he didn't expect that Wu Qiuyi, who had an outstanding appearance, also lived in such a place.

It seems that she has a lot of stories.

not for a while.

Lin Chen came to Wu Qiuyi's residence. Compared to the outside, her house was spotless and there was a faint fragrance.


A house of less than 50 square meters has only a small bed, a sofa, a small kitchen, and a toilet.

Seeing Wu Qiuyi changing clothes, Lin Chen took the initiative to say, "I'm going to the bathroom."

However, just as he stepped into Setsuna in the bathroom, Wu Qiuyi hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, wait..."

But, it was too late.

As far as the eye can see, in the bathroom, on the drying rack, there are strips of colorful stockings and some sexy lace hoods, Xiao Nei.

Looking at this dazzling scene, Lin Chen's stomach burst into flames of desire.

On the surface, Wu Qiuyi looked aloof and kept away from strangers, but she never expected that she would be so open in heart.

Just imagine how Wu Qiuyi would look in these stockings, how fascinating it would be.

Even a man can't stand this kind of test!

A blush appeared on Wu Qiuyi's face, but just when she wanted to explain.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, there were men's yelling.

"Xiaoqiu, your aunt should go away. I have been guarding you for several days. I bought a set tonight. Don't worry, I will definitely take safety measures."

Hearing the man's teasing words, Lin Chen frowned.

"Xiaoqiu, I saw you coming back just now, if you don't open the door again, don't blame me for breaking in."

Hearing this, Wu Qiuyi took a deep breath, opened the door and said coldly: "Zhao Lei, let me tell you, don't even think about that kind of thing."


The man named Zhao Lei, with a drunk face, held a wine bottle with half a glass of wine left, and smiled: "It's up to you."

As he spoke, he pushed Wu Qiuyi away and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"This sofa is nice, we will work on it later!"

Zhao Lei drank all the wine and showed a lewd smile.

"Zhao Lei, I warn you that you are really drunk, but if you don't leave, I will report to the police that you forcibly broke into a house and sexually harassed you."

Wu Qiuyi said coquettishly.

"Ha ha!"

The corner of Zhao Lei's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and then he compared two fingers. Biqu library

"First of all, I'm not breaking into a private house. This is my house. I have a deed. It's you. I can tell you to leave at any time!"

"Secondly, if you don't pay back the money you owe, I want you to use your body to pay off the debt. That's how I value you. Don't be ungrateful."

"If you want me to leave, you can pay back the money, and I promise that I will never appear in front of you from now on."

Zhao Lei crossed his legs and said triumphantly to Wu Qiuyi.


Wu Qiuyi clenched her teeth and clenched her hands: "You are despicable, shameless, and obscene!"

"Miss Wu, what you said is wrong. The society is dangerous. If you want to blame it, you can only be blamed for being too naive." Zhao Lei licked his lips and said recklessly: "You still don't take off your clothes, what are you waiting for!"

"While I'm in a good mood, young master, maybe I can make you pay a little more tonight."

In fact, the reason why Wu Qiuyi owed Zhao Lei money, in the final analysis, was all due to a scam.

At first, this house belonged to her and her mother, and Zhao Lei was her neighbor.

Later, her mother fell ill, and when she was sent to the hospital for investigation, her mother was already in the advanced stage of lung cancer.

As a child, even though she knew that there was little hope, she still chose surgery and tried her best, but the cost of the surgery was as high as 500,000, which could not be supported by her salary as a forensic doctor.

In desperation, she chose to sell the house. At that time, because she had a difficult case in hand, she couldn't run both ways. But at that time, Zhao Lei came to the door and said that he was willing to help her contact the seller of the house, and kindly lent her 500,000 yuan, saying that the house was temporarily mortgaged.

him here.

If you find a suitable buyer, it's never too late to sell.

In the past, Zhao Lei often helped their mother and daughter, so Wu Qiuyi signed the contract immediately without thinking too much.

However, that contract was the beginning of the nightmare——

As her mother's operation failed, she wanted to tell Zhao Lei that the house would not be sold for the time being, and she owed 500,000 yuan, which she would pay back slowly in the future.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lei told her that the house was not only sold, but only sold for 250,000 yuan. The reason was that the location of the house was too remote and too old, and the buyer only paid half of the price.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lei took out the loan contract signed by the two at the beginning. It turned out that this loan contract was tricky, and the bottom line of the loan was written with a repayment period. Once it exceeded, sky-high interest would be paid.

She came and went again and again, not including the interest, she still owed Zhao Lei a total of 750,000 yuan.

Having already lost her mother, she felt that there was no hope in her life.

She thought about committing suicide, but she promised her mother to live a good life, so since then, facing Zhao Lei knocking on her door every day, persuading her to use her body to pay off the debt, she could only endure silently.

It's not that she never thought of calling the police, but the contract clearly states that she does owe money, even if she sues Zhao Lei for harassment, the man will come out again within seven days at the most.

People are sinister.

At that moment, she clearly understood this truth, this Zhao Lei not only used her trust to deceive her money, but also kept threatening, trying to occupy her body at any time.

She couldn't figure it out, could this man have a dark heart?

Doing so, where is the conscience?

Wu Qiuyi's delicate body trembled slightly, and two lines of tears lay down on her cheeks.

"Miss Wu, just follow me. What's wrong with being my lover?" Zhao Lei smiled sinisterly: "As long as you make me comfortable with serving me, you can live in this house for as long as you want."

After saying that, Zhao Lei unbuttoned his jacket, and his upper body was naked, ready to move.

Just when he was about to extend his evil claws to Wu Qiuyi.

A cold sound sounded from the bathroom.

"I said you are a scumbag, how do you deserve to live in this world?"

"It's a waste of air while alive, and a waste of land when dead!"

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