Overnight Success

Chapter 260 Lin Chen, You Are My Hero

"Okay, so many people are watching!"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't get up for a long time, Su Qingcheng finally couldn't help but said: "You really don't plan to save these people?"

"Saving them is not as gentle and comfortable as a wife."

Lin Chen said, and smiled: "And my wife, I found that you seem to be growing up again!"

"It seems that I will have to work harder in the future! This way our children don't need to buy milk powder!"

"Fuck you!" Su Qingcheng blushed and said angrily, "If you keep talking nonsense, you will never want to sleep in my mother's bed in the future!"

That being said, during this period of time, Su Qingcheng did find that her figure seemed to be growing a second time, and she was much plumper than before.

Seeing this, all the people in Feihu Martial Arts beat their chests and stamped their feet.


What an inappropriate person!

We are still single, like you, have you taken care of the feelings of us Akita dogs!

Perhaps it was due to emotional agitation, the toxin spread faster, which made everyone's lips turn purple, and they began to spit bubbles one after another.

"It's less than three minutes before you go down to Huangquan."

At this time, Lin Chen, supported by Su Qingcheng, came to the crowd and said coldly: "If you want to survive, give me a reason to help."

Hearing that there was still a chance to save their lives, everyone's faces were filled with ecstasy.

Through Lin Chen's treatment of the middle-aged woman just now, they naturally believed that it would not be a problem to use their medical skills to save them.

But the question is, given their previous attitude towards Lin Chen, why did Lin Chen make a move.

But now it was different, Lin Chen let go, which undoubtedly made them see the last straw!

"Lin Gaoren, as long as you are willing to save us, we can treat you like an ox or a horse!"

"Lin Gaoren, if you can save my life, you are my own father and I am your son!"

For a moment, everyone used their last strength to knelt down to Lin Chen and begged for mercy.

Even Lu Hu, who has always been stubborn, changed his tune. He looked at Lin Chen and begged again and again: "Mr. Lin Gao, if you can save my life, I am willing to transfer all the shares of Feihu Martial Arts to you."

"Including Lu Yao's, it's all yours."

Lu Yao looked unwilling, but in order to save his life, he had to bow his head to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at everyone, and said indifferently: "I don't need

What do you want to pay, I don't like the little things you pay. "

"I saved you because of the goodness of the heavens. In addition, if I really don't save you, I'm afraid my wife won't be able to sleep well tonight, but remember, don't look down on others in the future!"

"As a human being, you must have a sense of awe. If you dare to pretend, I can save you, or make your life worse than death!"

Everyone nodded hurriedly: "Men Lin Gao, we remember!"

"Honey, you have to support me later."

Hearing Lin Chen's puzzled words, Su Qingcheng was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, Lin Chen swung out a silver needle, pierced everyone's abdomen, and said: "After an hour, pull out this needle, and your poison will slowly dissipate."

Then, he pretended to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Su Qingcheng had quick eyesight and quick hands, and once again helped him in time.

Appreciating the incomparably ecstasy of his wife's spring, Lin Chen smiled weakly and said: "My wife, if I fall down in the future, you will have to support me like you are doing now."

Su Qingcheng snorted, and was about to tell Lin Chen that he was a good boy for being cheap, but he saw that his face had no color at all, and he seemed to be seriously ill.

This made her feel distressed, and she said softly: "Lin Chen, you know, no matter what others think of you, to me, you are my hero."

"With you, my world is really bright."

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes and kissed Lin Chen's cold lips lightly.

next moment.

There was another heartbreaking sound at the scene.

"Oh no!"

"What sin did we do to torture us like this!"

"After eating this dog food, I will be full for the next three days!"

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Qingcheng is a high-cold, non-human goddess, with a perennially icy expression, exuding a coldness that rejects people thousands of miles away.

But today, in front of them, Su Qingcheng's enthusiasm for Lin Chen was like fire. This comparison made everyone want to die from poison. If they had known this, they would have died!

After a while.

When Su Qingcheng moved his lips away, Lin Chen still couldn't finish his words: "Honey, don't you want to send me away just by kissing me once!"

"I haven't handed in the food I've saved for a long time!"

"It's not in shape." Su Qingcheng rolled his eyes at him, and everyone in the audience couldn't help being a little crazy with that charming expression.


The middle-aged woman dragged the little girl to Lin Chen and expressed her heartfelt thanks to him.

"In the future, don't take your children out at such a late hour, it's not safe."

Lin Chen said.

"I understand, I have caused you trouble." The middle-aged woman said emotionally, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Obviously, she understood that this kind of thing would not have happened if their mother and son hadn't insisted on coming out today.

"Don't blame yourself too much, it has nothing to do with you, as long as the child is fine."

Lin Chen smiled.

"Sir, you are the great benefactor of our mother and daughter, so you leave me a contact information. When the child's father comes back, we will thank you for whatever you say." The woman wiped her tears and said.

In this regard, Lin Chen shook his head: "Don't thank me, I just do what I should do, and I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might lose the most important part of my life. "

With that said, Lin Chen looked at Su Qingcheng and smiled slightly.

Su Qingcheng also stared back, full of affection.


The police came to investigate and said that a resident of the villa area called the police, saying that there was a gang fight here.


The leader of the police who came was Xiao Ying.

Looking at Xiao Ying, Lin Chen joked, "Long time no see, Officer Xiao."

"I don't know if you have forgotten the bet between the two of us, I'm still waiting for you to kneel down and sing conquest!"

Hearing the carefree voice, Xiao Ying turned her head subconsciously. When she saw Lin Chen's face clearly, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.


I didn't expect to meet this guy again here!

After the arrest of the black-robed woman last time, Xiao Ying still had some affection for Lin Chen, but Lin Chen's opening of the mouth instantly drowned out all the joy of her reunion after a long absence.

Sure enough, this guy's nature has not changed, and his mouth is still so poisonous!

Besides, it's the time to handle the case. At this time, she wants to kneel down and sing Conquer, what will everyone think of her!

Will she be able to marry in the future!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ying said angrily to Lin Chen: "It's the middle of the night, you don't stay at home honestly, what are you doing out here!"

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