Overnight Success

Chapter 281 Some Fates Are Wrong From The Beginning

"That's good!" Lin Chen's face was extremely flat: "I'll just sit here and wait for him to kill me!"

"Hope he doesn't disappoint me!"

Hearing this, Li Tianniu's face was gloomy: "Boy, you don't understand the horror of a big man at all, don't be too rampant!"


Lin Chen glanced at him, and immediately swung his palm.


This palm directly slapped Li Tianniu to the ground, and a few more teeth fell off.

"Come here, massage my legs."

Following Lin Chen's words, he sat down on the sofa, Li Tianniu felt aggrieved.

A hero never suffers.

Li Tianniu was afraid that Lin Chen would do something to him again, so he had to use his intact hand to press Lin Chen's calf.

However, compared to Lin Chen's leisurely complacency, Su Qingcheng was very disturbed.

She has never heard of the reputation of a big man, but since this person is someone that Li Tianniu treats with respect, it is definitely not something Su can provoke!

Even though she had great confidence in Lin Chen, she couldn't help but worry for a while.

half an hour later.

A roaring sports car sounded.

Li Tianniu, who was beating Lin Chen's leg, was extremely excited.


The big guy is finally here!

"Press your legs well, what are you looking around for?"

As Lin Chen said, he slapped Li Tianniu again.

Li Tianniu wanted to cry but had no tears, he felt aggrieved and aggrieved, thinking that as a manager of a top entertainment company, when would he have suffered such anger, let alone being beaten on his legs.


A sound of trampling high-heeled shoes came from far and near.

Then, a beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone.

And behind this beautiful figure, followed by a group of men in black uniforms exuding a murderous aura.

They consciously followed behind Liangying, their eyes fixed on the front, not daring to cast a glance.

"Li Tianniu, you idiot, you can't even solve a little problem, and you still have the nerve to call your godfather?"

A female voice without any emotion came from Liangying's mouth.

"Princess, I'm useless. I'll admit to beating or scolding you." Li Tianniu's body trembled suddenly, and he kowtowed to Liangying: "Who said this kid is too perverted? You don't know how I got here in the past half an hour what!"

Liangying snorted coldly, then glanced around, and when her eyes fell on Lin Chen who was sitting on the sofa, his expression was not calm immediately.

"Mr. Lin, why is it you!"

Liang Ying blurted out, a pair of beautiful eyes full of

Biqu library


Obviously, Liangying is Fangyuan.

She did not expect that the person who beat up Li Tianniu was actually Lin Chen who saved her life.

For a moment, Fang Yuan's expression was full of complexity, and he didn't know what to say.

Similarly, Lin Chen was a little surprised by Fang Yuan's arrival, but more of a pity.

He thought that the mysterious big man would come in person, but unexpectedly, it was Fang Yuan who came.

Before, he felt that Fang Yuan was deliberately approaching him with impure purposes, but now that he heard the conversation between Fang Yuan and Li Tianniu just now, he also realized that this Fang Yuan was probably the goddaughter of a great man.


Lin Chen jokingly smiled: "Miss Fangyuan, we meet again."

Fang Yuan forced a smile: "Mr. Lin, it was you who injured Li Tianniu?"

Lin Chen shrugged: "Otherwise, can there be others?"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan was silent for a while.

After a while, bitterness emerged from the corner of her mouth: "Did you know early on that I have ulterior motives for approaching you?"


Hearing Lin Chen's straightforward answer, Fang Yuan felt a pain in her heart, and she asked in puzzlement, "Then why did you save me after I was bitten by a poisonous snake?"

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The two are not in conflict."

Lin Chen said lightly.

As a cultivator, whenever he promotes the righteous way and does great good things, it will be of great benefit to himself.

At least when breaking through the realm, the resistance encountered will become smaller and smaller.

"Princess, he was the one who hit me, why did you still talk to him, shouldn't you..."

Seeing this, Fang Yuan stretched out his jade hand in the middle of Li Tianniu's words, just a slap.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here!"

Fang Yuan stared at Li Tianniu, her voice was extremely cold.

"Mr. Lin saved my life. Do you think you can be compared with him in my heart?"

Hearing this, Li Tianniu's heart trembled, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

He never expected that Fang Yuan and Lin Chen knew each other.

What's more, Lin Chen even saved Fang Yuan's life!

My God!

Isn't this pure sin?

He thought that when the helper came, he would be elated, but he didn't know that this helper would join the queue to beat him.

Why is my life so miserable!

Li Tianniu was so depressed that he wanted to die...

"Okay, Miss Fang, now that your identity is exposed, it means that we can only stand on opposite sides. Why do you call me every savior?" Lin Chen said: "

If it is passed on to the big shots, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it! "

Fang Yuan sighed, and said: "Mr. Lin, I am different from them. You saved me, so I will keep it in my heart. It has nothing to do with my position."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Lin Chen said indifferently: "I am destined to be an enemy of your godfather, and you will betray your godfather because I saved you?"

"Also, the scene where you were almost raped back then, if I'm not wrong, there must have been a big shot in it!"

Fang Yuan bit her lip and smiled helplessly: "Sure enough, you know everything, it seems that I have underestimated you after all."

"Well, I'll tell you the truth now. That scene was indeed discussed and decided by my godfather. The purpose was to get close to you, because women are naturally able to make men relax their vigilance, but it seems useless to you."

"The big man is my godfather, and I have been raised by him since I was sensible, so I must complete the task my godfather gave me."

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan paused and said: "In the beginning, I wanted to use my talent and beauty to attract you, but it didn't work out, the moment you took drugs for me, I could clearly feel that I fell in love with you first .”

"And it's the kind that can't extricate itself, so since that night, I decided not to play any tricks, and want to get along with you slowly as a friend." Biquku

"I really envy your wife, she can have such an excellent man like you, Lin Chen, believe me, I never thought of harming you."

Fang Yuan's words were extremely sincere, and a trace of sadness appeared on her stunning face.

"Sorry." Lin Chen shook his head, unmoved: "I said before, as long as you are a big shot, then we will never be friends, we can only be enemies."

"All right……"

Fang Yuan looked lonely, and felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, she also knows that as both parties, it is impossible to achieve peaceful coexistence, either you die or I live!

She only hated that her identity was revealed too early and she could no longer stay by Lin Chen's side.

However, it was Li Tianniu who caused all this and forced her and Lin Chen to face each other too early!

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan couldn't help itching his teeth.

If there was more time and she and Lin Chen had a closer relationship, the result might be a little different.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

"Break this idiot's limbs and tie him into the car. I'm going to throw him into the sea and feed him to the fish!"

Fang Yuan ordered.

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