Overnight Success

Chapter 257 The So-Called Heavenly King Is Nothing More Than That

"Lin Chen, you have to think clearly, there are only a handful of people who can be favored by big shots."

Huo Tianwang said coldly: "You must not miss this opportunity!"

"I advise you not to waste your words." Lin Chen waved his hand, his gaze became sharp: "Not only will I not join you, but one day, I will find a big shot and take him down personally!"

Hearing Lin Chen's straightforward response, Huo Tianwang Xiu frowned.

However, before she could speak.

Lu Rover on the side roared angrily: "Dark Night Phantom, if you dare to control my younger brother to attack me today, do you know what consequences you will pay!"

At this time, he has completely controlled Lu Yao and handed over the five flowers to his subordinates.

"Just because you are worthy of making me care about the consequences?"

Fire King said disdainfully.

Afterwards, she coldly looked around at the crowd: "Alright, since everyone is here, I'll take you down tonight!"

"Lin Chen, I'll give you a little more time to think about it. If you still choose to refuse, then don't blame me for being rude!"

After saying that, Huo Tianwang appeared in front of Lu Hu like a ghost.

A whip kick swept across, a strong wind surged, and the air exploded.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Looking at this posture, the strength of the woman in front of him must not be lower than that of a peak warrior of the eighth rank. This duel is interesting!

Seeing that Huo Tianwang took the lead in attacking, Lu Hu's eyes were fixed, and he immediately turned sideways, dodging the opponent's imposing whip kick.

But, he didn't have time to rejoice.

Huo Tianwang suddenly appeared behind him, and immediately threw out a punch.


This punch made Lu Rover spit out a mouthful of blood.

Most of the breath of the whole person withered.

"Come on, protect the owner!"

The people from Flying Tiger Martial Arts shouted and immediately surrounded Lu Hu.

"Are you sure that the person you hired is here to protect you?"

Lin Chen looked at Liu Wentao and joked.

Liu Wentao stomped his feet angrily and was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, he didn't leave with this group of unreliable guys, otherwise he would die today!

After tonight's matter is over, he won't pay the commission no matter what!


Seeing the people from Feihu Martial Arts Hall forming a human wall, Huo Tianwang's tone was very sarcastic.

next moment.

She swung out the silver needle in her hand and pierced into these people's bodies in the blink of an eye.

Land Rover was not spared either, and was also shot in the chest.

In an instant, the wound of Fan's needle suddenly turned black, and his skin also took on an abnormal dark green color.

"No, this silver needle is poisonous.

! "

Lu Rover spat out a mouthful of black blood, and strong fear finally appeared in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, don't we want to rescue them?"

Seeing this, Liu Wentao asked tentatively.

In fact, if these people all fall down, then it will be his turn next!

"Why do you want to save it? Is your Virgin's heart overflowing?" Lin Chen glanced at him: "It's not that I didn't tell them before, but they just didn't listen and insisted on staying here. Now the poisoning is their own fault, and they can't blame others. "

"Hehe, that's a good point!" Lin Chen of the Fire Heaven Dynasty came over: "Your temper is quite in line with my personality, have you considered it now?"

"You don't need to think about it. Tonight your fate will be the same as that of the Mountain King, and one day, I believe that the big man will come to accompany you." Lin Chen smiled lightly.

"Bold, you dare to be disrespectful to big shots!"

The King of Fire's face turned cold, and a pair of jade hands swung towards Lin Chen with unrivaled power.

"It's coming, it's coming, Mr. Lin Gao, you must stop it!"

Liu Wentao's scalp was numb, and he quickly hid behind Lin Chen.

From the fact that Huo Tianwang killed the person in Feihu Guild Hall with one move just now, he knew that this person was by no means someone he could contend with, and there was no advantage in having a large number of people.

Facing this ferocious move, Lin Chen calmly took a breath.


At this moment, Huo Tianwang's pupils flickered, and the whole person retreated tens of meters before he barely stabilized his figure.


At that moment, Liu Wentao exclaimed, his face full of shock.

My God!

Am I right, Lin Gao almost blew the Fire King away in one breath?

What kind of trick is this!

Similarly, Huo Tianwang's expression was cloudy and uncertain, obviously he was at a loss by Lin Chen's move.

But on the other hand, Lin Chen looked calm, as if he wasn't surprised by this scene.

In fact, just now, he just gathered the spiritual energy in his mouth and spit it out.

The main reason is that King Huo Tian didn't have any defenses, otherwise, with her strength as a ninth-level warrior, she wouldn't have been caught so easily.

"Have you already broken through the outer strength and reached the strength of the inner strength?"

Fire King stared at Lin Chen closely, and said in a deep voice.

"What kind of inner strength is not inner strength? I can't understand what you said."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, he cultivated immortality, not martial arts, and there was no comparison between the two.

Before breaking through from refining Qi to becoming a god, his strength should be equivalent to the peak level of a ninth-rank warrior.

Little pressure, but for now, it is still easy to clean up a Huo Tianwang.

But in the eyes of Huo Tianwang, Lin Chen at this moment is undoubtedly more unpredictable, especially when he breathed out just now, she was a little shocked.

Here, Lu Yao was even more depressed when he found that Lin Chen had become the main character on the field. He didn't know what happened to him just now, and he beat his brother, but now he is still tied up by Wuhuada, so he can only be a bystander.

"Lin Chen, be careful."

Su Qingcheng reminded.

"I understand my wife, as I said, as long as I live one day, no one in this world can hurt you!"

Lin Chen showed a smile.


Su Qingcheng nodded slightly, her pretty face was full of tenderness and sweetness.

"Pretending to be a ghost, if you have the ability, you can perform the move just now!"

The King of Fire took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength, and attacked Lin Chen fiercely again.

Seeing that she was about to rush in front of Lin Chen, Lin Chen hadn't performed the move just now, which made her dispel all her doubts. It seemed that the use of that move must have had serious side effects.

Either way, taking advantage of Lin Chen's weakness, she wants to take him down in one fell swoop.

However, just as she concentrated her strength on her right fist and was about to land on Lin Chen's heart, she found that Lin Chen suddenly disappeared, which made her right fist go empty!

"what's the situation?"

Huo Tianwang's pretty face was shocked, she couldn't understand how Lin Chen escaped from her breath lock at such a close distance!

But, don't wait for her to figure it out.

Lin Chen's ethereal voice sounded from behind her.

"Slow! Too slow!"

"The killer known as the Night Phantom seems to be nothing more than that!"

Huo Tianwang turned his head subconsciously, and saw Lin Chen's mouth showing a hint of playfulness, and continued: "I let you take two shots, which is considered to take care of the lady, but since you are useless, then give me a punch."

The words fell.

King Huo Tian only felt an indescribable oppression of death coming.

A second later, Lin Chen's fist burst out, smashing towards her like a burning meteorite, piercing through all her defenses in an instant, smashing her whole body to the ground, causing a huge abyss to appear on the ground. man pit.

The smoke dissipated.

Seeing the huge human-shaped deep pit on the ground, everyone on the scene was completely petrified.

Can't say a word.

The scene was dead silent, even the sound of crickets in the grass, the sound of dragonflies touching the water, and the sound of the wind blowing in their ears could be clearly heard by everyone.

It can be seen how strongly this scene shocked everyone's hearts!

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