"Su Qingcheng, do you really want to go against me purely for a little boy who is about to get out of the group?"

Staring at Su Qingcheng, Su Guodong said in a deep voice.

"Second uncle, as I said, he is my fiance, my future husband, and the father of my future child, so I will never allow anyone to touch a single hair of him under my nose."

Su Qingcheng's tone was somewhat cold, and his eyes were as calm as a deep pool.

"Lin Chen, are you planning to hide behind Su Qingcheng for the rest of your life? Let me tell you, let alone Su Qingcheng, no matter who comes today, they can't protect you!"

Looking at the face that made her gnash her teeth, Su Xiaoqian's eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

"Wife, let your man handle the matter of beating and killing."

At this time, Lin Chen stepped forward, smiled at Su Qingcheng and said, "Don't worry, you man only needs a second to deal with these shrimps."

"Lin Chen, don't be impulsive. With me here, I don't believe anyone dares to touch you."

Hearing that Lin Chen wanted to confront him head-on, Su Qingcheng became anxious.

What happened last time is still vivid in her mind, and she doesn't want the same thing to happen to her again.

In that way, she will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of her life.

"Stop talking big, Lin Chen, if you were a man..."

Su Xiaoqian looked disdainful, and in the middle of speaking, she saw Lin Chen suddenly appearing in front of her like lightning, raised his palm, and swung it down fiercely.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, Su Xiaoqian was sent flying ten meters away.

The bright red five finger prints were clearly visible on one side of her cheek.

"Lin Chen!!!"

Witnessing this scene, Su Guodong roared, then waved his hands abruptly.

Several well-trained bodyguards clenched their fists and rushed towards Lin Chen in an instant.


With a "boom", a distinguished Rolls-Royce galloped from outside the hospital gate, and blocked the bodyguards with a beautiful tail flick.

The door opens.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes stepped out of the cab, then he glanced at Su Guodong and the others, bowed to Lin Chen and said, "Your Excellency, Master Long is here to invite you."

As soon as the words fell, Su Guodong's face changed drastically.

Master Yunhuai, what a character that is!

It is no exaggeration to say that when he stomped his feet, the entire Yunhuai River trembled three times.

How could a giant of this level invite Lin Chen, a jerk?

He is not hallucinating!


I'm not free at the moment, and I'm not watching you deal with trouble! "

Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, and said as much as possible.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man glanced at several bodyguards with sharp eyes.

At this moment, several bodyguards felt a chill in their hearts, and their knees couldn't help but weaken.

Rumor has it that Master Long has a powerful general named Zhao Yingxiong, who once defeated ten against one, with countless blood stains on his hands, could it be this one in front of him?

"Su Guodong, what do you mean?"

Zhao Yingxiong spoke indifferently.

After Master Long joined the business, he met Su Guodong at a business forum, but at that time this guy didn't even have the courage to look him directly, he looked like a softie.

"Assistant Zhao, this Lin Chen bullied my daughter, I'm going to teach him a lesson."

Su Guodong bowed, bit the bullet and said tremblingly.

"Doctor Lin is a friend of Master Long. You are teaching Dr. Lin a lesson. Are you deliberately provoking Master Long?"

Zhao Yingxiong glanced at Su Guodong, and suddenly Su Guodong was like a light on his back, and then he couldn't help pointing at Lin Chen and asked, "You mean, he is a friend of Master Long?"

"Why don't you believe it? Master Long is in the car. If you don't believe me, you can ask him!"

Hearing Zhao Yingxiong's words, Su Guodong stepped back in a hurry, breaking out in a cold sweat: "How dare I have the guts, I made a slip of the tongue just now, and I apologize to you here."

Zhao Yingxiong said lightly: "It's best if you don't have one. If you have one, please come to me directly. Doctor Lin is not something you can do. Remember?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yingxiong's eyes were full of fierceness.

Su Guodong's heart thumped, and just as he was about to make amends, Su Xiaoqian, with disheveled hair, rushed towards Lin Chen and shouted, "Lin Chen, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"


A trace of coldness flashed across Zhao Yingxiong's face, and he swung his palm towards Su Xiaoqian suddenly.

This palm was so powerful that it even slapped Su Xiaoqian, spitting out blood, flying upside down for more than 20 meters, lying on the ground and crying in pain.

"Friends who insult Master Long, this time, take it as a lesson, and if you do it again, die!"

Putting this sentence aside, regardless of Su Guodong's ugly face, Zhao Yingxiong turned his head and opened the car door, and said to Lin Chen, "Doctor Lin, please!"

"Lin Chen, don't go!" Su Qingcheng shook her head, stopping Lin Chen.

"It's okay, I'll go back as soon as I go." Lin Chen smiled, and patted Su Qingcheng's fragrant shoulder comfortingly.

Seeing that Lin Chen had made up his mind to go, Su Qingcheng said stubbornly: "

Then I will go too! "

"Miss Su, I'm afraid this won't work. Master Long only invited Dr. Lin."

Zhao Yingxiong stopped it.

"Okay, I'll be back soon, not to mention that the group is in troubled times now, and you, the backbone, are needed to take charge of the overall situation."

"Okay then." Su Qingcheng pouted, very reluctant.

She looked at Zhao Yingxiong and warned: "I know Lord Long is powerful, but if you dare to hurt my fiancé, I will never make it easy for you if you do everything possible."

Zhao Yingxiong was noncommittal, and then drove Lin Chen away.

It wasn't until they disappeared completely that Su Guodong breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Su Qingcheng and said coldly: "This matter is not over!"

Immediately, he helped Su Xiaoqian to leave slowly.

He didn't know what method Lin Chen used to get Master Long's appreciation, but if he communicated with that kind of person, if he was not careful, he might fall from heaven to hell.

He waited for the day when Lin Chen would kill himself.

At the same time, there is a coffee shop downstairs in the Su Group.

Zhao Kai looked at the man in front of him with a flattering face and said: "Xu Shao, I have already investigated clearly. The reason why that kid can get back the payment from Xue Haiqi is that he is too stupid in the final analysis."

After listening to Zhao Kai's account of Lin Chen's series of debts, Xu Tianlong's expression was uncertain: "What a waste, I have long seen that this guy will die because of his eccentricity."

"But don't worry, the bosses of the other two companies have already been taken care of by me. At this time, they should be on vacation in Mauritius. Even if that kid has great abilities, he can't get back the money."

Zhao Kai was triumphant.

"Very well, you did a good job with this."

Xu Tianlong took a sip of his coffee, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Originally, he thought that if Su Qingcheng married him obediently, then he would be merciful and share the research secret recipe of scar-removing ointment with Su.

But now, since this woman doesn't know how to flatter her, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Even if that kid helps Su's get back 100 million, so what, under the impact of the scar cream, Su's market share will only get smaller and smaller.

He wants Su Qingcheng to watch the Su family be completely eliminated by the market and go bankrupt, then he won't believe that this woman won't come to beg him!

Just when Xu Tianlong thought this way.

The phone receives a text message.

Xu Tianlong glanced subconsciously, and then his whole face was extremely distorted, his face was so ugly that it seemed that water could drip.

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