Overnight Success

Chapter 280 Wash Your Neck And Wait For Death

Hearing this, the strong man named Gangzi felt greatly insulted, and immediately shouted: "Boy, you are courting death!"

Immediately, he sprinted and pointed his fist at Lin Chen's chest.

However, Lin Chen remained motionless, letting the strong man's fist land on his chest.

During Setsuna, there was a cracking sound.

The strong man wailed, and saw that his fist was deformed, his five fingers were slightly twisted, and his whole body twitched violently.

He didn't expect that the body of the young man in front of him was so hard. Not only did he not cause any injuries, but he fractured his fist with this punch.

For a moment, fear enveloped my heart. Biqu library

Looking at Lin Chen, the strong man couldn't help but feel weak, and his calves couldn't help shaking.

"Finished? That's it?"

Lin Chen smiled contemptuously, then stepped forward and patted Gangzi lightly.

There was a "snap"!

Gangzi was thrown directly onto the wall, vomiting blood again and again, not even the slightest bit of arrogance.

"Fuck, this kid's strength is not simple!"

Someone exclaimed.

Gangzi's strength is already the best among them, but now he has been slapped away, which shows that the young man in front of him is by no means easy to provoke.

This time they encountered a hard stubble.

"Today, whoever dares to persuade me, don't hang out with me in the future. Now I order you all to follow me. There are so many of us. Is it possible that he is afraid of being alone?"

Seeing this, Li Tianniu roared.

Apparently, Lin Chen's strength was indeed beyond his expectations, but so what, two fists were no match for four hands. The people he recruited were all specially trained elites.

He didn't believe it, but today he could turn this kid upside down!

However, what happened next was enough to make him dumbfounded and doubt his life.

None of the elites he recruited was Lin Chen's opponent. He was going to say that this group of people had never even touched Lin Chen's clothes, they had been beaten all the time, and they had never fought back.

Just a few breaths.

In the huge office, the floor was full of men in suits moaning in pain. This scene stunned Su Qingcheng.

Even though she knew that her husband was very strong, it was too strong.

Last time, when Lin Chen killed Huo Tian Wang, she didn't feel much, but this time, more than a dozen men in suits were easily killed together.

It was shocking.

At this moment, Li Tianniu was trembling with fear, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

He would rather live in a dream than believe that the scene in front of him is real.

Taking a deep breath, Li Tianniu forced himself to calm down, and then he took out the pistol in his waist, with a smear of ruthlessness across his face.

As the saying goes, no matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. This time, to ensure safety, he specially brought a pistol. In front of bullets, no matter how strong this kid is, he will only die.

"Boy, whoever dares to hurt me, I will send you to see Jesus today!"

With that said, Li Tianniu raised his pistol and pointed it directly at Lin Chen's head.

"Li Tianniu, it's a crime to carry a gun privately, you'd better not mess around!"

At this moment, Su Qingcheng said anxiously: "Whatever request do you have, I promise you everything, you put down the gun."

"Bitch, are you scared now?"

Li Tianniu coldly swept Su Qingcheng, his face gradually filled with ferocity: "But, it's too late!"

"Today, this kid can only die!"

After saying that, Li Tianniu pulled the trigger, and the bullet was fired. Biqu library

"Ah, no!"

Su Qingcheng screamed subconsciously, her face full of panic.

However, in Lin Chen's eyes, Li Tianniu could kill him by shooting him in vain, which is undoubtedly too ridiculous.

next moment.

He stretched out his two fingers, and with everyone's expressions from ear to ear, he directly caught the bullet.

In an instant, the scene was dead silent.

Li Tianniu looked at the bullet caught between Lin Chen's fingers, and was scared out of his wits for a moment.

"You, you are not human..."

Li Tianniu said tremblingly.

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen showed a hint of disdain, and appeared in front of Li Tianniu in the blink of an eye, pinching his big hand holding the gun.


Li Tianniu's wrist holding the gun was instantly shattered.


What followed was Li Tianniu's painful screams.

"Just because you want to hurt me? You're a little tender!"

Lin Chen's voice was icy cold, like the voice of Hades, making Li Tianniu's scalp tingle and his fear to the extreme.

"Boy, let me tell you, I have big people backing me. If you dare to touch me, I guarantee that your end will be a million times worse than mine."

At this point, Li Tianniu had no choice but to move out the backstage in an attempt to frighten Lin Chen.

"Big man?"

Lin Chen frowned.

He didn't expect that this Li Tianniu knew the big

The characters are really a surprise.

Noticing the slight change in Lin Chen's expression, Li Tianniu suddenly gained confidence.

Immediately afterwards, he threatened: "I think someone like you should have heard of the reputation of the big man. To tell you the truth, Xingwen Entertainment is invested by the big man, and if you dare to touch me, you will not give the big man face, so You have to think about it clearly, what consequences will you bear if you touch me..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen hardly hesitated. He held Li Tianniu's shoulder with one hand and exerted a little force. With a click, Li Tianniu let out another terrifying scream.

The whole person took a deep breath and rolled his eyes in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Chen smiled slightly: "If it hurts, please contact the big shot, I can't wait, it's best if you can let him appear in front of me right now."

In this regard, Li Tianniu's mind went blank.


I have lived almost half my life, and I have never seen such an unreasonable request!

Anyone who is familiar with the big man knows that the big man is cruel and merciless. Once he is angered, death will be a relief.

Therefore, if there is no important matter, Li Tianniu should communicate as little as possible with important people, for fear that if he says a wrong sentence, he will be dissatisfied and lead to death.

But luckily now, this Lin Chen couldn't wait to meet the big shot. He seriously doubted whether this guy's mind had been caught by the door.

"Okay, since you want to die, then I will grant your wish."

Li Tianniu endured the severe pain from his shoulder and said.

Then, with his uninjured hand, he took out his phone and made an encrypted call: "Big man, I'm Tianniu, I'm in Yunhuai now, and there's a kid on my side who is very arrogant, I won't tell you if I hurt you, And disrespectful to you."

"Besides, before this, Xingwen Entertainment's cash cow was slapped by a woman. Because of this incident, the company made a lot of announcements and suffered a lot of losses. You must take it out for me! "

"Yes, I am useless. I will give you the address right now. Don't worry, I will work harder to make money for you in the future. I promise that I will not let you down in the entertainment industry."

Li Tianniu hung up the phone after finishing his speech, and then said viciously to Lin Chen:

"Boy, you have heard it all. You asked for all this. You will wash your neck later and wait for death!"

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