Overnight Success

Chapter 25 The Wife Is Too Domineering

"What are you nervous about?"

At this time, Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and sighed: "The patient's heart has been sealed for a long time, and the congestion is accumulated. Isn't it normal to spit it out?"

"Fortunately, you are still studying medicine. You can't even see this. It's really laughable."

Speaking of this, under the gaze of everyone, the electrocardiogram fluctuated again.

In the blink of an eye, the heart rate returned to normal.

Seeing a false alarm, Tang Long was stunned for a moment, restrained his killing intent, and immediately cupped his hands at Lin Chen and said, "Your Excellency, I was the one who passed by just now."

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I advise you not to fluctuate too violently, or you may not survive a month."

Lin Chen glanced at Tang Long and said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the big stone that everyone had just put down hung up again.

In other words, Lin Chen's words undoubtedly told Tang Long that you were dying.

But Tang Long's complexion was ruddy and he was full of energy, he didn't look like he was going to die at all!

Su Qingcheng was about to open his mouth to apologize for Lin Chen's siege, but Tang Long didn't get angry as expected, instead he looked at Lin Chen seriously: "Can you see my illness?"

Lin Chen didn't answer, but said to Dean Huang: "Don't forget, what you promised me!"

Dean Huang immediately bowed and said, "I will arrange surgery for your brother right now."

"Wang Zhanliang!"

Dean Huang shouted.

Enduring the pain in his body, Wang Zhanliang staggered towards Dean Huang and said, "Dean Huang, I'm going to prepare for the operation right now."

Dean Huang: "No, I'm telling you to prepare your resignation report. When I'm done with the surgery, come to me and I'll stamp it for you."

Hearing this, Wang Zhanliang's expression froze, and he stood there like a bolt from the blue.

"President Huang, I have made so many contributions to the hospital, you can't just fire me just because you say I'm fired!"

When he came back to his senses, Wang Zhanliang fell to his knees and said in a broken voice.

"As a doctor, when a patient is dying of a serious illness, you not only shrink back in fear, but now you don't abide by medical ethics. Obviously, you are not worthy of continuing to work as a doctor."

"About today's events, I will also record them in your file. You should prepare your resignation report."

Dean Huang said coldly.

Immediately, Wang Zhanliang's face turned pale, and he collapsed to the ground as if he had lost his soul.

Recording files, this is not expelling him, this is clearly banning him from the entire industry.

Looking back on the past, using power to show off

Gone are the days of harassing patients' families.

At this moment, Wang Zhanliang's heart was in pain, and his intestines were full of regret.


the other side.

In Ward 301, Li Xiaoli cried: "Dafu, you can't be discharged from the hospital. Your waist can't stand any more troubles. Brother Chen has already gone to the doctor. If you wait a little longer, there will be a solution."

"Solution? How to solve it?"

Niu Dafu covered his waist, suppressed his anger and said, "Do you want me to watch you be defiled by that beast?"

"If that's the case, then I'd rather die for this waist."

Just as the two were arguing, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Seeing the visitor, Li Xiaoli excitedly said: "Brother Chen, you are back, please persuade Dafu quickly, he must be discharged from the hospital!"

Upon hearing this, before Lin Chen could speak, Su Qingcheng who was beside him frowned and said, "Nonsense, I really don't understand you men, have you ever thought about your own wife's feelings when you mess around, and let a woman do it for you every day?" Do you worry about it, you are a big man and you are embarrassed?"

Niu Dafu: "..."

Lin Chen: "..."

Looking at Su Qingcheng's angry face, Lin Chen always felt that his wife was pointing fingers at Sang Huai.

"Brother Chen, this is..."

Niu Dafu said nervously.

The woman in front of her, regardless of her temperament, clothing, and posture, all indicated that she was not an ordinary woman.

"I'm his fiancee."

Su Qingcheng stroked her hair at the temples, and said generously.

"You are sister-in-law..."

For a moment, both Niu Dafu and Li Xiaoli stared wide-eyed, in disbelief...

"Lin Chen told me about your matter, and I paid for the operation fee, which should be regarded as your help to Lin Chen in the past."

"Thank you sister-in-law, you can rest assured that I will pay back the money."

Niu Dafu said subconsciously.

"Why are you being polite to her? She started a company, and it's not short of half a million."

Lin Chen said, winking at Su Qingcheng.

"You just need to take care of your injuries and don't worry your wife. As for Wang Zhanliang, who made you feel sorry for you, he has been fired by Director Huang. You should prepare as soon as possible. Director Huang will come to prepare for your surgery soon."

Su Qingcheng smiled slightly.

"Dafu, did you hear, Dean Huang is really coming to perform surgery on you, and your waist will be healed soon."

Holding Niu Dafu's hand, Li Xiaoli shed tears and was very grateful to Lin Chen.

Afterwards, Dean Huang urgently held an operation meeting and divided

Analyze Niu Dafu's condition.

In the end, two prestigious associate professors of medicine served as his assistants, and Niu Dafu's operation was very successful.


As the sun sets, the hospital hall.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng were talking and laughing as they were walking towards the entrance of the hospital.

Suddenly, a sharp sound sounded.

"Lin Chen!!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen turned around and saw Su Xiaoqian rushing out of the inpatient department with a look of evil spirits along with several bodyguards.

Behind him, Su Guodong looked at Lin Chen with an uneasy expression while holding the discharge slip.

"Hehe, you've been discharged from the hospital. Congratulations!"

Lin Chen smiled faintly: "However, your body is too delicate, but if I slap you twice, you will be admitted to the hospital."

"As your brother-in-law, it seems that I am very obliged to help you exercise!"

"Lin Chen, I owe all of this to you, and I will never let you go today."

With Su Xiaoqian's sweet shout, several bodyguards quickly surrounded Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng said coldly: "Second Uncle, is that what you mean, or Su Xiaoqian?"

Su Guodong glanced at Lin Chen coldly, and then said: "Qingcheng, I'm only going to hold this kid accountable today, I hope you don't stop him, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you face."

He had already heard that Lin Chen made a bet with Su Taishan, if he couldn't get back the payment in three days, then this kid would leave Su Qingcheng.

Based on his understanding of the bosses of the three companies, each of them is the best of the best. This kid has absolutely no chance of winning. Let alone one of the three companies, it is a fantasy.

That being the case, then he naturally doesn't have to be as fearful as before.

"What are you still doing in a daze, give it to me and avenge my daughter!"

Thinking of this, Su Guodong yelled at the bodyguards.

He knew that Lin Chen had some skills, but each of these bodyguards was carefully selected by him. They were usually used to protect himself, and they were not at the same level as the Xu family's trash.

Seeing that the bodyguards were about to make a move, Su Qingcheng stood in front of Lin Chen, raised his clear eyes and looked at the crowd: "Whoever dares to touch him today will have trouble with me!"

"If he suffers a little harm, I will demand it back from you thousands of times!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy hospital hall became silent. Biqu library

Su Qingcheng looked at Su Xiaoqian and the others with unconcealable arrogance like a high-ranking queen...

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