Overnight Success

Chapter 282 The Stubborn Fangyuan

"Princess, please forgive me. I did not know how to offend your savior."

"For the sake of the fact that I have played for the big shots for so many years, please give me another chance."

Li Tianniu said in an almost pleading tone.

However, the result was of no avail, and it still could not change the fact that his limbs were broken and tied up to be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Watching Li Tianniu being forcibly dragged away, Lin Chen smiled at Fang Yuan and said, "Anyway, he is your godfather, so it's not good for you to do this!"

"It doesn't matter." Fang Yuan shook his head, stared at Lin Chen and said, "If he messed with you, he should die!"

next moment.

Fangyuan took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and said softly:

"Lin Chen, believe it or not, I really never wanted to hurt you. I don't know what kind of feud you have with your godfather, but he is him and I am me. I was treated as an enemy, and that made me really sad."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yuan said again: "Can I give you a hug?"

At this time, Su Qingcheng who had been watching said coldly: "Miss, don't you think it's too much for you to ask a married man?"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan took a deep look at Lin Chen and said, "I understand."

Then, when she turned to leave, a crystal teardrop fell down.

No one understood the bitterness in her heart at this moment.

For the first time in so many years, she fell in love with a man, but this man was not only married, but also an enemy with the godfather who raised her.

Maybe, she doesn't deserve to have love!

With a desolate sigh, Fang Yuan led his men away, and finally put the tied up Li Tianniu into a sack and threw it into the bottom of the sea.

Before dying, Li Tianniu never thought that he would die so unclearly.


Inside a luxury supercar.

A sudden phone call rang.

It's from a big shot.

Fangyuan hesitated for a moment, and pressed the connection channel: "Godfather, I threw Li Tianniu into the sea to feed the fish. For Xingwen Entertainment, you can re-arrange someone else to take his place."

"What!" The big man was surprised: "You killed him? How did he mess with you?"

"You may not know that the person who injured Li Tianniu was none other than Lin Chen. Now my identity has been exposed by him, and all the previous plans have come to naught."

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan's tone became cold: "You said I won't kill him, what's the point of keeping him?"

"Since Lin Chen has figured out your identity, there is no need to continue the plan. Your task now is to kill him!"

The big man said indifferently.

The atmosphere was instantly silent.

After a while, Fang Yuan said slowly: "Godfather, don't we have to kill him?"

"Give me an explanation."

"He saved me, me, I kind of like him already."

Fang Yuan stammered.

"What!" The big man's voice suddenly rose: "Didn't I warn you not to be tempted?"

"But godfather..."

Fang Yuan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a big man forcefully: "Enough, put away your unrealistic imagination, I will send other people to deal with Lin Chen's matter, and you can come back when you find time." Pen Fun Library

"I don't want it!" Fang Yuan said stubbornly: "If you want to send someone to kill him, then I will definitely stop it with all my strength."

"Nonsense! It's not like you don't know the fate of going against me. Are you going to betray me?" The big man's tone was faintly angry.

"Godfather, do you remember that you taught me to be grateful? Lin Chen saved me, and I should repay him! But look, what have you become now, cold-blooded, violent, I want to know , where did that kind and kind godfather go!"

At the end, Fang Yuan couldn't help crying.

In her impression, since her godfather left the capital, he has become very strange, so strange that she didn't know him at all.

She couldn't figure out what happened in it. Once, she asked tentatively, but her godfather yelled at her and made a big fuss about it.

"Fangyuan! Don't forget who brought you up. If you dare to disobey my orders, you will no longer be me.

Daughter, I say this one last time, you understand. "

After the big man finished speaking in a deep voice, he hung up the phone directly.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan looked aggrieved, and his brows were filled with sorrow.

"Princess, are we now...?" the subordinate asked.

"You guys go back to the business first, I will walk alone, and I will go back later."

After saying this, Fangyuan pushed open the car door and walked slowly towards the beach.

Seeing the vehicles under him leaving one after another, Fang Yuan took off the watch he had been wearing all the time and buried it in the sand.

After doing all these well, Fangyuan's eyes flashed with determination.

Since she chose this path, she will never regret it.


the other side.

In the office, Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He could see that everything Fang Yuan said came from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't help it. The Lin family's enmity back then was most likely planned by a big shot. As Fang Yuan's goddaughter, unless they chose to betray, the two would only be hostile.

"Lin Chen!"

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted his thoughts.

Su Qingcheng stepped forward, folded his arms around his chest and said, "Be honest, what's going on between you and this woman?"

Obviously, as a woman, especially a married woman, it is inevitable for her to be jealous when she hears that other women are in love with her husband.

Of course, it would be fine to change to someone else, but this Fangyuan's appearance and temperament are not much inferior to hers, which undoubtedly gave her a strong sense of crisis.

"Honey, this matter, it's a long story..."

Lin Chen rubbed his head, and with a wry smile, he roughly told the ins and outs of the incident.

After listening, Su Qingcheng's frown slightly relaxed.

"In that case, she has an unrequited love? Why didn't I realize that you are so attractive and attractive to girls before?"

Su Qingcheng hummed softly.

"Hee hee, my wife, you look so cute when you're jealous." Lin Chen chuckled, put his arms around Su Qingcheng's small waist, and wanted to kiss her delicate lips.

Of course, at the moment when Lin Chen was about to succeed.

The phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

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